diff --git a/alias.go b/alias.go index ce4c2fc..182b229 100644 --- a/alias.go +++ b/alias.go @@ -1,16 +1,647 @@ package slinguist -import "strings" +// CODE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY WITH gopkg.in/src-d/simple-linguist.v1/internal/code-generator +// THIS FILE SHOULD NOT BE EDITED BY HAND +// Extracted from github/linguist commit: b6460f8ed6b249281ada099ca28bd8f1230b8892 -// GetLanguageByAlias returns the language related to the given alias and ok set to true, -// or Otherlanguage and ok set to false otherwise. -func GetLanguageByAlias(alias string) (lang string, ok bool) { - a := strings.Split(alias, `,`)[0] - a = strings.ToLower(a) - lang, ok = languagesByAlias[a] - if !ok { - lang = OtherLanguage - } - - return +// languagesByAlias keeps alias for different languages and use the name of the languages as an alias too. +// All the keys (alias or not) are written in lower case and the whitespaces has been replaced by underscores. +var languagesByAlias = map[string]string{ + "1c_enterprise": "1C Enterprise", + "abap": "ABAP", + "abl": "OpenEdge ABL", + "abnf": "ABNF", + "abuild": "Alpine Abuild", + "aconf": "ApacheConf", + "actionscript": "ActionScript", + "actionscript3": "ActionScript", + "actionscript_3": "ActionScript", + "ada": "Ada", + "ada2005": "Ada", + "ada95": "Ada", + "advpl": "xBase", + "afdko": "OpenType Feature File", + "agda": "Agda", + "ags": "AGS Script", + "ags_script": "AGS Script", + "ahk": "AutoHotkey", + "alloy": "Alloy", + "alpine_abuild": "Alpine Abuild", + "ampl": "AMPL", + "ant_build_system": "Ant Build System", + "antlr": "ANTLR", + "apache": "ApacheConf", + "apacheconf": "ApacheConf", + "apex": "Apex", + "api_blueprint": "API Blueprint", + "apkbuild": "Alpine Abuild", + "apl": "APL", + "apollo_guidance_computer": "Apollo Guidance Computer", + "applescript": "AppleScript", + "arc": "Arc", + "arduino": "Arduino", + "arexx": "REXX", + "as3": "ActionScript", + "asciidoc": "AsciiDoc", + "asn.1": "ASN.1", + "asp": "ASP", + "aspectj": "AspectJ", + "aspx": "ASP", + "aspx-vb": "ASP", + "assembly": "Assembly", + "ats": "ATS", + "ats2": "ATS", + "au3": "AutoIt", + "augeas": "Augeas", + "autoconf": "M4Sugar", + "autohotkey": "AutoHotkey", + "autoit": "AutoIt", + "autoit3": "AutoIt", + "autoitscript": "AutoIt", + "awk": "Awk", + "b3d": "BlitzBasic", + "bash": "Shell", + "bash_session": "ShellSession", + "bat": "Batchfile", + "batch": "Batchfile", + "batchfile": "Batchfile", + "befunge": "Befunge", + "bison": "Bison", + "bitbake": "BitBake", + "blade": "Blade", + "blitz3d": "BlitzBasic", + "blitzbasic": "BlitzBasic", + "blitzmax": "BlitzMax", + "blitzplus": "BlitzBasic", + "bluespec": "Bluespec", + "bmax": "BlitzMax", + "boo": "Boo", + "bplus": "BlitzBasic", + "brainfuck": "Brainfuck", + "brightscript": "Brightscript", + "bro": "Bro", + "bsdmake": "Makefile", + "byond": "DM", + "c": "C", + "c#": "C#", + "c++": "C++", + "c++-objdump": "Cpp-ObjDump", + "c-objdump": "C-ObjDump", + "c2hs": "C2hs Haskell", + "c2hs_haskell": "C2hs Haskell", + "cap'n_proto": "Cap'n Proto", + "carto": "CartoCSS", + "cartocss": "CartoCSS", + "ceylon": "Ceylon", + "cfc": "ColdFusion CFC", + "cfm": "ColdFusion", + "cfml": "ColdFusion", + "chapel": "Chapel", + "charity": "Charity", + "chpl": "Chapel", + "chuck": "ChucK", + "cirru": "Cirru", + "clarion": "Clarion", + "clean": "Clean", + "click": "Click", + "clipper": "xBase", + "clips": "CLIPS", + "clojure": "Clojure", + "closure_templates": "Closure Templates", + "cmake": "CMake", + "cobol": "COBOL", + "coffee": "CoffeeScript", + "coffee-script": "CoffeeScript", + "coffeescript": "CoffeeScript", + "coldfusion": "ColdFusion", + "coldfusion_cfc": "ColdFusion CFC", + "coldfusion_html": "ColdFusion", + "collada": "COLLADA", + "common_lisp": "Common Lisp", + "component_pascal": "Component Pascal", + "console": "ShellSession", + "cool": "Cool", + "coq": "Coq", + "cpp": "C++", + "cpp-objdump": "Cpp-ObjDump", + "creole": "Creole", + "crystal": "Crystal", + "csharp": "C#", + "cson": "CSON", + "csound": "Csound", + "csound-csd": "Csound Document", + "csound-orc": "Csound", + "csound-sco": "Csound Score", + "csound_document": "Csound Document", + "csound_score": "Csound Score", + "css": "CSS", + "csv": "CSV", + "cucumber": "Gherkin", + "cuda": "Cuda", + "cweb": "CWeb", + "cycript": "Cycript", + "cython": "Cython", + "d": "D", + "d-objdump": "D-ObjDump", + "darcs_patch": "Darcs Patch", + "dart": "Dart", + "dcl": "DIGITAL Command Language", + "delphi": "Component Pascal", + "desktop": "desktop", + "diff": "Diff", + "digital_command_language": "DIGITAL Command Language", + "django": "HTML+Django", + "dm": "DM", + "dns_zone": "DNS Zone", + "dockerfile": "Dockerfile", + "dogescript": "Dogescript", + "dosbatch": "Batchfile", + "dosini": "INI", + "dpatch": "Darcs Patch", + "dtrace": "DTrace", + "dtrace-script": "DTrace", + "dylan": "Dylan", + "e": "E", + "eagle": "Eagle", + "ebnf": "EBNF", + "ec": "eC", + "ecere_projects": "Ecere Projects", + "ecl": "ECL", + "eclipse": "ECLiPSe", + "ecr": "HTML+ECR", + "edn": "edn", + "eex": "HTML+EEX", + "eiffel": "Eiffel", + "ejs": "EJS", + "elisp": "Emacs Lisp", + "elixir": "Elixir", + "elm": "Elm", + "emacs": "Emacs Lisp", + "emacs_lisp": "Emacs Lisp", + "emberscript": "EmberScript", + "eq": "EQ", + "erb": "HTML+ERB", + "erlang": "Erlang", + "f#": "F#", + "factor": "Factor", + "fancy": "Fancy", + "fantom": "Fantom", + "filebench_wml": "Filebench WML", + "filterscript": "Filterscript", + "fish": "fish", + "flex": "Lex", + "flux": "FLUX", + "formatted": "Formatted", + "forth": "Forth", + "fortran": "Fortran", + "foxpro": "xBase", + "freemarker": "FreeMarker", + "frege": "Frege", + "fsharp": "F#", + "ftl": "FreeMarker", + "fundamental": "Text", + "g-code": "G-code", + "game_maker_language": "Game Maker Language", + "gams": "GAMS", + "gap": "GAP", + "gcc_machine_description": "GCC Machine Description", + "gdb": "GDB", + "gdscript": "GDScript", + "genie": "Genie", + "genshi": "Genshi", + "gentoo_ebuild": "Gentoo Ebuild", + "gentoo_eclass": "Gentoo Eclass", + "gettext_catalog": "Gettext Catalog", + "gf": "Grammatical Framework", + "gherkin": "Gherkin", + "glsl": "GLSL", + "glyph": "Glyph", + "gn": "GN", + "gnuplot": "Gnuplot", + "go": "Go", + "golang": "Go", + "golo": "Golo", + "gosu": "Gosu", + "grace": "Grace", + "gradle": "Gradle", + "grammatical_framework": "Grammatical Framework", + "graph_modeling_language": "Graph Modeling Language", + "graphql": "GraphQL", + "graphviz_(dot)": "Graphviz (DOT)", + "groovy": "Groovy", + "groovy_server_pages": "Groovy Server Pages", + "gsp": "Groovy Server Pages", + "hack": "Hack", + "haml": "Haml", + "handlebars": "Handlebars", + "harbour": "Harbour", + "haskell": "Haskell", + "haxe": "Haxe", + "hbs": "Handlebars", + "hcl": "HCL", + "hlsl": "HLSL", + "html": "HTML", + "html+django": "HTML+Django", + "html+django/jinja": "HTML+Django", + "html+ecr": "HTML+ECR", + "html+eex": "HTML+EEX", + "html+erb": "HTML+ERB", + "html+jinja": "HTML+Django", + "html+php": "HTML+PHP", + "html+ruby": "RHTML", + "htmlbars": "Handlebars", + "htmldjango": "HTML+Django", + "http": "HTTP", + "hy": "Hy", + "hylang": "Hy", + "hyphy": "HyPhy", + "i7": "Inform 7", + "idl": "IDL", + "idris": "Idris", + "igor": "IGOR Pro", + "igor_pro": "IGOR Pro", + "igorpro": "IGOR Pro", + "inc": "PHP", + "inform7": "Inform 7", + "inform_7": "Inform 7", + "ini": "INI", + "inno_setup": "Inno Setup", + "io": "Io", + "ioke": "Ioke", + "ipython_notebook": "Jupyter Notebook", + "irc": "IRC log", + "irc_log": "IRC log", + "irc_logs": "IRC log", + "isabelle": "Isabelle", + "isabelle_root": "Isabelle ROOT", + "j": "J", + "jasmin": "Jasmin", + "java": "Java", + "java_server_page": "Groovy Server Pages", + "java_server_pages": "Java Server Pages", + "javascript": "JavaScript", + "jflex": "JFlex", + "jison": "Jison", + "jison_lex": "Jison Lex", + "jolie": "Jolie", + "jruby": "Ruby", + "js": "JavaScript", + "json": "JSON", + "json5": "JSON5", + "jsoniq": "JSONiq", + "jsonld": "JSONLD", + 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"NetLinx", + "netlinx+erb": "NetLinx+ERB", + "netlogo": "NetLogo", + "newlisp": "NewLisp", + "nginx": "Nginx", + "nginx_configuration_file": "Nginx", + "nim": "Nim", + "ninja": "Ninja", + "nit": "Nit", + "nix": "Nix", + "nixos": "Nix", + "njk": "HTML+Django", + "nl": "NL", + "node": "JavaScript", + "nroff": "Roff", + "nsis": "NSIS", + "nu": "Nu", + "numpy": "NumPy", + "nunjucks": "HTML+Django", + "nush": "Nu", + "nvim": "Vim script", + "obj-c": "Objective-C", + "obj-c++": "Objective-C++", + "obj-j": "Objective-J", + "objc": "Objective-C", + "objc++": "Objective-C++", + "objdump": "ObjDump", + "objective-c": "Objective-C", + "objective-c++": "Objective-C++", + "objective-j": "Objective-J", + "objectivec": "Objective-C", + "objectivec++": "Objective-C++", + "objectivej": "Objective-J", + "objectpascal": "Component