import cadquery as cq import dimensions as dim import components.keyboard as keyboard import components.screen_pillars as screen_pillars from utils import export mounting_pillar_positions = [(x, -y) for x, y in dim.mounting_pillar_positions] mounting_pillars = ( cq.Sketch() .push(mounting_pillar_positions) .trapezoid(screen_pillars.pillar_height, screen_pillars.pillar_width, 90, mode="a") .circle(dim.ti_radius, mode="s") .clean() ) def model(): # Create a 2-part hinged lid model = ( cq.Workplane("XY") # Hollow box .workplane(offset=-dim.hl_full_thickness / 2) .box(dim.width, dim.height, dim.hl_full_thickness) .tag("base") .edges("|X and >Z and Z and >Y") .fillet(5) .edges("|Z") .fillet(2) .faces("X") .workplane() .center( dim.height / 2 - dim.hl_hinge_offset, dim.hl_full_thickness / 2 - dim.hl_hinge_radius, ) .tag("rightSide") # Outer surface of the hinge .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .placeSketch(cq.Sketch().circle(dim.hl_hinge_radius)) .extrude(-dim.hl_hinge_width) .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .workplane(offset=-dim.width + dim.hl_hinge_width) .placeSketch(cq.Sketch().circle(dim.hl_hinge_radius)) .extrude(-dim.hl_hinge_width) # Cut middle section between the hinges .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .workplane(offset=-dim.hl_hinge_width) .placeSketch( cq.Sketch().polygon( [ (-dim.hl_hinge_radius, -dim.hl_hinge_radius), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius, 0), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius - dim.hl_hinge_slant, dim.hl_hinge_radius), (-dim.hl_hinge_slant, dim.hl_hinge_radius), (-dim.hl_hinge_slant, dim.hl_hinge_radius - dim.hl_hinge_slant), (dim.hl_hinge_radius, dim.hl_hinge_radius - dim.hl_hinge_slant), (dim.hl_hinge_radius, -dim.hl_hinge_radius), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius, -dim.hl_hinge_radius), ] ) ) .cutBlind(-dim.width + 2 * dim.hl_hinge_width - 1) # Pillars to attach to base .workplaneFromTagged("base") .workplane( centerOption="CenterOfBoundBox", offset=dim.base_thickness - dim.hl_full_thickness / 2, ) .workplaneFromTagged("base") .workplane(offset=dim.hl_full_thickness / 2 - dim.shell_t) .center(-dim.width / 2, dim.height / 2 - dim.shell_t) .placeSketch(mounting_pillars) .extrude(-10) # Hole for screws .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .placeSketch(cq.Sketch().circle(dim.hl_screw_radius)) .cutBlind(-dim.hl_hinge_width) .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .workplane(offset=-dim.width + dim.hl_hinge_width) .placeSketch(cq.Sketch().circle(dim.hl_screw_radius)) .cutBlind(-dim.hl_hinge_width) # Holes for rings & screw heads .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .placeSketch(cq.Sketch().circle(dim.hl_ring_radius)) .cutBlind(-5) .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .workplane(offset=-dim.width + 4) .placeSketch(cq.Sketch().circle(dim.hl_ring_radius)) .cutBlind(-5) # Split hinge halves .faces(">X") .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .workplane(offset=-dim.hl_hinge_width / 2) .placeSketch( cq.Sketch().trapezoid( dim.hl_hinge_radius * 2 + 1, dim.hl_hinge_radius * 2, 90 ) ) .cutBlind(-1) .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .workplane(offset=-dim.hl_hinge_width) .placeSketch( cq.Sketch().trapezoid( dim.hl_hinge_radius * 2 + 1, dim.hl_hinge_radius * 2, 90 ) ) .cutBlind(-1) .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .workplane(offset=-dim.width + dim.hl_hinge_width / 2) .placeSketch( cq.Sketch().trapezoid( dim.hl_hinge_radius * 2 + 1, dim.hl_hinge_radius * 2, 90 ) ) .cutBlind(-1) .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .workplane(offset=-dim.width + dim.hl_hinge_width) .placeSketch( cq.Sketch().trapezoid( dim.hl_hinge_radius * 2 + 1, dim.hl_hinge_radius * 2, 90 ) ) .cutBlind(-1) # Threaded inserts .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .workplane(offset=-dim.hl_hinge_width / 2) .placeSketch(cq.Sketch().circle(dim.ti_radius)) .cutBlind(-dim.ti_depth) .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .workplane(offset=-dim.width + dim.hl_hinge_width / 2) .placeSketch(cq.Sketch().circle(dim.ti_radius)) .cutBlind(dim.ti_depth) # Split two halves # First cut for the right hinge .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .placeSketch( cq.Sketch() .polygon( [ (0, 0), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius - 0.2, 0), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius - dim.hl_hinge_slant, dim.hl_hinge_radius), (0, dim.hl_hinge_radius), (0, 0), ] ) .polygon( [ (-dim.hl_hinge_radius - 0.2, 0), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius - 0.2, -1000), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius, -1000), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius, 0), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius - 0.2, 0), ] ) .circle(dim.hl_hinge_radius, mode="s") ) .cutBlind(-dim.hl_hinge_width / 2 - 1) # Second cut for the right hinge .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .workplane(offset=-dim.hl_hinge_width / 2) .placeSketch( cq.Sketch() .polygon( [ (0, 0), (dim.hl_hinge_radius + 0.2, 0), ( dim.hl_hinge_radius + 0.2 + dim.hl_hinge_slant, dim.hl_hinge_radius, ), (0, dim.hl_hinge_radius), (0, 0), ] ) .circle(dim.hl_hinge_radius, mode="s") ) .cutBlind(-dim.hl_hinge_width / 2 - 1) # First cut for the left hinge .