#!/usr/bin/env python from pyxforms import * from pyxforms.goodies import * # # Init the library (sucks but works) # xfinit("Something", "1", sys.argv[0]) # # Create a "Window" - A form in XForms parlance win = Form() # # Show it win.Show() # # Create a button a_button = Button(0, 10, 10, 100, 30, "Press Me") # # Put it inside win win.Add(a_button) # # Define a function, that will be executed when the button is pressed def funct(self): # It shows a message and exits (or not) answer = show_question("Do you want to exit?", "") if answer == 1: sys.exit() # # And bind the function to the button a_button.cb = funct # # Start the event loop # It will run until you press the button and say yes runforms()