From 0f3b7fc3c56db6a148b75defbf3f99682b63bf0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Roberto Alsina Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2024 20:55:08 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] Initial implementation of delegatinglexer --- src/constants/ | 2342 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------- src/ | 57 +- 2 files changed, 1226 insertions(+), 1173 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/constants/ b/src/constants/ index 0264f19..25a253a 100644 --- a/src/constants/ +++ b/src/constants/ @@ -1,1176 +1,1176 @@ module Tartrazine LEXERS_BY_NAME = { -"1s" => "onesenterprise", -"1s:enterprise" => "onesenterprise", -"abap" => "abap", -"abl" => "openedge_abl", -"abnf" => "abnf", -"aconf" => "apacheconf", -"actionscript" => "actionscript", -"actionscript 3" => "actionscript_3", -"actionscript3" => "actionscript_3", -"ada" => "ada", -"ada2005" => "ada", -"ada95" => "ada", -"agda" => "agda", -"ahk" => "autohotkey", -"al" => "al", -"alloy" => "alloy", -"angular2" => "angular2", -"antlr" => "antlr", -"apache" => "apacheconf", -"apacheconf" => "apacheconf", -"apl" => "apl", -"applescript" => "applescript", -"aql" => "arangodb_aql", -"arangodb aql" => "arangodb_aql", -"arduino" => "arduino", -"arexx" => "rexx", -"armasm" => "armasm", -"as" => "actionscript", -"as3" => "actionscript_3", -"asm" => "gas", -"autohotkey" => "autohotkey", -"autoit" => "autoit", -"awk" => "awk", -"b3d" => "blitzbasic", -"ballerina" => "ballerina", -"bash" => "bash", -"bash session" => "bash_session", -"bash-session" => "bash_session", -"basic" => "qbasic", -"bat" => "batchfile", -"batch" => "batchfile", -"batchfile" => "batchfile", -"bbcode" => "bbcode", -"bf" => "brainfuck", -"bib" => "bibtex", -"bibtex" => "bibtex", -"bicep" => "bicep", -"bind" => "dns", -"blitzbasic" => "blitzbasic", -"bnf" => "bnf", -"bplus" => "blitzbasic", -"bqn" => "bqn", -"brainfuck" => "brainfuck", -"bsdmake" => "makefile", -"c" => "c", -"c#" => "c#", -"c++" => "c++", -"cap'n proto" => "cap_n_proto", -"capnp" => "cap_n_proto", -"cassandra" => "cassandra_cql", -"cassandra cql" => "cassandra_cql", -"cassette" => "vhs", -"ceylon" => "ceylon", -"cf3" => "cfengine3", -"cfengine3" => "cfengine3", -"cfg" => "ini", -"cfs" => "cfstatement", -"cfstatement" => "cfstatement", -"chai" => "chaiscript", -"chaiscript" => "chaiscript", -"chapel" => "chapel", -"cheetah" => "cheetah", -"chpl" => "chapel", -"cl" => "common_lisp", -"clj" => "clojure", -"clojure" => "clojure", -"cmake" => "cmake", -"cobol" => "cobol", -"coffee" => "coffeescript", -"coffee-script" => "coffeescript", -"coffeescript" => "coffeescript", -"common lisp" => "common_lisp", -"common-lisp" => "common_lisp", -"console" => "bash_session", -"coq" => "coq", -"cpp" => "c++", -"cql" => "cassandra_cql", -"cr" => "crystal", -"crystal" => "crystal", -"csh" => "tcsh", -"csharp" => "c#", -"css" => "css", -"cucumber" => "gherkin", -"cue" => "cue", -"cython" => "cython", -"d" => "d", -"dart" => "dart", -"dax" => "dax", -"desktop" => "desktop_entry", -"desktop