require "http/client" require "http/headers" require "http/request" require "ishi/html" require "json" require "uuid" require "db" require "pg" USER ="/var/openfaas/secrets/nombres-user").strip PASS ="/var/openfaas/secrets/nombres-pass").strip DB_URL = "postgres://#{USER}:#{PASS}@" class Handler # This class is the entry point for the OpenFaaS function. # run() is the important bit def format_buffer(buffer, canvas_name, title = "") # Process the gnuplot output so it works in the page # # buffer is the Ishi output # name is a string to replace for gnuplot_canvas so # we can have multiple charts in a page # title is added on top of the chart html = buffer.to_s.split("\n") html = html[html.index("")] html = "#{title}" + html.join("\n") + %(
Sorry, your browser seems not to support the HTML 5 canvas element
) # This ID needs to be unique in case # we have 2 charts in the same page html.gsub("gnuplot_canvas", canvas_name) end def normalize_name(s) # Remove diacritics, turn lowercase normalized = s.unicode_normalize(:nfkd).chars normalized.reject! { |character| !character.ascii_letter? }.join("").downcase end def run(request : HTTP::Request) # Try to find most popular names based on a prefix, year and gender. # # Request body is JSON in this form: # # { # p: prefijo del nombre, # g: genero del nombre, # y: year de nacimiento # } if (body = request.body).nil? query = {"p": "", "g": "", "a": ""} else query = Hash(String, String).from_json(body) end # Sanitize input. # Each one either a valid string or nil prefijo = query.fetch("p", "") genero = query.fetch("g", "") year = query.fetch("y", "") if !prefijo.empty? prefijo = normalize_name(prefijo) else prefijo = nil end if !["f", "m"].includes?(genero) genero = nil end year = year.to_i? datos = [] of Tuple(Int32, String) do |cursor| if prefijo.nil? && year.nil? # Global totals result_set = cursor.query(" SELECT total::integer, nombre FROM totales ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 50") elsif prefijo.nil? && !year.nil? # Per-year totals result_set = cursor.query(" SELECT contador::integer, nombre FROM nombres WHERE anio = $1 ORDER BY contador DESC LIMIT 50", year) elsif !prefijo.nil? && year.nil? # Filter only by prefix result_set = cursor.query(" SELECT total::integer, nombre FROM totales WHERE nombre LIKE $1 ORDER BY total DESC LIMIT 50", prefijo + "%") elsif !prefijo.nil? && !year.nil? # We have both result_set = cursor.query(" SELECT contador::integer, nombre FROM nombres WHERE anio = $1 AND nombre LIKE $2 ORDER BY contador DESC LIMIT 50", year, prefijo + "%") end if !result_set.nil? result_set.each do valor = nombre = datos.push({valor, nombre}) end result_set.close end end puts "Data gathered" if datos.empty? # This is bad 😀 return { body: "Que raro, no tengo *idea*!", status_code: 200, headers: HTTP::Headers{"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, } end # In this context, remove all composite names datos.reject! { |row| row[1].to_s.includes? " " } if genero do |cursor| datos.reject! { |row| # How feminine is this name? # Yes this database is upper case puts "Checking #{row[0]} #{row[1]}" feminidad = 0 sql = %( SELECT COALESCE((SELECT frecuencia FROM mujeres WHERE nombre='#{row[1]?.to_s.upcase}'), 0) AS mujeres, COALESCE((SELECT frecuencia FROM hombres WHERE nombre='#{row[1]?.to_s.upcase}'), 0) AS hombres ) puts "SQL: #{sql}" cursor.query sql do |result_set| result_set.each do mujeres = hombres = puts "frecuencias: #{mujeres} #{hombres}" if hombres == mujeres == 0 feminidad = 0.5 else feminidad = mujeres / (hombres + mujeres) end end end # El overlap en 0.5 es intencional! if (feminidad >= 0.5 && genero == "f") || (feminidad <= 0.5 && genero == "m") false else true end } puts "Data split by gender" end end datos = datos[..10] if datos.size > 1 title = "¿Puede ser ... #{datos[0][1].to_s.titleize}? ¿O capaz que #{datos[1][1].to_s.titleize}? ¡Contame más!" elsif datos.size == 1 title = "Me parece que ... #{datos[0][1].to_s.titleize}!" else title = "No tengo idea!" end buffer = do x = (0..datos.size - 1).to_a y = { |row| row[0].to_f / 1000 } yrange(0..(y.max*1.1).to_i + 1) xtics = Hash(Float64, String).new datos.each_with_index { |row, i| xtics[i.to_f] = row[1].to_s.titleize } canvas_size(800, 300) plot(x, y, style: :boxes, fs: 0.25) .boxwidth(0.5) .show_key(false) .ylabel("Popularidad (miles)") .xtics(xtics) end { body: format_buffer(buffer, "busqueda", title), status_code: 200, headers: HTTP::Headers{"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, } end end