require "./" require "crinja" require "file_utils" require "yaml" # A funko, built from its source metadata module Funko extend self struct Status property name : String = "" property scale : Int32 = 0 property containers : Array(Docr::Types::ContainerSummary) = [] of Docr::Types::ContainerSummary property images : Array(Docr::Types::ImageSummary) = [] of Docr::Types::ImageSummary def initialize(name, scale, containers, images) @name = name @scale = scale @containers = containers @images = images end end class Funko include YAML::Serializable # Required, the name of the funko. Must be unique across FaaSO property name : String # if Nil, it has no template whatsoever property runtime : (String | Nil)? = nil # Extra operating system packages shipped with the runtime's Docker image property ship_packages : Array(String) = [] of String # Extra operating system packages used only when *building* the funko property devel_packages : Array(String) = [] of String # Where this is located in the filesystem @[YAML::Field(ignore: true)] property path : String = "" # Scale: how many instances of this funko should be running @[YAML::Field(ignore: true)] property scale = 0 # Healthcheck properties property healthcheck_options : String = "--interval=1m --timeout=2s --start-period=2s --retries=3" property healthcheck_command : String = "curl --fail http://localhost:3000/ping || exit 1" def _to_context { "name" => name, "ship_packages" => ship_packages, "devel_packages" => devel_packages, "healthcheck_options" => healthcheck_options, "healthcheck_command" => healthcheck_command, } end def to_json(json : JSON::Builder) json.object do json.field("name", name) json.field("ship_packages", ship_packages) json.field("devel_packages", devel_packages) json.field("healthcheck_options", healthcheck_options) json.field("healthcheck_command", healthcheck_command) end end # Create an Array of funkos from an Array of folders containing definitions def self.from_paths(paths : Array(String | Path)) : Array(Funko) { |path|, "funko.yml") } .select { |path| File.exists?(path) } .map { |path| f = Funko.from_yaml( f.path = path.parent.to_s f } end # Get the number of running instances of this funko def scale containers.size end # Set the number of running instances of this funko def scale(new_scale : Int) docker_api = current_scale = self.scale return if current_scale == new_scale { "Scaling #{name} from #{current_scale} to #{new_scale}" } if new_scale > current_scale (current_scale...new_scale).each { { "Adding instance" } id = create_container start(id) sleep 0.1.seconds } else { |container| container.@state == "running" }.sort! { |i, j| i.@created <=> j.@created }.each { |container| { "Removing instance" } docker_api.containers.stop(container.@id) current_scale -= 1 break if current_scale == new_scale sleep 0.1.seconds } end # And now, let's kill all the containers that are NOT running { |container| container.@state != "running" }.each { |container| { "Pruning dead instance" } docker_api.containers.delete(container.@id) } end # Setup the target directory `path` with all the files needed # to build a docker image def prepare_build(path : Path) # Copy runtime if requested if !runtime.nil? # Get runtime files list runtime_base, runtime_files = Runtime.runtime_files( Runtime.copy_templated( runtime_base, runtime_files, path.to_s, _to_context ) end # Copy funko on top of runtime raise"Internal error: empty funko path for #{name}") if self.path.empty? Dir.glob("#{self.path}/*").each { |src| FileUtils.cp_r(src, path) } end # Build image using docker in path previously prepared using `prepare_build` def build(path : Path) { "Building image for #{name} in #{path}" } docker_api = tags = ["faaso-#{name}:latest"] { " Tags: #{tags}" } context: path.to_s, tags: tags, no_cache: true) { |x| { x } } end def images docker_api = { |image| false if image.@repo_tags.nil? true if"faaso-#{name}:")) } end # Return a list of image IDs for this funko, most recent first def image_history docker_api = begin docker_api.images.history( name: "faaso-#{name}" ).sort { |i, j| j.@created <=> i.@created }.map(&.@id) rescue ex : Docr::Errors::DockerAPIError Log.error { "#{ex}" } [] of String end end def latest_image image_history.first end # Get all running containers related to this funko def containers : Array(Docr::Types::ContainerSummary) docker_api = docker_api.containers.list(all: true).select { |container| container.@names.any?(&.starts_with?("/faaso-#{name}-")) && container.@state == "running" } end # A comprehensive status for the funko: def docker_status name: name, containers: containers, images: images, scale: scale, ) end # Start container with given id def start(id : String) docker_api = begin docker_api.containers.start(id) rescue ex : Docr::Errors::DockerAPIError Log.error { "#{ex}" } unless ex.status_code == 304 # This just happens end end # Wait up to `t` seconds for the funko to reach the requested `state` def wait_for(new_scale : Int, t) channel = Channel(Nil).new spawn do loop do channel.send(nil) if scale == new_scale sleep 0.2.seconds end end select when channel.receive { "Funko #{name} reached scale #{new_scale}" } when timeout(t.seconds) Log.error { "Funko #{name} did not reach scale #{new_scale} in #{t} seconds" } end end # Remove all containers related to this funko def remove_all_containers docker_api = docker_api.containers.list(all: true).select { |container| container.@names.any?(&.starts_with?("/faaso-#{name}-")) }.each { |container| begin docker_api.containers.stop(container.@id) if container.status != "exited" rescue ex : Docr::Errors::DockerAPIError Log.error { "#{ex}" } unless ex.status_code == 304 # This just happens end docker_api.containers.delete(container.@id) } end # Remove all images related to this funko def remove_all_images docker_api = { |image| return false if image.@repo_tags.nil? true if"faaso-#{name}:")) }.each { |image| docker_api.images.delete(image.@id) } end # Create a container for this funko def create_container(autostart : Bool = true) : String # The path to secrets is tricky. On the server it will be in # ./secrets/ BUT when you call on the Docker API you need to # pass the path in the HOST SYSTEM WHERE DOCKER IS RUNNING # so allow for a FAASO_SECRET_PATH override which will # be set for the proxy container secrets_mount = ENV.fetch( "FAASO_SECRET_PATH", "#{Dir.current}/secrets/#{name}" ) Dir.mkdir_p(secrets_mount) conf = image: "faaso-#{name}:latest", hostname: "#{name}", # Port in the container side host_config: network_mode: "faaso-net", mounts: [ source: secrets_mount, target: "/secrets", type: "bind" ), ] ) ) docker_api = response = docker_api.containers.create(name: "faaso-#{name}-#{randstr}", config: conf) response.@warnings.each { |msg| Log.warn { msg } } docker_api.containers.start(response.@id) if autostart response.@id end # Create an array of funkos just from names. These are limited in function # and can't call `prepare_build` or some other functionality def self.from_names(names : Array(String)) : Array(Funko) { |name| Funko.from_yaml("name: #{name}") } end # Get all the funkos docker knows about. def self.from_docker : Array(Funko) docker_api = names = [] of String # Get all containers that look like funkos docker_api.containers.list( all: true, ).each { |container| container.@names.each { |name| names << name.split("-", 3)[1].lstrip("/") if name.starts_with?("/faaso-") } } # Now get all images that look like funkos, since # we can start them just fine. docker_api.images.list.each { |image| next if image.@repo_tags.nil? { |tag| names << tag.split("-", 2)[1].split(":", 2)[0] if tag.starts_with?("faaso-") } } from_names(names.to_set.to_a.sort!) end end end def randstr(length = 6) : String chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", length)) end