file" => "desktop_entry", -"desktop_entry" => "desktop_entry", -"diff" => "diff", -"django" => "django_jinja", -"django/jinja" => "django_jinja", -"dns" => "dns", -"docker" => "docker", -"dockerfile" => "docker", -"dosbatch" => "batchfile", -"dosini" => "ini", -"dtd" => "dtd", -"duby" => "ruby", -"dylan" => "dylan", -"ebnf" => "ebnf", -"edn" => "clojure", -"elisp" => "emacslisp", -"elixir" => "elixir", -"elm" => "elm", -"emacs" => "emacslisp", -"emacs-lisp" => "emacslisp", -"emacslisp" => "emacslisp", -"erlang" => "erlang", -"ex" => "elixir", -"exs" => "elixir", -"f90" => "fortran", -"factor" => "factor", -"fennel" => "fennel", -"fish" => "fish", -"fishshell" => "fish", -"fnl" => "fennel", -"forth" => "forth", -"fortran" => "fortran", -"fortranfixed" => "fortranfixed", -"fsharp" => "fsharp", -"gas" => "gas", -"gawk" => "awk", -"gd" => "gdscript", -"gd3" => "gdscript3", -"gdscript" => "gdscript", -"gdscript3" => "gdscript3", -"gherkin" => "gherkin", -"gleam" => "gleam", -"glsl" => "glsl", -"gnuplot" => "gnuplot", -"go template" => "go_template", -"go-template" => "go_template", -"gql" => "graphql", -"graphql" => "graphql", -"graphqls" => "graphql", -"groff" => "groff", -"groovy" => "groovy", -"gsed" => "sed", -"handlebars" => "handlebars", -"hare" => "hare", -"haskell" => "haskell", -"hbs" => "handlebars", -"hcl" => "hcl", -"hexdump" => "hexdump", -"hlb" => "hlb", -"hlsl" => "hlsl", -"holyc" => "holyc", -"hs" => "haskell", -"html" => "html", -"hy" => "hy", -"hylang" => "hy", -"idr" => "idris", -"idris" => "idris", -"igor" => "igor", -"igorpro" => "igor", -"ini" => "ini", -"io" => "io", -"iscdhcpd" => "iscdhcpd", -"j" => "j", -"java" => "java", -"java-properties" => "properties", -"javascript" => "javascript", -"jinja" => "django_jinja", -"jl" => "julia", -"js" => "javascript", -"json" => "json", -"jsonata" => "jsonata", -"jsx" => "react", -"julia" => "julia", -"jungle" => "jungle", -"kotlin" => "kotlin", -"ksh" => "bash", -"latex" => "tex", -"lighttpd" => "lighttpd_configuration_file", -"lighttpd configuration file" => "lighttpd_configuration_file", -"lighty" => "lighttpd_configuration_file", -"liquid" => "LiquidLexer", -"lisp" => "common_lisp", -"llvm" => "llvm", -"lua" => "lua", -"m2" => "modula-2", -"make" => "makefile", -"makefile" => "makefile", -"mako" => "mako", -"man" => "groff", -"mariadb" => "mysql", -"markdown" => "markdown", -"mason" => "mason", -"materialize" => "materialize_sql_dialect", -"materialize sql dialect" => "materialize_sql_dialect", -"mathematica" => "mathematica", -"matlab" => "matlab", -"mawk" => "awk", -"mcfunction" => "mcfunction", -"md" => "markdown", -"meson" => "meson", -"" => "meson", -"metal" => "metal", -"mf" => "makefile", -"minizinc" => "minizinc", -"mlir" => "mlir", -"mma" => "mathematica", -"modula-2" => "modula-2", -"modula2" => "modula-2", -"moin" => "moinwiki", -"moinmoin/trac wiki markup" => "moinwiki", -"monkeyc" => "monkeyc", -"morrowind" => "morrowindscript", -"morrowindscript" => "morrowindscript", -"mwscript" => "morrowindscript", -"myghty" => "myghty", -"mysql" => "mysql", -"mzn" => "minizinc", -"mzsql" => "materialize_sql_dialect", -"nasm" => "nasm", -"natural" => "natural", -"nawk" => "awk", -"nb" => "mathematica", -"ndisasm" => "ndisasm", -"newspeak" => "newspeak", -"ng2" => "angular2", -"nginx" => "nginx_configuration_file", -"nginx configuration file" => "nginx_configuration_file", -"nim" => "nim", -"nimrod" => "nim", -"nix" => "nix", -"nixos" => "nix", -"no-highlight" => "plaintext", -"nroff" => "groff", -"obj-c" => "objective-c", -"objc" => "objective-c", -"objective-c" => "objective-c", -"objectivec" => "objective-c", -"objectpascal" => "objectpascal", -"ocaml" => "ocaml", -"octave" => "octave", -"odin" => "odin", -"ones" => "onesenterprise", -"onesenterprise" => "onesenterprise", -"openedge" => "openedge_abl", -"openedge