# nicoletta [Nicoletta](https://github.com/ralsina/nicoletta) is a very (very) minimalistic static site generator I wrote using Python. This repo contains a reimplementation using the [Crystal language](https://crystal-lang.org/) I did in order to learn the language. I actually wrote down a [journal](journal.md) while doing it, too! ## Build and Install You can build it by running `shards build` and install it by copying `bin/nicoletta` somewhere in yout PATH. Why would you do that, I have no idea. ## Usage Running `nicoletta` will: * Read a `conf` file, which should be YAML * Read markdown files from `posts/` which have YAML metadata on top * Use the template `templates/post.tmpl` to turn the markdown into a HTML fragment using the post's metadata * Use the template `templates/page.tmpl` to turn that fragment into a HTML page This repo contains examples for everything :-) ## Development Let's not :-) ## Contributing Why???? ## Contributors - [Roberto Alsina](https://ralsina.me) - creator and maintainer