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .workplane(offset=-dim.width + dim.hl_hinge_width) .placeSketch( cq.Sketch() .polygon( [ (0, 0), (dim.hl_hinge_radius + 0.2, 0), ( dim.hl_hinge_radius + 0.2 + dim.hl_hinge_slant, dim.hl_hinge_radius, ), (0, dim.hl_hinge_radius), (0, 0), ] ) .circle(dim.hl_hinge_radius, mode="s") ) .cutBlind(-dim.hl_hinge_width / 2 - 1) # Second cut for the left hinge .workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .workplane(offset=-dim.width + dim.hl_hinge_width / 2) .placeSketch( cq.Sketch() .polygon( [ (0, 0), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius - 0.2, 0), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius - dim.hl_hinge_slant, dim.hl_hinge_radius), (0, dim.hl_hinge_radius), (0, 0), ] ) .polygon( [ (-dim.hl_hinge_radius - 0.2, 0), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius - 0.2, -1000), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius, -1000), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius, 0), (-dim.hl_hinge_radius - 0.2, 0), ] ) .circle(dim.hl_hinge_radius, mode="s") ) .cutBlind(-dim.hl_hinge_width / 2 - 1) ) # Screen mount model = ( # 1st layer model.workplaneFromTagged("base") .center(0, -32) .workplane(offset=dim.hl_full_thickness / 2 - dim.shell_t) .tag("screen_plane") .placeSketch( cq.Sketch() .trapezoid( dim.scr_w + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_width, dim.scr_h + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_height, 90, ) .vertices() .fillet(2) ) .extrude(-2 - dim.scr_thickness) # Hole for screws .workplaneFromTagged("screen_plane") .workplane(offset=1) .rect( dim.scr_w + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_width - dim.m3_hn_diam - 1, dim.scr_h + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_height - dim.m3_hn_diam - 1, forConstruction=True, ) .vertices() .hole(dim.m3_hn_hole, depth=10) # Holes for captured nuts .workplaneFromTagged("screen_plane") .workplane(offset=1) .rect( dim.scr_w + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_width - dim.m3_hn_diam - 1, dim.scr_h + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_height - dim.m3_hn_diam - 1, forConstruction=True, ) .vertices() .hole(dim.m3_hn_diam, depth=dim.m3_hn_thickness + 0.5) # Remove middle of the screen holder .workplaneFromTagged("screen_plane") .placeSketch( cq.Sketch().trapezoid( dim.scr_w - 40, dim.scr_h + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_height, 90, ) ) .cutBlind(-100) # Hole to place screen .workplaneFromTagged("screen_plane") .workplane(offset=-dim.scr_thickness - 2) .placeSketch(cq.Sketch().trapezoid(dim.scr_w, dim.scr_h, 90)) .cutBlind(dim.scr_thickness) ) # Cut off shape of the base model = ( model.workplaneFromTagged("rightSide") .center( -dim.height + dim.hl_hinge_offset, -dim.hl_full_thickness + dim.hl_hinge_radius, ) .placeSketch( cq.Sketch().polygon( [ (0, 0), (0, keyboard.kbd_front_thickness), (dim.shell_t, keyboard.kbd_front_thickness), (keyboard.kbd_actual_height + dim.shell_t, keyboard.kbd_back_thickness), (keyboard.kbd_actual_height + dim.shell_t, dim.base_thickness), (dim.height, dim.base_thickness), (dim.height, 0), (0, 0), ] ) ) .cutBlind(-1000) ) return model def front_bezel(): model = ( cq.Workplane("XY") # Hollow box .tag("base") .placeSketch( cq.Sketch() .trapezoid( dim.scr_w + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_width + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_thickness, dim.scr_h + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_height + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_thickness, 90, ) .vertices() .fillet(2) ) .extrude(-2 - dim.scr_thickness - dim.hl_bezel_thickness) .workplaneFromTagged("base") .workplane(offset=-dim.hl_bezel_thickness) .placeSketch( cq.Sketch() .trapezoid( dim.scr_w + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_width, dim.scr_h + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_height, 90, ) .vertices() .fillet(2) ) .cutBlind(-100) # Holes for screws .workplaneFromTagged("base") .rect( dim.scr_w + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_width - dim.m3_hn_diam - 1, dim.scr_h + 2 * dim.hl_bezel_height - dim.m3_hn_diam - 1, forConstruction=True, ) .vertices() .hole(dim.m3_hn_hole, depth=10) # Viewport hole .workplaneFromTagged("base") .placeSketch( cq.Sketch() .trapezoid( dim.vis_w, dim.vis_h, 90, ) .vertices() .fillet(2) ) .cutBlind("last") # Cable gap .workplaneFromTagged("base") .workplane(offset=-dim.scr_thickness - dim.hl_bezel_thickness) .center(0, 10) .placeSketch( cq.Sketch() .trapezoid( dim.vis_w, dim.vis_h, 90, ) .vertices() .fillet(2) ) .cutBlind(-10) ) return model if __name__ == "__main__": model = model() export(model, "hinged_lid.stl") export(front_bezel(), "hinged_lid_bezel.stl") export( model, "hinged_lid.svg", opt={ "projectionDir": (0, 0, -1), "strokeWidth": 0.3, }, ) offset_width = -dim.width / 2 right_side = ( model.faces(">X") .workplane(centerOption="CenterOfBoundBox", offset=offset_width) .split(keepTop=True) ) export(right_side, "hinged_lid_right.stl") left_side = ( model.faces(">X") .workplane(centerOption="CenterOfBoundBox", offset=offset_width) .split(keepBottom=True) ) export(left_side, "hinged_lid_left.stl")