require "json" require "kemal" require "pg" require "pool/connection" # get credentials from secrets USER ="/secrets/user").strip PASS ="/secrets/pass").strip DBHOST ="/secrets/dbhost").strip DBURL = "postgres://#{USER}:#{PASS}@#{DBHOST}:5432/nombres" puts "Connnecting to #{DBURL}" # Create a connection pool to the database pg = 5, timeout: 1.seconds) do PG.connect(DBURL) end # Connect to the database and get information about # the requested names get "/" do |env| # Names are query parameters # Split by commas, capitalize and take the first 5 names = env.params.query["names"] .split(",").map(&.strip.capitalize)[..4] # Prepare results table results = [] of Array(String) results << ["Año"] + names (1922..2015).each do |anio| results << [anio.to_s] end # Connect using credentials provided pg.connection do |cursor| # Get the information for each name do |name| # Normalize: remove diacritics etc. name = name.unicode_normalize(:nfkd) .chars.reject! { |character| !character.ascii_letter? && (character != ' ') }.join("").downcase counter_per_year = {} of Int32 => Int32 cursor.query(" SELECT anio::integer, contador::integer FROM nombres WHERE nombre = $1", name) do |result_set| result_set.each do counter_per_year[] = end end (1922..2015).each do |anio| results[anio - 1921] << counter_per_year.fetch(anio, 0).to_s end end end results.to_json end # The `/ping/` endpoint is configured in the container as a healthcheck # You can make it better by checking that your database is responding # or whatever checks you think are important # get "/ping/" do pg.connection.exec("SELECT 42") "OK" end