# Original This is the suckless terminal forked off https://git.tiyn.eu/tiyn/st If you get a crash when displaying an emoji (for example when using a fancy prompt) install the symbola font and everything should be ok. ## Patches The list below shows the currently applied patches to the master branch. - st-alpha-0.8.2.diff (adds transparency) - st-anysize-0.8.1.diff (st leaves no gaps if the height/width doesn't match a multiple of character height) - st-font2-20190416-ba72400.diff (allows to set multiple spare fonts as fallback) - st-scrollback-0.8.2.diff (add scrollback functionality) ## Hotkeys There are various shortcuts and hotkeys used in this version. Included in my build are the following. | ModKey | Shift | Key | Function | | ------ | ----- | --------------- | --------------- | | Alt | | Break | Send break | | Alt | | Print | Toggle printer | | Alt | | Print | Print screen | | | Shift | Insert | Clipboard paste | | Alt | | c | Clipboard copy | | Alt | | v | Clipboard paste | | Alt | | p | Selected paste | | Alt | | NumLock | Toggle Numlock | | Alt | | k | Scroll up | | Alt | | j | Scroll down | | | | MouseScrollUp | Scroll up | | | | MouseScrollDown | Scroll down | | Alt | Shift | u | Zoom in | | Alt | Shift | i | Zoom out |