# Tapita: a book cover generator This is of very limited usefulness for the average person, but if you have ever needed to generate book covers for a few thousand files out of book metadata, then this may be for you! The image it generates has some colorful "art" thanks to [Dicebear](https://dicebear.com) which, again, will not change unless you change the title or subtitle of the book. This is based off code from [Tenprintcover](https://github.com/mgiraldo/tenprintcover-py) although I don't think anything survives of the original code, which has been ported to Pillow and de-c64-fied. Usage: ```sh $ python -m tapita --help Usage: python -m tapita [OPTIONS] Options: -t, --title Book title -s, --subtitle <subtitle> Book subtitle -a, --author <author> Book author -o, --output <filename> Output file (- for stdout) --help Show this message and exit. ``` Example usage: ```sh $ python -m tapita -t "Dunes" -s "Oh, worms!" -a "Frank Herbert (has no sons)" -o cover.jpg ``` Which produces this image: ![A book cover](https://i.imgur.com/UcjdkkN.jpg) There are plentiful opportunities for customization, which I will probably not do anything about. TODO: packaging and such.