# Model-A Homemade Computer Project Here are the files used to build the case for my homemade computer. You can see a lot about it in [this article](http://ralsina.me/weblog/posts/so-i-built-a-laptop.html) (or at least about it as it was in early march 2023) The main gist is to use [CadQuery](https://cadquery.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) and Python to build flexible, deeply parametric cases for computers based on Single Board Computers (think Raspberry Pi and similar things). ## How flexible? Suppose you buy a mechanic keyboard and use it as the base to build something like a classic C64-style wedge using a cheap 3d printer: ![Image of a wedge-style computer case](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FtsB6wiX0AEqrHF?format=jpg&name=large) Yes, you can do this using pretty much any mechanical keyboard you are willing to butcher. And then you remove a few screws, replace a few components and turn it into a Tandy Model-100 style laptop: ![Image of a Tandy style laptop case](http://ralsina.me/galleries/laptop/IMG20230302142042.thumbnail.jpg) Or into a "normal" notebook: ![Image of something somewhat notebook-like](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FtTFtMoXoAEblTb?format=jpg&name=large) And what's inside? * A SBC * Maybe batteries * Maybe a USB hub * Perhaps a soundcard? * Storage? How would I know, you are going to be the one that builds it! ## How is it going The basic concepts work, as proven by me building the damned things. But still: * The software needs a lot of work * It has to be made much more user friendly * All the "lids" are pretty custom one-offs (they need to be made more parametric) * The component library is very limited (just the things I am using in my build) None of those things is an insurmountable problem, and I am working on them, and I have plans to fix it all. Eventually. Some day. In the meantime, if you want to use any of this and need a hand, just contact me at roberto.alsina@gmail.com and I'll try to help.