abl" => "openedge_abl", -"openedgeabl" => "openedge_abl", -"openscad" => "openscad", -"org" => "org_mode", -"org mode" => "org_mode", -"orgmode" => "org_mode", -"pacmanconf" => "pacmanconf", -"perl" => "perl", -"php" => "php", -"php3" => "php", -"php4" => "php", -"php5" => "php", -"pig" => "pig", -"pkgconfig" => "pkgconfig", -"pl" => "perl", -"pl/pgsql" => "pl_pgsql", -"plain" => "plaintext", -"plaintext" => "plaintext", -"plc" => "plutus_core", -"plpgsql" => "pl_pgsql", -"plutus core" => "plutus_core", -"plutus-core" => "plutus_core", -"pony" => "pony", -"posh" => "powershell", -"postgres" => "postgresql_sql_dialect", -"postgresql" => "postgresql_sql_dialect", -"postgresql sql dialect" => "postgresql_sql_dialect", -"postscr" => "postscript", -"postscript" => "postscript", -"pov" => "povray", -"povray" => "povray", -"powerquery" => "powerquery", -"powershell" => "powershell", -"pq" => "powerquery", -"progress" => "openedge_abl", -"prolog" => "prolog", -"promela" => "promela", -"promql" => "promql", -"properties" => "properties", -"proto" => "protocol_buffer", -"protobuf" => "protocol_buffer", -"protocol buffer" => "protocol_buffer", -"prql" => "prql", -"ps1" => "powershell", -"psd1" => "powershell", -"psl" => "psl", -"psm1" => "powershell", -"puppet" => "puppet", -"pwsh" => "powershell", -"py" => "python", -"py2" => "python_2", -"py3" => "python", -"pyrex" => "cython", -"python" => "python", -"python 2" => "python_2", -"python2" => "python_2", -"python3" => "python", -"pyx" => "cython", -"qbasic" => "qbasic", -"qbs" => "qml", -"qml" => "qml", -"r" => "r", -"racket" => "racket", -"ragel" => "ragel", -"rb" => "ruby", -"react" => "react", -"reason" => "reasonml", -"reasonml" => "reasonml", -"reg" => "reg", -"registry" => "reg", -"rego" => "rego", -"rexx" => "rexx", -"rkt" => "racket", -"rpmspec" => "rpm_spec", -"rs" => "rust", -"ruby" => "ruby", -"rust" => "rust", -"s" => "r", -"sage" => "python", -"sas" => "sas", -"sass" => "sass", -"scala" => "scala", -"scheme" => "scheme", -"scilab" => "scilab", -"scm" => "scheme", -"scss" => "scss", -"sed" => "sed", -"sh" => "bash", -"shell" => "bash", -"shell-session" => "bash_session", -"sieve" => "sieve", -"smali" => "smali", -"smalltalk" => "smalltalk", -"smarty" => "smarty", -"sml" => "standard_ml", -"snobol" => "snobol", -"sol" => "solidity", -"solidity" => "solidity", -"sourcepawn" => "sourcepawn", -"sp" => "sourcepawn", -"sparql" => "sparql", -"spec" => "rpm_spec", -"spitfire" => "cheetah", -"splus" => "r", -"sql" => "sql", -"squeak" => "smalltalk", -"squid" => "squidconf", -"squid.conf" => "squidconf", -"squidconf" => "squidconf", -"ssed" => "sed", -"st" => "smalltalk", -"standard ml" => "standard_ml", -"stas" => "stas", -"stylus" => "stylus", -"sv" => "systemverilog", -"swift" => "swift", -"systemd" => "systemd", -"systemverilog" => "systemverilog", -"t-sql" => "transact-sql", -"tablegen" => "tablegen", -"tal" => "tal", -"tape" => "vhs", -"tasm" => "tasm", -"tcl" => "tcl", -"tcsh" => "tcsh", -"termcap" => "termcap", -"terminfo" => "terminfo", -"terraform" => "terraform", -"tex" => "tex", -"text" => "plaintext", -"tf" => "terraform", -"thrift" => "thrift", -"toml" => "toml", -"trac-wiki" => "moinwiki", -"tradingview" => "tradingview", -"transact-sql" => "transact-sql", -"ts" => "typescript", -"tsql" => "transact-sql", -"tsx" => "typescript", -"turing" => "turing", -"turtle" => "turtle", -"tv" => "tradingview", -"twig" => "TwigLexer", -"typescript" => "typescript", -"typoscript" => "typoscript", -"typoscriptcssdata" => "typoscriptcssdata", -"typoscripthtmldata" => "typoscripthtmldata", -"ucode" => "ucode", -"udiff" => "diff", -"uxntal" => "tal", -"v" => "verilog", -"v