require "json" require "kemal" require "pg" require "pool/connection" # get credentials from secrets USER ="/secrets/user").strip PASS ="/secrets/pass").strip DBHOST ="/secrets/dbhost").strip DBURL = "postgres://#{USER}:#{PASS}@#{DBHOST}:5432/nombres" puts "Connnecting to #{DBURL}" # Create a connection pool to the database pg = 5, timeout: 0.2.seconds) do PG.connect(DBURL) end def normalize(s : String) : String s.unicode_normalize(:nfkd) .chars.reject! { |character| !character.ascii_letter? && (character != ' ') }.join("").downcase end # A basic hello world get endpoint post "/" do |env| prefijo = env.params.json["p"].as(String) genero = env.params.json["g"].as(String) year = env.params.json["a"].as(String) prefijo = normalize(prefijo) if !["f", "m"].includes?(genero) genero = nil end datos = [] of Tuple(String, Int32 | String) # Connect using credentials provided pg.connection do |cursor| if prefijo.empty? && year.empty? result_set = cursor.query(" SELECT nombre, total::integer FROM totales ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 50") elsif prefijo.empty? && !year.empty? # Per-year totals result_set = cursor.query(" SELECT nombre, contador::integer FROM nombres WHERE anio = $1 ORDER BY contador DESC LIMIT 50", year) elsif !prefijo.empty? && year.empty? # Filter only by prefix result_set = cursor.query(" SELECT nombre, total::integer FROM totales WHERE nombre LIKE $1 ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 50", prefijo + "%") elsif !prefijo.empty? && !year.empty? # We have both result_set = cursor.query(" SELECT nombre, contador::integer FROM nombres WHERE anio = $1 AND nombre LIKE $2 ORDER BY contador DESC LIMIT 50", year, prefijo + "%") end if !result_set.nil? result_set.each do nombre = valor = datos.push({nombre, valor}) end result_set.close end if datos.empty? raise "No data found" end end # In this context, remove all composite names datos.reject! { |row| row[0].to_s.includes? " " } datos.insert(0, {"Nombre", "Cuantos?"}) if genero pg.connection do |cursor| datos.reject! { |row| # How feminine is this name? # Yes this database is upper case puts "Checking #{row[1]} #{row[0]}" feminidad = 0 sql = %( SELECT COALESCE((SELECT frecuencia FROM mujeres WHERE nombre='#{row[0]?.to_s.upcase}'), 0) AS mujeres, COALESCE((SELECT frecuencia FROM hombres WHERE nombre='#{row[0]?.to_s.upcase}'), 0) AS hombres ) puts "SQL: #{sql}" cursor.query sql do |result_set| result_set.each do mujeres = hombres = puts "frecuencias: #{mujeres} #{hombres}" if hombres == mujeres == 0 feminidad = 0.5 else feminidad = mujeres / (hombres + mujeres) end end end # El overlap en 0.5 es intencional! if (feminidad >= 0.5 && genero == "f") || (feminidad <= 0.5 && genero == "m") false else true end } puts "Data split by gender" end end datos = datos[..10].map { |row| [row[0].capitalize, row[1]] } if datos.size > 2 title = "¿Puede ser ... #{datos[1][0].to_s.titleize}? ¿O capaz que #{datos[2][0].to_s.titleize}? ¡Contame más!" elsif datos.size == 2 title = "Me parece que ... #{datos[1][0].to_s.titleize}!" else title = "No tengo idea!" end { "title" => title, "data" => datos, }.to_json end get "/ping/" do pg.connection.exec("SELECT 42") "OK" end