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% Please edit documentation in R/hello.R
\title{Import a module into the current scope}
import(module, attach, attach_operators = TRUE)
\item{module}{an identifier specifying the full module path}
\item{attach}{if \code{TRUE}, attach the newly loaded module to the object
search path (see \code{Details})}
\item{attach_operators}{if \code{TRUE}, attach operators of module to the
object search path, even if \code{attach} is \code{FALSE}}
the loaded module environment (invisible)
\code{module = import('module')} imports a specified module and makes its
code available via the environment-like object it returns.
Modules are loaded in an isolated environment which is returned, and
optionally attached to the object search path of the current scope (if
argument \code{attach} is \code{TRUE}).
\code{attach} defaults to \code{FALSE}. However, in interactive code it is
often helpful to attach packages by default. Therefore, in interactive code
invoked directly from the terminal only (i.e. not within modules),
\code{attach} defaults to the value of \code{options('import.attach')}, which
can be set to \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE} depending on the users preference.
\code{attach_operators} causes \emph{operators} to be attached by default,
because operators can only be invoked in R if they re found in the search
path. Not attaching them therefore drastically limits a modules usefulness.
Modules are searched in the module search path \code{options('import.path')}.
This is a vector of paths to consider, from the highest to the lowest
priority. The current directory is \emph{always} considered first. That is,
if a file \code{a.r} exists both in the current directory and in a module
search path, the local file \code{./a.r} will be loaded.
Module names can be fully qualified to refer to nested paths. See
Unlike for packages, attaching happens \emph{locally}: if
\code{import} is executed in the global environment, the effect is the same.
Otherwise, the imported module is inserted as the parent of the current
\code{environment()}. When used (globally) \emph{inside} a module, the newly
imported module is only available inside the modules search path, not
outside it (nor in other modules which might be loaded).
# `a.r` is a file in the local directory containing a function `f`.
a = import('a')
# b/c.r is a file in path `b`, containing a function `g`.
import('b/c', attach = TRUE)
g() # No module name qualification necessary