shell" => "v_shell", -"vala" => "vala", -"vapi" => "vala", -"" => "vb_net", -"vbnet" => "vb_net", -"velocity" => "VelocityLexer", -"verilog" => "verilog", -"vhdl" => "vhdl", -"vhs" => "vhs", -"vim" => "viml", -"viml" => "viml", -"vlang" => "v", -"vsh" => "v_shell", -"vshell" => "v_shell", -"vue" => "vue", -"vuejs" => "vue", -"wdte" => "wdte", -"webgpu shading language" => "webgpu_shading_language", -"wgsl" => "webgpu_shading_language", -"whiley" => "whiley", -"winbatch" => "batchfile", -"xml" => "xml", -"xorg" => "xorg", -"xorg.conf" => "xorg", -"yaml" => "yaml", -"yang" => "yang", -"z80" => "z80_assembly", -"z80 assembly" => "z80_assembly", -"zed" => "zed", -"zig" => "zig", -"zone" => "dns", -"zsh" => "bash", -} + "1s" => "onesenterprise", + "1s:enterprise" => "onesenterprise", + "abap" => "abap", + "abl" => "openedge_abl", + "abnf" => "abnf", + "aconf" => "apacheconf", + "actionscript" => "actionscript", + "actionscript 3" => "actionscript_3", + "actionscript3" => "actionscript_3", + "ada" => "ada", + "ada2005" => "ada", + "ada95" => "ada", + "agda" => "agda", + "ahk" => "autohotkey", + "al" => "al", + "alloy" => "alloy", + "angular2" => "angular2", + "antlr" => "antlr", + "apache" => "apacheconf", + "apacheconf" => "apacheconf", + "apl" => "apl", + "applescript" => "applescript", + "aql" => "arangodb_aql", + "arangodb aql" => "arangodb_aql", + "arduino" => "arduino", + "arexx" => "rexx", + "armasm" => "armasm", + "as" => "actionscript", + "as3" => "actionscript_3", + "asm" => "gas", + "autohotkey" => "autohotkey", + "autoit" => "autoit", + "awk" => "awk", + "b3d" => "blitzbasic", + "ballerina" => "ballerina", + "bash" => "bash", + "bash session" => "bash_session", + "bash-session" => "bash_session", + "basic" => "qbasic", + "bat" => "batchfile", + "batch" => "batchfile", + "batchfile" => "batchfile", + "bbcode" => "bbcode", + "bf" => "brainfuck", + "bib" => "bibtex", + "bibtex" => "bibtex", + "bicep" => "bicep", + "bind" => "dns", + "blitzbasic" => "blitzbasic", + "bnf" => "bnf", + "bplus" => "blitzbasic", + "bqn" => "bqn", + "brainfuck" => "brainfuck", + "bsdmake" => "makefile", + "c" => "c", + "c#" => "c#", + "c++" => "c++", + "cap'n proto" => "cap_n_proto", + "capnp" => "cap_n_proto", + "cassandra" => "cassandra_cql", + "cassandra cql" => "cassandra_cql", + "cassette" => "vhs", + "ceylon" => "ceylon", + "cf3" => "cfengine3", + "cfengine3" => "cfengine3", + "cfg" => "ini", + "cfs" => "cfstatement", + "cfstatement" => "cfstatement", + "chai" => "chaiscript", + "chaiscript" => "chaiscript", + "chapel" => "chapel", + "cheetah" => "cheetah", + "chpl" => "chapel", + "cl" => "common_lisp", + "clj" => "clojure", + "clojure" => "clojure", + "cmake" => "cmake", + "cobol" => "cobol", + "coffee" => "coffeescript", + "coffee-script" => "coffeescript", + "coffeescript" => "coffeescript", + "common