Pascal", + "objj": "Objective-J", + "ocaml": "OCaml", + "octave": "Matlab", + "omgrofl": "Omgrofl", + "ooc": "ooc", + "opa": "Opa", + "opal": "Opal", + "opencl": "OpenCL", + "openedge": "OpenEdge ABL", + "openedge_abl": "OpenEdge ABL", + "openrc": "OpenRC runscript", + "openrc_runscript": "OpenRC runscript", + "openscad": "OpenSCAD", + "opentype_feature_file": "OpenType Feature File", + "org": "Org", + "osascript": "AppleScript", + "ox": "Ox", + "oxygene": "Oxygene", + "oz": "Oz", + "p4": "P4", + "pan": "Pan", + "pandoc": "Markdown", + "papyrus": "Papyrus", + "parrot": "Parrot", + "parrot_assembly": "Parrot Assembly", + "parrot_internal_representation": "Parrot Internal Representation", + "pascal": "Pascal", + "pasm": "Parrot Assembly", + "pawn": "PAWN", + "pep8": "Pep8", + "perl": "Perl", + "perl6": "Perl6", + "php": "PHP", + "pic": "Pic", + "pickle": "Pickle", + "picolisp": "PicoLisp", + "piglatin": "PigLatin", + "pike": "Pike", + "pir": "Parrot Internal Representation", + "plpgsql": "PLpgSQL", + "plsql": "PLSQL", + "pod": "Pod", + "pogoscript": "PogoScript", + "pony": "Pony", + "posh": "PowerShell", + "postscr": "PostScript", + "postscript": "PostScript", + "pot": "Gettext Catalog", + "pov-ray": "POV-Ray SDL", + "pov-ray_sdl": "POV-Ray SDL", + "povray": "POV-Ray SDL", + "powerbuilder": "PowerBuilder", + "powershell": "PowerShell", + "processing": "Processing", + "progress": "OpenEdge ABL", + "prolog": "Prolog", + "propeller_spin": "Propeller Spin", + "protobuf": "Protocol Buffer", + "protocol_buffer": "Protocol Buffer", + "protocol_buffers": "Protocol Buffer", + "public_key": "Public Key", + "pug": "Pug", + "puppet": "Puppet", + "pure_data": "Pure Data", + "purebasic": "PureBasic", + "purescript": "PureScript", + "pycon": "Python console", + "pyrex": "Cython", + "python": "Python", + "python_console": "Python console", + "python_traceback": "Python traceback", + "qmake": "QMake", + "qml": "QML", + "r": "R", + "racket": "Racket", + "ragel": "Ragel", + "ragel-rb": "Ragel", + "ragel-ruby": "Ragel", + "rake": "Ruby", + "raml": "RAML", + "rascal": "Rascal", + "raw": "Raw token data", + "raw_token_data": "Raw token data", + 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Language", + "webassembly": "WebAssembly", + "webidl": "WebIDL", + "winbatch": "Batchfile", + "wisp": "wisp", + "world_of_warcraft_addon_data": "World of Warcraft Addon Data", + "wsdl": "XML", + "x10": "X10", + "xbase": "xBase", + "xc": "XC", + "xcompose": "XCompose", + "xhtml": "HTML", + "xml": "XML", + "xml+genshi": "Genshi", + "xml+kid": "Genshi", + "xojo": "Xojo", + "xpages": "XPages", + "xproc": "XProc", + "xquery": "XQuery", + "xs": "XS", + "xsd": "XML", + "xsl": "XSLT", + "xslt": "XSLT", + "xten": "X10", + "xtend": "Xtend", + "yacc": "Yacc", + "yaml": "YAML", + "yang": "YANG", + "yml": "YAML", + "zephir": "Zephir", + "zimpl": "Zimpl", + "zsh": "Shell", } diff --git a/alias_test.go b/alias_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3612e37..0000000 --- a/alias_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -package slinguist - -import . "gopkg.in/check.v1" - -func (s *TSuite) TestGetLanguageByAlias(c *C) { - tests := []struct { - alias string - expectedLang string - expectedOk bool - }{ - {alias: "BestLanguageEver", expectedLang: OtherLanguage, expectedOk: false}, - {alias: "aspx-vb", expectedLang: "ASP", expectedOk: true}, - {alias: "C++", expectedLang: "C++", expectedOk: true}, - {alias: "c++", expectedLang: "C++", expectedOk: true}, - {alias: "objc", expectedLang: "Objective-C", expectedOk: true}, - {alias: "golang", expectedLang: "Go", expectedOk: true}, - {alias: "GOLANG", expectedLang: "Go", expectedOk: true}, - {alias: "bsdmake", expectedLang: "Makefile", expectedOk: true}, - {alias: "xhTmL", expectedLang: "HTML", expectedOk: true}, - {alias: "python", expectedLang: "Python", expectedOk: true}, - } - - for _, test := range tests { - lang, ok := GetLanguageByAlias(test.alias) - c.Assert(lang, Equals, test.expectedLang) - c.Assert(ok, Equals, test.expectedOk) - } -} diff --git a/aliases_map.go b/aliases_map.go deleted file mode 100644 index 74d7f3a..0000000 --- a/aliases_map.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,644 +0,0 @@ -package slinguist - -// CODE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY WITH gopkg.in/src-d/simple-linguist.v1/internal/code-generator -// THIS FILE SHOULD NOT BE EDITED BY HAND -// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 60f864a138650dd17fafc94814be9ee2d3aaef8c - -// languagesByAlias keeps alias for different languages and use the name of the languages as a alias too. All the -// keys (alias or not) are written in lower case and the whitespaces has been replaced by underscores. -var languagesByAlias = map[string]string{ - "1c_enterprise": "1C Enterprise", - "abap": "ABAP", - "abl": "OpenEdge ABL", - "abnf": "ABNF", - "abuild": "Alpine Abuild", - "aconf": "ApacheConf", - "actionscript": "ActionScript", - "actionscript3": "ActionScript", - "actionscript_3": "ActionScript", - "ada": "Ada", - "ada2005": "Ada", - "ada95": "Ada", - "advpl": "xBase", - "afdko": "OpenType Feature File", - "agda": "Agda", - "ags": "AGS Script", - "ags_script": "AGS Script", - "ahk": "AutoHotkey", - "alloy": "Alloy", - "alpine_abuild": "Alpine Abuild", - "ampl": "AMPL", - "ant_build_system": "Ant Build System", - "antlr": "ANTLR", - "apache": "ApacheConf", - "apacheconf": "ApacheConf", - "apex": "Apex", - "api_blueprint": "API Blueprint", - "apkbuild": "Alpine Abuild", - "apl": "APL", - "apollo_guidance_computer": "Apollo Guidance Computer", - "applescript": "AppleScript", - "arc": "Arc", - "arduino": "Arduino", - "arexx": "REXX", - "as3": "ActionScript", - "asciidoc": "AsciiDoc", - "asn.1": "ASN.1", - "asp": "ASP", - "aspectj": "AspectJ", - "aspx": "ASP", - "aspx-vb": "ASP", - "assembly": "Assembly", - "ats": "ATS", - "ats2": "ATS", - "au3": "AutoIt", - "augeas": "Augeas", - "autoconf": "M4Sugar", - "autohotkey": "AutoHotkey", - "autoit": "AutoIt", - "autoit3": "AutoIt", - "autoitscript": "AutoIt", - "awk": "Awk", - "b3d": "BlitzBasic", - "bash": "Shell", - "bash_session": "ShellSession", - "bat": "Batchfile", - "batch": "Batchfile", - "batchfile": "Batchfile", - "befunge": "Befunge", - "bison": "Bison", - "bitbake": "BitBake", - "blade": "Blade", - "blitz3d": "BlitzBasic", - "blitzbasic": "BlitzBasic", - "blitzmax": "BlitzMax", - "blitzplus": "BlitzBasic", - "bluespec": "Bluespec", - "bmax": "BlitzMax", - "boo": "Boo", - "bplus": "BlitzBasic", - "brainfuck": "Brainfuck", - "brightscript": "Brightscript", - "bro": "Bro", - "bsdmake": "Makefile", - "byond": "DM", - 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If classifier is null then DefaultClassfier will be used. -func GetLanguageByClassifier(content []byte, candidates []string, classifier Classifier) string { - if classifier == nil { - classifier = DefaultClassifier - } - - scores := classifier.Classify(content, candidates) - if len(scores) == 0 { - return OtherLanguage - } - - return getLangugeHigherScore(scores) -} - -func getLangugeHigherScore(scores map[string]float64) string { - var language string - higher := -math.MaxFloat64 - for lang, score := range scores { - if higher < score { - language = lang - higher = score - } - } - - return language -} - // Classifier is the interface that contains the method Classify which is in charge to assign scores to the possibles candidates. -// The scores must order the candidates so as the highest score be the most probably language of the content. +// The scores must order the candidates so as the highest score be the most probably language of the content. The candidates is +// a map which can be used to assign weights to languages dynamically. type Classifier interface { - Classify(content []byte, candidates []string) map[string]float64 + Classify(content []byte, candidates map[string]float64) map[string]float64 } type classifier struct { @@ -46,36 +19,36 @@ type classifier struct { tokensTotal float64 } -func (c *classifier) Classify(content []byte, candidates []string) map[string]float64 { +func (c *classifier) Classify(content []byte, candidates map[string]float64) map[string]float64 { if len(content) == 0 { return nil } - var languages []string + var languages map[string]float64 if len(candidates) == 0 { languages = c.knownLangs() } else { - languages = make([]string, 0, len(candidates)) - for _, candidate := range candidates { + languages = make(map[string]float64, len(candidates)) + for candidate, weight := range candidates { if lang, ok := GetLanguageByAlias(candidate); ok { - languages = append(languages, lang) + languages[lang] = weight } } } tokens := tokenizer.Tokenize(content) scores := make(map[string]float64, len(languages)) - for _, language := range languages { + for language := range languages { scores[language] = c.tokensLogProbability(tokens, language) + c.languagesLogProbabilities[language] } return scores } -func (c *classifier) knownLangs() []string { - langs := make([]string, 0, len(c.languagesLogProbabilities)) +func (c *classifier) knownLangs() map[string]float64 { + langs := make(map[string]float64, len(c.languagesLogProbabilities)) for lang := range c.languagesLogProbabilities { - langs = append(langs, lang) + langs[lang]++ } return langs diff --git a/classifier_test.go b/classifier_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index f0787b3..0000000 --- a/classifier_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -package slinguist - -import ( - "io/ioutil" - "path/filepath" - - . "gopkg.in/check.v1" -) - -func (s *TSuite) TestGetLanguageByClassifier(c *C) { - const samples = `.linguist/samples/` - test := []struct { - filename string - candidates []string - expectedLang string - }{ - {filename: filepath.Join(samples, "C/blob.c"), candidates: []string{"python", "ruby", "c", "c++"}, expectedLang: "C"}, - {filename: filepath.Join(samples, "C/blob.c"), candidates: nil, expectedLang: "C"}, - {filename: filepath.Join(samples, "C/main.c"), candidates: nil, expectedLang: "C"}, - {filename: filepath.Join(samples, "C/blob.c"), candidates: []string{"python", "ruby", "c++"}, expectedLang: "C++"}, - {filename: filepath.Join(samples, "C/blob.c"), candidates: []string{"ruby"}, expectedLang: "Ruby"}, - {filename: filepath.Join(samples, "Python/django-models-base.py"), candidates: []string{"python", "ruby", "c", "c++"}, expectedLang: "Python"}, - {filename: filepath.Join(samples, "Python/django-models-base.py"), candidates: nil, expectedLang: "Python"}, - } - - for _, test := range test { - content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(test.filename) - c.Assert(err, Equals, nil) - lang := GetLanguageByClassifier(content, test.candidates, nil) - c.Assert(lang, Equals, test.expectedLang) - } -} diff --git a/cli/slinguist/main.go b/cli/slinguist/main.go index 019621e..8018807 100644 --- a/cli/slinguist/main.go +++ b/cli/slinguist/main.go @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ func main() { } errors := false - o := make(map[string][]string, 0) + out := make(map[string][]string, 0) err = filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { errors = true @@ -29,7 +29,23 @@ func main() { return filepath.SkipDir } - if slinguist.IsVendor(f.Name()) || slinguist.IsDotFile(f.Name()) { + relativePath, err := filepath.Rel(root, path) + if err != nil { + errors = true + log.Println(err) + return nil + } + + if relativePath == "." { + return nil + } + + if f.IsDir() { + relativePath = relativePath + "/" + } + + if slinguist.IsVendor(relativePath) || slinguist.IsDotFile(relativePath) || + slinguist.IsDocumentation(relativePath) || slinguist.IsConfiguration(relativePath) { if f.IsDir() { return filepath.SkipDir } @@ -48,16 +64,12 @@ func main() { return nil } - l := slinguist.GetLanguage(filepath.Base(path), content) - - r, err := filepath.Rel(root, path) - if err != nil { - errors = true - log.Println(err) + language := slinguist.GetLanguage(filepath.Base(path), content) + if language == slinguist.OtherLanguage { return nil } - o[l] = append(o[l], r) + out[language] = append(out[language], relativePath) return nil }) @@ -65,8 +77,8 @@ func main() { log.Fatal(err) } - js, _ := json.MarshalIndent(o, "", " ") - fmt.Printf("%s\n", js) + data, _ := json.MarshalIndent(out, "", " ") + fmt.Printf("%s\n", data) if errors { os.Exit(2) diff --git a/common.go b/common.go index 2262e7d..e2a47c9 100644 --- a/common.go +++ b/common.go @@ -1,72 +1,188 @@ package slinguist -const OtherLanguage = "Other" - -var ( - ExtensionsByLanguage map[string][]string - ignoredExtensions = map[string]bool{ - ".asc": true, ".cgi": true, ".fcgi": true, ".gml": true, ".fx": true, - ".vhost": true, - } - auxiliaryLanguages = map[string]bool{ - "Other": true, "XML": true, "YAML": true, "TOML": true, "INI": true, - "JSON": true, "TeX": true, "Public Key": true, "AsciiDoc": true, - "AGS Script": true, "VimL": true, "Diff": true, "CMake": true, "fish": true, - "Awk": true, "Graphviz (DOT)": true, "Markdown": true, "desktop": true, - "XSLT": true, "SQL": true, "RMarkdown": true, "IRC log": true, - "reStructuredText": true, "Twig": true, "CSS": true, "Batchfile": true, - "Text": true, "HTML+ERB": true, "HTML": true, "Gettext Catalog": true, - "Smarty": true, "Raw token data": true, - } +import ( + "math" + "path/filepath" + "strings" ) -func init() { - for l, _ := range ignoredExtensions { - languagesByExtension[l] = []string{OtherLanguage} - } +// OtherLanguage is used as a zero value when a function can not return a specific language. +const OtherLanguage = "Other" - ExtensionsByLanguage = reverseStringListMap(languagesByExtension) +// Strategy type fix the signature for the functions that can be used as a strategy. +type Strategy func(filename string, content []byte) (languages []string) + +var strategies = []Strategy{ + GetLanguagesByModeline, + GetLanguagesByFilename, + GetLanguagesByShebang, + GetLanguagesByExtension, + GetLanguagesByContent, } -// GetLanguageExtensions returns the different extensions being used by the -// language. -func GetLanguageExtensions(language string) []string { - return ExtensionsByLanguage[language] -} - -// GetLanguage return the Language for a given filename and file content. +// GetLanguage applies a sequence of strategies based on the given filename and content +// to find out the most probably language to return. func GetLanguage(filename string, content []byte) string { - if lang, safe := GetLanguageByModeline(content); safe { - return lang + candidates := map[string]float64{} + for _, strategy := range strategies { + languages := strategy(filename, content) + if len(languages) == 1 { + return languages[0] + } + + if len(languages) > 0 { + for _, language := range languages { + candidates[language]++ + } + } } - if lang, safe := GetLanguageByFilename(filename); safe { - return lang + if len(candidates) == 0 { + return OtherLanguage } - if lang, safe := GetLanguageByShebang(content); safe { - return lang - } - - if lang, safe := GetLanguageByExtension(filename); safe { - return lang - } - - if lang, safe := GetLanguageByContent(filename, content); safe { - return lang - } - - lang := GetLanguageByClassifier(content, nil, nil) + lang := GetLanguageByClassifier(content, candidates, nil) return lang } -func reverseStringListMap(i map[string][]string) (o map[string][]string) { - o = map[string][]string{} - for key, set := range i { - for _, value := range set { - o[value] = append(o[value], key) +// GetLanguageByModeline returns the language of the given content looking for the modeline, +// and safe to indicate the sureness of returned language. +func GetLanguageByModeline(content []byte) (lang string, safe bool) { + return getLangAndSafe("", content, GetLanguagesByModeline) +} + +// GetLanguageByFilename returns a language based on the given filename, and safe to indicate +// the sureness of returned language. +func GetLanguageByFilename(filename string) (lang string, safe bool) { + return getLangAndSafe(filename, nil, GetLanguagesByFilename) +} + +// GetLanguagesByFilename returns a slice of possible languages for the given filename, content will be ignored. +// It accomplish the signature to be a Strategy type. +func GetLanguagesByFilename(filename string, content []byte) []string { + return languagesByFilename[filename] +} + +// GetLanguageByShebang returns the language of the given content looking for the shebang line, +// and safe to indicate the sureness of returned language. +func GetLanguageByShebang(content []byte) (lang string, safe bool) { + return getLangAndSafe("", content, GetLanguagesByShebang) +} + +// GetLanguageByExtension returns a language based on the given filename, and safe to indicate +// the sureness of returned language. +func GetLanguageByExtension(filename string) (lang string, safe bool) { + return getLangAndSafe(filename, nil, GetLanguagesByExtension) +} + +// GetLanguagesByExtension returns a slice of possible languages for the given filename, content will be ignored. +// It accomplish the signature to be a Strategy type. +func GetLanguagesByExtension(filename string, content []byte) []string { + ext := strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(filename)) + return languagesByExtension[ext] +} + +// GetLanguageByContent returns a language based on the filename and heuristics applies to the content, +// and safe to indicate the sureness of returned language. +func GetLanguageByContent(filename string, content []byte) (lang string, safe bool) { + return getLangAndSafe(filename, content, GetLanguagesByContent) +} + +// GetLanguagesByContent returns a slice of possible languages for the given content, filename will be ignored. +// It accomplish the signature to be a Strategy type. +func GetLanguagesByContent(filename string, content []byte) []string { + ext := strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(filename)) + fnMatcher, ok := contentMatchers[ext] + if !ok { + return nil + } + + return fnMatcher(content) +} + +func getLangAndSafe(filename string, content []byte, getLanguageByStrategy Strategy) (lang string, safe bool) { + languages := getLanguageByStrategy(filename, content) + if len(languages) == 0 { + lang = OtherLanguage + return + } + + lang = languages[0] + safe = len(languages) == 1 + return +} + +// GetLanguageByClassifier takes in a content and a list of candidates, and apply the classifier's Classify method to +// get the most probably language. If classifier is null then DefaultClassfier will be used. If there aren't candidates +// OtherLanguage is returned. +func GetLanguageByClassifier(content []byte, candidates map[string]float64, classifier Classifier) string { + scores := GetLanguagesByClassifier(content, candidates, classifier) + if len(scores) == 0 { + return OtherLanguage + } + + return getLangugeHigherScore(scores) +} + +func getLangugeHigherScore(scores map[string]float64) string { + var language string + higher := -math.MaxFloat64 + for lang, score := range scores { + if higher < score { + language = lang + higher = score } } + return language +} + +// GetLanguagesByClassifier returns a map of possible languages as keys and a score as value based on content and candidates. The values can be ordered +// with the highest value as the most probably language. If classifier is null then DefaultClassfier will be used. +func GetLanguagesByClassifier(content []byte, candidates map[string]float64, classifier Classifier) map[string]float64 { + if classifier == nil { + classifier = DefaultClassifier + } + + return classifier.Classify(content, candidates) +} + +// GetLanguageExtensions returns the different extensions being used by the language. +func GetLanguageExtensions(language string) []string { + return extensionsByLanguage[language] +} + +// Type represent language's type. Either data, programming, markup, prose, or unknown. +type Type int + +// Type's values. +const ( + Unknown Type = iota + Data + Programming + Markup + Prose +) + +// GetLanguageType returns the given language's type. +func GetLanguageType(language string) (langType Type) { + langType, ok := languagesType[language] + if !ok { + langType = Unknown + } + + return langType +} + +// GetLanguageByAlias returns either the language related to the given alias and ok set to true +// or Otherlanguage and ok set to false if the alias is not recognized. +func GetLanguageByAlias(alias string) (lang string, ok bool) { + a := strings.Split(alias, `,`)[0] + a = strings.ToLower(a) + lang, ok = languagesByAlias[a] + if !ok { + lang = OtherLanguage + } + return } diff --git a/common_test.go b/common_test.go index 5cffae5..6474d12 100644 --- a/common_test.go +++ b/common_test.go @@ -1,19 +1,351 @@ package slinguist import ( + "fmt" + "io/ioutil" + "os" + "path/filepath" "testing" + "text/tabwriter" - . "gopkg.in/check.v1" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/suite" ) -func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) } - -type TSuite struct{} - -var _ = Suite(&TSuite{}) - -func (s *TSuite) TestGetLanguage(c *C) { - c.Assert(GetLanguage("foo.py", []byte{}), Equals, "Python") - c.Assert(GetLanguage("foo.m", []byte(":- module")), Equals, "Mercury") - c.Assert(GetLanguage("foo.m", []byte{}), Equals, "Other") +type SimpleLinguistTestSuite struct { + suite.Suite +} + +func TestSimpleLinguistTestSuite(t *testing.T) { + suite.Run(t, new(SimpleLinguistTestSuite)) +} + +func (s *SimpleLinguistTestSuite) TestGetLanguage() { + tests := []struct { + name string + filename string + content []byte + expected string + }{ + {name: "TestGetLanguage_1", filename: "foo.py", content: []byte{}, expected: "Python"}, + {name: "TestGetLanguage_2", filename: "foo.m", content: []byte(":- module"), expected: "Mercury"}, + {name: "TestGetLanguage_3", filename: "foo.m", content: nil, expected: OtherLanguage}, + } + + for _, test := range tests { + language := GetLanguage(test.filename, test.content) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expected, language, fmt.Sprintf("%v: %v, expected: %v", test.name, language, test.expected)) + } +} + +func (s *SimpleLinguistTestSuite) TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist() { + const ( + modelinesDir = ".linguist/test/fixtures/Data/Modelines" + samplesDir = ".linguist/samples" + ) + + tests := []struct { + name string + filename string + expectedLang string + expectedSafe bool + }{ + // Emacs + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_1", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "example_smalltalk.md"), expectedLang: "Smalltalk", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_2", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "fundamentalEmacs.c"), expectedLang: "Text", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_3", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "iamphp.inc"), expectedLang: "PHP", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_4", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "seeplusplusEmacs1"), expectedLang: "C++", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_5", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "seeplusplusEmacs2"), expectedLang: "C++", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_6", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "seeplusplusEmacs3"), expectedLang: "C++", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_7", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "seeplusplusEmacs4"), expectedLang: "C++", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_8", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "seeplusplusEmacs5"), expectedLang: "C++", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_9", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "seeplusplusEmacs6"), expectedLang: "C++", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_10", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "seeplusplusEmacs7"), expectedLang: "C++", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_11", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "seeplusplusEmacs9"), expectedLang: "C++", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_12", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "seeplusplusEmacs10"), expectedLang: "C++", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_13", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "seeplusplusEmacs11"), expectedLang: "C++", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_14", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "seeplusplusEmacs12"), expectedLang: "C++", expectedSafe: true}, + + // Vim + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_15", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "seeplusplus"), expectedLang: "C++", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_16", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "iamjs.pl"), expectedLang: "JavaScript", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_17", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "iamjs2.pl"), expectedLang: "JavaScript", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_18", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "not_perl.pl"), expectedLang: "Prolog", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_19", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "ruby"), expectedLang: "Ruby", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_20", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "ruby2"), expectedLang: "Ruby", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_21", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "ruby3"), expectedLang: "Ruby", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_22", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "ruby4"), expectedLang: "Ruby", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_23", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "ruby5"), expectedLang: "Ruby", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_24", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "ruby6"), expectedLang: "Ruby", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_25", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "ruby7"), expectedLang: "Ruby", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_26", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "ruby8"), expectedLang: "Ruby", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_27", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "ruby9"), expectedLang: "Ruby", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_28", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "ruby10"), expectedLang: "Ruby", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_29", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "ruby11"), expectedLang: "Ruby", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_30", filename: filepath.Join(modelinesDir, "ruby12"), expectedLang: "Ruby", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModelineLinguist_31", filename: filepath.Join(samplesDir, "C/main.c"), expectedLang: OtherLanguage, expectedSafe: false}, + } + + for _, test := range tests { + content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(test.filename) + assert.NoError(s.T(), err) + + lang, safe := GetLanguageByModeline(content) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expectedLang, lang, fmt.Sprintf("%v: lang = %v, expected: %v", test.name, lang, test.expectedLang)) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expectedSafe, safe, fmt.Sprintf("%v: safe = %v, expected: %v", test.name, safe, test.expectedSafe)) + } +} + +func (s *SimpleLinguistTestSuite) TestGetLanguageByModeline() { + const ( + wrongVim = `# vim: set syntax=ruby ft =python filetype=perl :` + rightVim = `/* vim: set syntax=python ft =python filetype=python */` + noLangVim = `/* vim: set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=0 cindent cinoptions={1s: */` + ) + + tests := []struct { + name string + content []byte + expectedLang string + expectedSafe bool + }{ + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModeline_1", content: []byte(wrongVim), expectedLang: OtherLanguage, expectedSafe: false}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModeline_2", content: []byte(rightVim), expectedLang: "Python", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByModeline_3", content: []byte(noLangVim), expectedLang: OtherLanguage, expectedSafe: false}, + } + + for _, test := range tests { + lang, safe := GetLanguageByModeline(test.content) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expectedLang, lang, fmt.Sprintf("%v: lang = %v, expected: %v", test.name, lang, test.expectedLang)) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expectedSafe, safe, fmt.Sprintf("%v: safe = %v, expected: %v", test.name, safe, test.expectedSafe)) + } +} + +func (s *SimpleLinguistTestSuite) TestGetLanguageByFilename() { + tests := []struct { + name string + filename string + expectedLang string + expectedSafe bool + }{ + {name: "TestGetLanguageByFilename_1", filename: "unknown.interpreter", expectedLang: OtherLanguage, expectedSafe: false}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByFilename_2", filename: ".bashrc", expectedLang: "Shell", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByFilename_3", filename: "Dockerfile", expectedLang: "Dockerfile", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByFilename_4", filename: "Makefile.frag", expectedLang: "Makefile", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByFilename_5", filename: "makefile", expectedLang: "Makefile", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByFilename_6", filename: "Vagrantfile", expectedLang: "Ruby", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByFilename_7", filename: "_vimrc", expectedLang: "Vim script", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByFilename_8", filename: "pom.xml", expectedLang: "Maven POM", expectedSafe: true}, + } + + for _, test := range tests { + lang, safe := GetLanguageByFilename(test.filename) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expectedLang, lang, fmt.Sprintf("%v: lang = %v, expected: %v", test.name, lang, test.expectedLang)) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expectedSafe, safe, fmt.Sprintf("%v: safe = %v, expected: %v", test.name, safe, test.expectedSafe)) + } +} + +func (s *SimpleLinguistTestSuite) TestGetLanguageByShebang() { + const ( + multilineExecHack = `#!/bin/sh +# Next line is comment in Tcl, but not in sh... \ +exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}` + + multilineNoExecHack = `#!/bin/sh +#<<<# +echo "A shell script in a zkl program ($0)" +echo "Now run zkl with Hello World as args" +zkl $0 Hello World! +exit +#<<<# +println("The shell script says ",vm.arglist.concat(" "));` + ) + + tests := []struct { + name string + content []byte + expectedLang string + expectedSafe bool + }{ + {name: "TestGetLanguageByShebang_1", content: []byte(`#!/unknown/interpreter`), expectedLang: OtherLanguage, expectedSafe: false}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByShebang_2", content: []byte(`no shebang`), expectedLang: OtherLanguage, expectedSafe: false}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByShebang_3", content: []byte(`#!/usr/bin/env`), expectedLang: OtherLanguage, expectedSafe: false}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByShebang_4", content: []byte(`#!/usr/bin/python -tt`), expectedLang: "Python", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByShebang_5", content: []byte(`#!/usr/bin/env python2.6`), expectedLang: "Python", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByShebang_6", content: []byte(`#!/usr/bin/env perl`), expectedLang: "Perl", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByShebang_7", content: []byte(`#! /bin/sh`), expectedLang: "Shell", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByShebang_8", content: []byte(`#!bash`), expectedLang: "Shell", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByShebang_9", content: []byte(multilineExecHack), expectedLang: "Tcl", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByShebang_10", content: []byte(multilineNoExecHack), expectedLang: "Shell", expectedSafe: true}, + } + + for _, test := range tests { + lang, safe := GetLanguageByShebang(test.content) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expectedLang, lang, fmt.Sprintf("%v: lang = %v, expected: %v", test.name, lang, test.expectedLang)) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expectedSafe, safe, fmt.Sprintf("%v: safe = %v, expected: %v", test.name, safe, test.expectedSafe)) + } +} + +func (s *SimpleLinguistTestSuite) TestGetLanguageByExtension() { + tests := []struct { + name string + filename string + expectedLang string + expectedSafe bool + }{ + {name: "TestGetLanguageByExtension_1", filename: "foo.foo", expectedLang: OtherLanguage, expectedSafe: false}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByExtension_2", filename: "foo.go", expectedLang: "Go", expectedSafe: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByExtension_3", filename: "foo.go.php", expectedLang: "Hack", expectedSafe: false}, + } + + for _, test := range tests { + lang, safe := GetLanguageByExtension(test.filename) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expectedLang, lang, fmt.Sprintf("%v: lang = %v, expected: %v", test.name, lang, test.expectedLang)) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expectedSafe, safe, fmt.Sprintf("%v: safe = %v, expected: %v", test.name, safe, test.expectedSafe)) + } +} + +func (s *SimpleLinguistTestSuite) TestGetLanguageByContentLinguistCorpus() { + var total, failed, ok, other, unsafe int + + w := new(tabwriter.Writer) + w.Init(os.Stdout, 0, 8, 0, '\t', 0) + + filepath.Walk(".linguist/samples", func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { + if f.IsDir() { + if f.Name() == "filenames" { + return filepath.SkipDir + } + + return nil + } + + expected := filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(path)) + filename := filepath.Base(path) + extension := filepath.Ext(path) + content, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(path) + + if extension == "" { + return nil + } + + total++ + obtained, safe := GetLanguageByContent(filename, content) + if obtained == OtherLanguage { + other++ + } + + var status string + if expected == obtained { + status = "ok" + ok++ + } else { + status = "failed" + failed++ + if !safe { + unsafe++ + } + } + + fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%v\t%s\n", filename, expected, obtained, safe, status) + + return nil + }) + + fmt.Fprintln(w) + w.Flush() + + fmt.Printf("total files: %d, ok: %d, failed: %d, unsafe: %d, other: %d\n", total, ok, failed, unsafe, other) +} + +func (s *SimpleLinguistTestSuite) TestGetLanguageByClassifier() { + const samples = `.linguist/samples/` + test := []struct { + name string + filename string + candidates map[string]float64 + expected string + }{ + {name: "TestGetLanguageByClassifier_1", filename: filepath.Join(samples, "C/blob.c"), candidates: map[string]float64{"python": 1.00, "ruby": 1.00, "c": 1.00, "c++": 1.00}, expected: "C"}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByClassifier_2", filename: filepath.Join(samples, "C/blob.c"), candidates: nil, expected: "C"}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByClassifier_3", filename: filepath.Join(samples, "C/main.c"), candidates: nil, expected: "C"}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByClassifier_4", filename: filepath.Join(samples, "C/blob.c"), candidates: map[string]float64{"python": 1.00, "ruby": 1.00, "c++": 1.00}, expected: "C++"}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByClassifier_5", filename: filepath.Join(samples, "C/blob.c"), candidates: map[string]float64{"ruby": 1.00}, expected: "Ruby"}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByClassifier_6", filename: filepath.Join(samples, "Python/django-models-base.py"), candidates: map[string]float64{"python": 1.00, "ruby": 1.00, "c": 1.00, "c++": 1.00}, expected: "Python"}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByClassifier_7", filename: filepath.Join(samples, "Python/django-models-base.py"), candidates: nil, expected: "Python"}, + } + + for _, test := range test { + content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(test.filename) + assert.NoError(s.T(), err) + + lang := GetLanguageByClassifier(content, test.candidates, nil) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expected, lang, fmt.Sprintf("%v: lang = %v, expected: %v", test.name, lang, test.expected)) + } +} + +func (s *SimpleLinguistTestSuite) TestGetLanguageExtensions() { + tests := []struct { + name string + language string + expected []string + }{ + {name: "TestGetLanguageExtensions_1", language: "foo", expected: nil}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageExtensions_2", language: "COBOL", expected: []string{".cob", ".cbl", ".ccp", ".cobol", ".cpy"}}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageExtensions_3", language: "Maven POM", expected: nil}, + } + + for _, test := range tests { + extensions := GetLanguageExtensions(test.language) + assert.EqualValues(s.T(), test.expected, extensions, fmt.Sprintf("%v: extensions = %v, expected: %v", test.name, extensions, test.expected)) + } +} + +func (s *SimpleLinguistTestSuite) TestGetLanguageType() { + tests := []struct { + name string + language string + expected Type + }{ + {name: "TestGetLanguageType_1", language: "BestLanguageEver", expected: Unknown}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageType_2", language: "JSON", expected: Data}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageType_3", language: "COLLADA", expected: Data}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageType_4", language: "Go", expected: Programming}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageType_5", language: "Brainfuck", expected: Programming}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageType_6", language: "HTML", expected: Markup}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageType_7", language: "Sass", expected: Markup}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageType_8", language: "AsciiDoc", expected: Prose}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageType_9", language: "Textile", expected: Prose}, + } + + for _, test := range tests { + langType := GetLanguageType(test.language) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expected, langType, fmt.Sprintf("%v: langType = %v, expected: %v", test.name, langType, test.expected)) + } +} + +func (s *SimpleLinguistTestSuite) TestGetLanguageByAlias() { + tests := []struct { + name string + alias string + expectedLang string + expectedOk bool + }{ + {name: "TestGetLanguageByAlias_1", alias: "BestLanguageEver", expectedLang: OtherLanguage, expectedOk: false}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByAlias_2", alias: "aspx-vb", expectedLang: "ASP", expectedOk: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByAlias_3", alias: "C++", expectedLang: "C++", expectedOk: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByAlias_4", alias: "c++", expectedLang: "C++", expectedOk: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByAlias_5", alias: "objc", expectedLang: "Objective-C", expectedOk: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByAlias_6", alias: "golang", expectedLang: "Go", expectedOk: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByAlias_7", alias: "GOLANG", expectedLang: "Go", expectedOk: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByAlias_8", alias: "bsdmake", expectedLang: "Makefile", expectedOk: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByAlias_9", alias: "xhTmL", expectedLang: "HTML", expectedOk: true}, + {name: "TestGetLanguageByAlias_10", alias: "python", expectedLang: "Python", expectedOk: true}, + } + + for _, test := range tests { + lang, ok := GetLanguageByAlias(test.alias) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expectedLang, lang, fmt.Sprintf("%v: lang = %v, expected: %v", test.name, lang, test.expectedLang)) + assert.Equal(s.T(), test.expectedOk, ok, fmt.Sprintf("%v: ok = %v, expected: %v", test.name, ok, test.expectedOk)) + } } diff --git a/content.go b/content.go index 36f8973..4b39cc9 100644 --- a/content.go +++ b/content.go @@ -2,460 +2,447 @@ package slinguist // CODE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY WITH gopkg.in/src-d/simple-linguist.v1/internal/code-generator // THIS FILE SHOULD NOT BE EDITED BY HAND -// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 60f864a138650dd17fafc94814be9ee2d3aaef8c +// Extracted from github/linguist commit: b6460f8ed6b249281ada099ca28bd8f1230b8892 import ( - "path/filepath" "regexp" - "strings" ) -func GetLanguageByContent(filename string, content []byte) (lang string, safe bool) { - ext := strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(filename)) - if fnMatcher, ok := matchers[ext]; ok { - lang, safe = fnMatcher(content) - } else { - lang = OtherLanguage - } +type languageMatcher func([]byte) []string - return -} - -type languageMatcher func([]byte) (string, bool) - -var matchers = map[string]languageMatcher{ - ".asc": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { +var contentMatchers = map[string]languageMatcher{ + ".asc": func(i []byte) []string { if asc_PublicKey_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Public Key", true + return []string{"Public Key"} } else if asc_AsciiDoc_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "AsciiDoc", true + return []string{"AsciiDoc"} } else if asc_AGSScript_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "AGS Script", true + return []string{"AGS Script"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".bb": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".bb": func(i []byte) []string { if bb_BlitzBasic_Matcher_0.Match(i) || bb_BlitzBasic_Matcher_1.Match(i) { - return "BlitzBasic", true + return []string{"BlitzBasic"} } else if bb_BitBake_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "BitBake", true + return []string{"BitBake"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".builds": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".builds": func(i []byte) []string { if builds_XML_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "XML", true + return []string{"XML"} } - return "Text", true + return []string{"Text"} }, - ".ch": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".ch": func(i []byte) []string { if ch_xBase_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "xBase", true + return []string{"xBase"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".cl": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".cl": func(i []byte) []string { if cl_CommonLisp_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Common Lisp", true + return []string{"Common Lisp"} } else if cl_Cool_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Cool", true + return []string{"Cool"} } else if cl_OpenCL_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "OpenCL", true + return []string{"OpenCL"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".cls": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".cls": func(i []byte) []string { if cls_TeX_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "TeX", true + return []string{"TeX"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".cs": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".cs": func(i []byte) []string { if cs_Smalltalk_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Smalltalk", true + return []string{"Smalltalk"} } else if cs_CSharp_Matcher_0.Match(i) || cs_CSharp_Matcher_1.Match(i) { - return "C#", true + return []string{"C#"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".d": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".d": func(i []byte) []string { if d_D_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "D", true + return []string{"D"} } else if d_DTrace_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "DTrace", true + return []string{"DTrace"} } else if d_Makefile_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Makefile", true + return []string{"Makefile"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".ecl": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".ecl": func(i []byte) []string { if ecl_ECLiPSe_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "ECLiPSe", true + return []string{"ECLiPSe"} } else if ecl_ECL_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "ECL", true + return []string{"ECL"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".es": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".es": func(i []byte) []string { if es_Erlang_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Erlang", true + return []string{"Erlang"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".f": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".f": func(i []byte) []string { if f_Forth_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Forth", true + return []string{"Forth"} } else if f_FilebenchWML_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Filebench WML", true + return []string{"Filebench WML"} } else if f_Fortran_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Fortran", true + return []string{"Fortran"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".for": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".for": func(i []byte) []string { if for_Forth_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Forth", true + return []string{"Forth"} } else if for_Fortran_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Fortran", true + return []string{"Fortran"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".fr": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".fr": func(i []byte) []string { if fr_Forth_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Forth", true + return []string{"Forth"} } else if fr_Frege_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Frege", true + return []string{"Frege"} } - return "Text", true + return []string{"Text"} }, - ".fs": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".fs": func(i []byte) []string { if fs_Forth_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Forth", true + return []string{"Forth"} } else if fs_FSharp_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "F#", true + return []string{"F#"} } else if fs_GLSL_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "GLSL", true + return []string{"GLSL"} } else if fs_Filterscript_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Filterscript", true + return []string{"Filterscript"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".gs": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".gs": func(i []byte) []string { if gs_Gosu_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Gosu", true + return []string{"Gosu"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".h": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".h": func(i []byte) []string { if h_ObjectiveDashC_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Objective-C", true + return []string{"Objective-C"} } else if h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_0.Match(i) || h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_1.Match(i) || h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_2.Match(i) || h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_3.Match(i) || h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_4.Match(i) || h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_5.Match(i) || h_CPlusPlus_Matcher_6.Match(i) { - return "C++", true + return []string{"C++"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".inc": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".inc": func(i []byte) []string { if inc_PHP_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "PHP", true + return []string{"PHP"} } else if inc_POVDashRaySDL_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "POV-Ray SDL", true + return []string{"POV-Ray SDL"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".l": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".l": func(i []byte) []string { if l_CommonLisp_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Common Lisp", true + return []string{"Common Lisp"} } else if l_Lex_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Lex", true + return []string{"Lex"} } else if l_Roff_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Roff", true + return []string{"Roff"} } else if l_PicoLisp_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "PicoLisp", true + return []string{"PicoLisp"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".ls": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".ls": func(i []byte) []string { if ls_LoomScript_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "LoomScript", true + return []string{"LoomScript"} } - return "LiveScript", true + return []string{"LiveScript"} }, - ".lsp": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".lsp": func(i []byte) []string { if lsp_CommonLisp_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Common Lisp", true + return []string{"Common Lisp"} } else if lsp_NewLisp_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "NewLisp", true + return []string{"NewLisp"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".lisp": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".lisp": func(i []byte) []string { if lisp_CommonLisp_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Common Lisp", true + return []string{"Common Lisp"} } else if lisp_NewLisp_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "NewLisp", true + return []string{"NewLisp"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".m": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".m": func(i []byte) []string { if m_ObjectiveDashC_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Objective-C", true + return []string{"Objective-C"} } else if m_Mercury_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Mercury", true + return []string{"Mercury"} } else if m_MUF_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "MUF", true + return []string{"MUF"} } else if m_M_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "M", true + return []string{"M"} } else if m_Mathematica_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Mathematica", true + return []string{"Mathematica"} } else if m_Matlab_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Matlab", true + return []string{"Matlab"} } else if m_Limbo_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Limbo", true + return []string{"Limbo"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".md": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".md": func(i []byte) []string { if md_Markdown_Matcher_0.Match(i) || md_Markdown_Matcher_1.Match(i) { - return "Markdown", true + return []string{"Markdown"} } else if md_GCCMachineDescription_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "GCC Machine Description", true + return []string{"GCC Machine Description"} } - return "Markdown", true + return []string{"Markdown"} }, - ".ml": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".ml": func(i []byte) []string { if ml_OCaml_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "OCaml", true + return []string{"OCaml"} } else if ml_StandardML_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Standard ML", true + return []string{"Standard ML"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".mod": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".mod": func(i []byte) []string { if mod_XML_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "XML", true + return []string{"XML"} } else if mod_ModulaDash2_Matcher_0.Match(i) || mod_ModulaDash2_Matcher_1.Match(i) { - return "Modula-2", true + return []string{"Modula-2"} } - return "Linux Kernel Module", false + return []string{"Linux Kernel Module", "AMPL"} }, - ".ms": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".ms": func(i []byte) []string { if ms_Roff_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Roff", true + return []string{"Roff"} } - return "MAXScript", true + return []string{"MAXScript"} }, - ".n": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".n": func(i []byte) []string { if n_Roff_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Roff", true + return []string{"Roff"} } else if n_Nemerle_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Nemerle", true + return []string{"Nemerle"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".ncl": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".ncl": func(i []byte) []string { if ncl_Text_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Text", true + return []string{"Text"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".nl": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".nl": func(i []byte) []string { if nl_NL_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "NL", true + return []string{"NL"} } - return "NewLisp", true + return []string{"NewLisp"} }, - ".php": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".php": func(i []byte) []string { if php_Hack_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Hack", true + return []string{"Hack"} } else if php_PHP_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "PHP", true + return []string{"PHP"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".pl": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".pl": func(i []byte) []string { if