diff --git a/docs/funkos.md b/docs/funkos.md index 8158bfb..c093ada 100644 --- a/docs/funkos.md +++ b/docs/funkos.md @@ -26,15 +26,17 @@ end R(runtime for X) C(fa:fa-box Containerized Application) -D(fa:fa-image Docker Image) +D1(fa:fa-image Local Docker Image) +D2(fa:fa-image Remote Docker Image) E(fa:fa-server FaaSO Proxy) F(Container Instance Running In Server) G(Container Instance Running Locally) -funko_hello --> C -- faaso build --> D +funko_hello --> C -- faaso build -l --> D1 +C -- faaso build --> E --> D2 R --> C -D --> E -- faaso up --> F -D -- faaso up -l --> G +D2 -- faaso up --> F +D1 -- faaso up -local --> G ``` How is that application reached? FaaSO will usually run the image