lisp" => "common_lisp", + "common-lisp" => "common_lisp", + "console" => "bash_session", + "coq" => "coq", + "cpp" => "c++", + "cql" => "cassandra_cql", + "cr" => "crystal", + "crystal" => "crystal", + "csh" => "tcsh", + "csharp" => "c#", + "css" => "css", + "cucumber" => "gherkin", + "cue" => "cue", + "cython" => "cython", + "d" => "d", + "dart" => "dart", + "dax" => "dax", + "desktop" => "desktop_entry", + "desktop file" => "desktop_entry", + "desktop_entry" => "desktop_entry", + "diff" => "diff", + "django" => "django_jinja", + "django/jinja" => "django_jinja", + "dns" => "dns", + "docker" => "docker", + "dockerfile" => "docker", + "dosbatch" => "batchfile", + "dosini" => "ini", + "dtd" => "dtd", + "duby" => "ruby", + "dylan" => "dylan", + "ebnf" => "ebnf", + "edn" => "clojure", + "elisp" => "emacslisp", + "elixir" => "elixir", + "elm" => "elm", + "emacs" => "emacslisp", + "emacs-lisp" => "emacslisp", + "emacslisp" => "emacslisp", + "erlang" => "erlang", + "ex" => "elixir", + "exs" => "elixir", + "f90" => "fortran", + "factor" => "factor", + "fennel" => "fennel", + "fish" => "fish", + "fishshell" => "fish", + "fnl" => "fennel", + "forth" => "forth", + "fortran" => "fortran", + "fortranfixed" => "fortranfixed", + "fsharp" => "fsharp", + "gas" => "gas", + "gawk" => "awk", + "gd" => "gdscript", + "gd3" => "gdscript3", + "gdscript" => "gdscript", + "gdscript3" => "gdscript3", + "gherkin" => "gherkin", + "gleam" => "gleam", + "glsl" => "glsl", + "gnuplot" => "gnuplot", + "go template" => "go_template", + "go-template" => "go_template", + "gql" => "graphql", + "graphql" => "graphql", + "graphqls" => "graphql", + "groff" => "groff", + "groovy" => "groovy", + "gsed" => "sed", + "handlebars" => "handlebars", + "hare" => "hare", + "haskell" => "haskell", + "hbs" => "handlebars", + "hcl" => "hcl", + "hexdump" => "hexdump", + "hlb" => "hlb", + "hlsl" => "hlsl", + "holyc" => "holyc", + "hs" => "haskell", + "html" => "html", + "hy" => "hy", + "hylang" => "hy", + "idr" => "idris", + "idris" => "idris", + "igor" => "igor", + "igorpro" => "igor", + "ini" => "ini", + "io" => "io", + "iscdhcpd" => "iscdhcpd", + "j" => "j", + "java" => "java", + "java-properties" => "properties", + "javascript" => "javascript", + "jinja" => "django_jinja", + "jl" => "julia", + "js" => "javascript", + "json" => "json", + "jsonata" => "jsonata", + "jsx" => "react", + "julia" => "julia", + "jungle" => "jungle", + "kotlin" => "kotlin", + "ksh" => "bash", + "latex" => "tex", + "lighttpd" => "lighttpd_configuration_file", + "lighttpd configuration file" => "lighttpd_configuration_file", + "lighty" => "lighttpd_configuration_file", + "liquid" => "LiquidLexer", + "lisp" => "common_lisp", + "llvm" => "llvm", + "lua" => "lua", + "m2" => "modula-2", + "make" => "makefile", + "makefile" => "makefile", + "mako" => "mako", + "man" => "groff", + "mariadb" => "mysql", + "markdown" => "markdown", + "mason" => "mason", + "materialize" => "materialize_sql_dialect", + "materialize sql dialect" => "materialize_sql_dialect", + "mathematica" => "mathematica", + "matlab" => "matlab", + "mawk" => "awk", + "mcfunction" => "mcfunction", + "md" => "markdown", + "meson" => "meson", + "" => "meson", + "metal" => "metal", + "mf" => "makefile", + "minizinc" => "minizinc", + "mlir" => "mlir", + "mma" => "mathematica", + "modula-2" => "modula-2", + "modula2" => "modula-2", + "moin" => "moinwiki", + "moinmoin/trac wiki markup" => "moinwiki", + "monkeyc" => "monkeyc", + "morrowind" => "morrowindscript", + "morrowindscript" => "morrowindscript", + "mwscript" => "morrowindscript", + "myghty" => "myghty", + 