import cadquery2 as cq from cadquery2 import exporters shell_t = 2.5 # width, length VISIBLE WITHIN THE BEZEL screen_w = 223 screen_l = 57 # Distance from the left of the case to screen cutout screen_left_margin = 7 + shell_t # (7 is bezel width on that side) # width, length, height INCLUDING_BEZEL display_w = 233 display_l = 65 display_h = 5 width = 250 height = display_h + 2 * shell_t + 1 length = display_l + 2 * shell_t + 1 fillet_s = 2 # Distance from the left of the case to display end display_left_margin = screen_left_margin - 7 # Distance from the right of the case to display end display_right_margin = width - display_left_margin - display_w # Distance from the top of the case to display top display_top_margin = (length - display_l) / 2 display_bottom_margin = display_top_margin # Symmetrical screen_cutout = ( cq.Sketch().trapezoid(screen_w, screen_l, 90, mode="a") .reset().vertices().fillet(1) ) segment_breaks_top = ( cq.Sketch().rarray(width/3,length,2,1) .trapezoid(5, 15, 110, mode="a").reset().vertices().fillet(2) ) segment_breaks_bottom = ( cq.Sketch().rarray(width/3,length,2,1) .trapezoid(15, 15, 70, mode="a").reset().vertices().fillet(2) ) # Holder for the screen (other half of the case) screen_base = ( # Basic filleted box shape cq.Workplane("bottom") .lineTo(-width, 0) .lineTo(-width, height) .lineTo(0, height) .close() .extrude(length) .faces("Z") .workplane(centerOption="CenterOfBoundBox") .center((width - screen_w) / 2 - screen_left_margin, 0) .placeSketch(screen_cutout) .cutBlind(-shell_t) # Cutout for segment breaks .faces(">Z") .workplane(centerOption="CenterOfBoundBox") .center(0, length/2) .placeSketch(segment_breaks_top) .cutBlind(-1000) .center(0, -length) .placeSketch(segment_breaks_bottom) .cutBlind(-1000) ) exporters.export(screen_base, "screen_base.stl")