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["python"], + "*.scad" => ["openscad"], + "*.scala" => ["scala"], + "*.sce" => ["scilab"], + "*.sci" => ["scilab"], + "*.scm" => ["scheme"], + "*.scope" => ["systemd"], + "*.scss" => ["scss"], + "*.sed" => ["sed"], + "*.service" => ["systemd", "ini"], + "*.sh" => ["bash"], + "*.sh-session" => ["bash_session"], + "*.sieve" => ["sieve"], + "*.sig" => ["standard_ml"], + "*.siv" => ["sieve"], + "*.slice" => ["systemd"], + "*.smali" => ["smali"], + "*.sml" => ["standard_ml"], + "*.snobol" => ["snobol"], + "*.socket" => ["systemd", "ini"], + "*.sol" => ["solidity"], + "*.sp" => ["sourcepawn"], + "*.sparql" => ["sparql"], + "*.spec" => ["rpm_spec"], + "*.spt" => ["cheetah"], + "*.sql" => ["mysql", "sql"], + "*.ss" => ["scheme"], + "*.st" => ["smalltalk"], + "*.stas" => ["stas"], + "*.styl" => ["stylus"], + "*.sv" => ["systemverilog"], + "*.svg" => ["xml"], + "*.svh" => ["systemverilog"], + "*.swap" => ["systemd"], + "*.swift" => ["swift"], + "*.t" => ["perl"], + "*.tac" => ["python"], + "*.tal" => ["tal"], + "*.tape" => ["vhs"], + "*.target" => ["systemd"], + "*.tasm" => ["tasm"], + "*.tcl" => ["tcl"], + "*.tcsh" => ["tcsh"], + "*.td" => ["tablegen"], + "*.tex" => ["tex"], + "*.tf" => ["terraform"], + "*.thrift" => ["thrift"], + "*.timer" => ["systemd"], + "*.tmpl" => ["cheetah"], + "*.toc" => ["tex"], + "*.toml" => ["toml"], + "*.tpl" => ["smarty"], + "*.tpp" => ["c++"], + "*.trig" => ["psl"], + "*.ts" => ["typoscript", "typescript"], + "*.tst" => ["scilab"], + "*.tsx" => ["typescript"], + "*.ttl" => ["turtle"], + "*.tu" => ["turing"], + "*.turing" => ["turing"], + "*.tv" => ["tradingview"], + "*.twig" => ["twig"], + "*.txt" => ["plaintext"], + "*.uc" => ["ucode"], + "*.v" => ["coq", "v", "verilog"], + "*.vala" => ["vala"], + "*.vapi" => ["vala"], + "*.vb" => ["vb_net"], + "*.vcxproj" => ["xml"], + "*.vert" => ["glsl"], + "*.vhd" => ["vhdl"], + "*.vhdl" => ["vhdl"], + "*.vim" => ["viml"], + "*.vm" => ["VelocityLexer"], + "*.vsh" => ["v_shell"], + "*.vue" => ["vue"], + "*.vv" => ["v"], + "*.w" => ["openedge_abl"], + "*.wdte" => ["wdte"], + "*.wgsl" => ["webgpu_shading_language"], + "*.whiley" => ["whiley"], + "*.wl" => ["mathematica"], + "*.wlua" => ["lua"], + "*.wsdl" => ["xml"], + "*.wsf" => ["xml"], + "*.x[bp]m" => ["c"], + "*.xhtml" => ["html"], + "*.xml" => ["xml"], + "*.xsd" => ["xml"], + "*.xsl" => ["xml"], + "*.xslt" => ["xml", "html"], + "*.yaml" => ["yaml"], + "*.yang" => ["yang"], + "*.yml" => ["yaml"], + "*.z80" => ["z80_assembly"], + "*.zed" => ["zed"], + "*.zig" => ["zig"], + "*.zone" => ["dns"], + "*.zsh" => ["bash"], + "*.zshrc" => ["bash"], + ".bash_*" => ["bash"], + ".bashrc" => ["bash"], + ".editorconfig" => ["ini"], + ".env" => ["bash"], + ".exrc" => ["viml"], + ".gitconfig" => ["ini"], + ".gvimrc" => ["viml"], + ".htaccess" => ["apacheconf"], + ".justfile" => ["makefile"], + ".pylintrc" => ["ini"], + ".renviron" => ["r"], + ".rhistory" => ["r"], + ".rprofile" => ["r"], + ".vimrc" => ["viml"], + ".zshrc" => ["bash"], + "_exrc" => ["viml"], + "_gvimrc" => ["viml"], + "_vimrc" => ["viml"], + "apache.conf" => ["apacheconf"], + "apache2.conf" => ["apacheconf"], + "autodelegate" => ["myghty"], + "autohandler" => ["mason"], + "bash_*" => ["bash"], + "bashrc" => ["bash"], + "bsdmakefile" => ["makefile"], + "buck" => ["python"], + "build" => ["python"], + "build.bazel" => ["python"], + "cmakelists.txt" => ["cmake"], + "dhandler" => ["mason"], + "dhcpd.conf" => ["iscdhcpd"], + "dockerfile" => ["docker"], + "dockerfile.*" => ["docker"], + "gemfile" => ["ruby"], + "gnumakefile" => ["makefile"], + "gvimrc" => ["viml"], + "justfile" => ["makefile"], + "makefile" => ["makefile"], + "makefile.*" => ["makefile"], + "" => ["meson"], + "meson_options.txt" => ["meson"], + "module.bazel" => ["python"], + "nginx.conf" => ["nginx_configuration_file"], + "pacman.conf" => ["pacmanconf"], + "pipfile" => ["toml"], + "pkgbuild" => ["bash"], + "poetry.lock" => ["toml"], + "pylintrc" => ["ini"], + "rakefile" => ["ruby"], + "repo.bazel" => ["python"], + "sconscript" => ["python"], + "sconstruct" => ["python"], + "squid.conf" => ["squidconf"], + "termcap" => ["termcap"], + "termcap.src" => ["termcap"], + "terminfo" => ["terminfo"], + "terminfo.src" => ["terminfo"], + "v.mod" => ["v"], + "vagrantfile" => ["ruby"], + "vimrc" => ["viml"], + "workspace" => ["python"], + "workspace.bazel" => ["python"], + "workspace.bzlmod" => ["python"], + "xorg.conf" => ["xorg"], + "zshrc" => ["bash"], + } end diff --git a/src/ b/src/ index 30c82e9..20b0eb9 100644 --- a/src/ +++ b/src/ @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ module Tartrazine struct Tokenizer include Iterator(Token) - property lexer : Lexer + property lexer : BaseLexer property text : Bytes property pos : Int32 = 0 @dq = Deque(Token).new @@ -106,13 +106,16 @@ module Tartrazine end end + abstract struct BaseLexer + end + # This implements a lexer for Pygments RegexLexers as expressed # in Chroma's XML serialization. # # For explanations on what actions and states do # the Pygments documentation is a good place to start. # - struct Lexer + struct Lexer < BaseLexer property config = { name: "", priority: 0.0, @@ -204,6 +207,56 @@ module Tartrazine end end + # A lexer that takes two lexers as arguments. A root lexer + # and a language lexer. Everything is scalled using the + # language lexer, afterwards all `Other` tokens are lexed + # using the root lexer. + # + # This is useful for things like template languages, where + # you have Jinja + HTML or Jinja + CSS and so on. + struct DelegatingLexer < BaseLexer + property root_lexer : Lexer + property language_lexer : Lexer + + def initialize(@lexer : Lexer, @delegate : Lexer) + end + end + + # This Tokenizer works with a DelegatingLexer. It first tokenizes + # using the language lexer, and "Other" tokens are tokenized using + # the root lexer. + struct DelegatingTokenizer + include Iterator(Token) + @dq = Deque(Token).new + + def initialize(@lexer : Lexer, text : String, secondary = false) + # Respect the `ensure_nl` config option + if text.size > 0 && text[-1] != '\n' && @lexer.config[:ensure_nl] && !secondary + text += "\n" + end + @language_tokenizer =, text, true) + end + + def next : Iterator::Stop | Token + if @dq.size > 0 + return @dq.shift + end + token = + if token == Iterator::Stop + return stop + end + if token[:type] == "Other" + @root_tokenizer =, token[:value], true) + @root_tokenizer.each do |root_token| + @dq << root_token + end + else + dq << token + end + + end + end + # A Lexer state. A state has a name and a list of rules. # The state machine has a state stack containing references # to states to decide which rules to apply.