pl_Prolog_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Prolog", true + return []string{"Prolog"} } else if pl_Perl_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Perl", true + return []string{"Perl"} } else if pl_Perl6_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Perl6", true + return []string{"Perl6"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".pm": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".pm": func(i []byte) []string { if pm_Perl6_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Perl6", true + return []string{"Perl6"} } else if pm_Perl_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Perl", true + return []string{"Perl"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".pod": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".pod": func(i []byte) []string { if pod_Pod_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Pod", true + return []string{"Pod"} } - return "Perl", true + return []string{"Perl"} }, - ".pro": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".pro": func(i []byte) []string { if pro_Prolog_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Prolog", true + return []string{"Prolog"} } else if pro_INI_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "INI", true + return []string{"INI"} } else if pro_QMake_Matcher_0.Match(i) && pro_QMake_Matcher_1.Match(i) { - return "QMake", true + return []string{"QMake"} } else if pro_IDL_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "IDL", true + return []string{"IDL"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".props": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".props": func(i []byte) []string { if props_XML_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "XML", true + return []string{"XML"} } else if props_INI_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "INI", true + return []string{"INI"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".r": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".r": func(i []byte) []string { if r_Rebol_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Rebol", true + return []string{"Rebol"} } else if r_R_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "R", true + return []string{"R"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".rno": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".rno": func(i []byte) []string { if rno_RUNOFF_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "RUNOFF", true + return []string{"RUNOFF"} } else if rno_Roff_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Roff", true + return []string{"Roff"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".rpy": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".rpy": func(i []byte) []string { if rpy_Python_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Python", true + return []string{"Python"} } - return "Ren'Py", true + return []string{"Ren'Py"} }, - ".rs": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".rs": func(i []byte) []string { if rs_Rust_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Rust", true + return []string{"Rust"} } else if rs_RenderScript_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "RenderScript", true + return []string{"RenderScript"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".sc": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".sc": func(i []byte) []string { if sc_SuperCollider_Matcher_0.Match(i) || sc_SuperCollider_Matcher_1.Match(i) || sc_SuperCollider_Matcher_2.Match(i) { - return "SuperCollider", true + return []string{"SuperCollider"} } else if sc_Scala_Matcher_0.Match(i) || sc_Scala_Matcher_1.Match(i) || sc_Scala_Matcher_2.Match(i) { - return "Scala", true + return []string{"Scala"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".sql": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".sql": func(i []byte) []string { if sql_PLpgSQL_Matcher_0.Match(i) || sql_PLpgSQL_Matcher_1.Match(i) || sql_PLpgSQL_Matcher_2.Match(i) { - return "PLpgSQL", true + return []string{"PLpgSQL"} } else if sql_SQLPL_Matcher_0.Match(i) || sql_SQLPL_Matcher_1.Match(i) { - return "SQLPL", true + return []string{"SQLPL"} } else if sql_PLSQL_Matcher_0.Match(i) || sql_PLSQL_Matcher_1.Match(i) { - return "PLSQL", true + return []string{"PLSQL"} } else if sql_SQL_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "SQL", true + return []string{"SQL"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".srt": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".srt": func(i []byte) []string { if srt_SubRipText_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "SubRip Text", true + return []string{"SubRip Text"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".t": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".t": func(i []byte) []string { if t_Turing_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Turing", true + return []string{"Turing"} } else if t_Perl6_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Perl6", true + return []string{"Perl6"} } else if t_Perl_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "Perl", true + return []string{"Perl"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".toc": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".toc": func(i []byte) []string { if toc_WorldofWarcraftAddonData_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "World of Warcraft Addon Data", true + return []string{"World of Warcraft Addon Data"} } else if toc_TeX_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "TeX", true + return []string{"TeX"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, - ".ts": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".ts": func(i []byte) []string { if ts_XML_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "XML", true + return []string{"XML"} } - return "TypeScript", true + return []string{"TypeScript"} }, - ".tst": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".tst": func(i []byte) []string { if tst_GAP_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "GAP", true + return []string{"GAP"} } - return "Scilab", true + return []string{"Scilab"} }, - ".tsx": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { + ".tsx": func(i []byte) []string { if tsx_TypeScript_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "TypeScript", true + return []string{"TypeScript"} } else if tsx_XML_Matcher_0.Match(i) { - return "XML", true + return []string{"XML"} } - return OtherLanguage, false + return nil }, } diff --git a/content_test.go b/content_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index 215588b..0000000 --- a/content_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -package slinguist - -import ( - "fmt" - "io/ioutil" - "os" - "path/filepath" - "text/tabwriter" - - . "gopkg.in/check.v1" -) - -func (s *TSuite) TestGetLanguageByContentLinguistCorpus(c *C) { - var total, failed, ok, other, unsafe int - - w := new(tabwriter.Writer) - w.Init(os.Stdout, 0, 8, 0, '\t', 0) - - filepath.Walk(".linguist/samples", func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { - if f.IsDir() { - if f.Name() == "filenames" { - return filepath.SkipDir - } - - return nil - } - - expected := filepath.Base(filepath.Dir(path)) - filename := filepath.Base(path) - extension := filepath.Ext(path) - content, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(path) - - if extension == "" { - return nil - } - - total++ - obtained, safe := GetLanguageByContent(filename, content) - if obtained == OtherLanguage { - other++ - } - - var status string - if expected == obtained { - status = "ok" - ok++ - } else { - status = "failed" - failed++ - if !safe { - unsafe++ - } - } - - fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s\t%s\t%s\t%v\t%s\n", filename, expected, obtained, safe, status) - - return nil - }) - - fmt.Fprintln(w) - w.Flush() - - fmt.Printf("total files: %d, ok: %d, failed: %d, unsafe: %d, other: %d\n", total, ok, failed, unsafe, other) - -} diff --git a/documentation_matchers.go b/documentation.go similarity index 91% rename from documentation_matchers.go rename to documentation.go index 6dc05b6..f253c4a 100644 --- a/documentation_matchers.go +++ b/documentation.go @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package slinguist // CODE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY WITH gopkg.in/src-d/simple-linguist.v1/internal/code-generator // THIS FILE SHOULD NOT BE EDITED BY HAND -// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 60f864a138650dd17fafc94814be9ee2d3aaef8c +// Extracted from github/linguist commit: b6460f8ed6b249281ada099ca28bd8f1230b8892 import "gopkg.in/toqueteos/substring.v1" diff --git a/extension.go b/extension.go index d3e7484..bb0c1b1 100644 --- a/extension.go +++ b/extension.go @@ -1,19 +1,1452 @@ package slinguist -import ( - "path/filepath" - "strings" -) +// CODE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY WITH gopkg.in/src-d/simple-linguist.v1/internal/code-generator +// THIS FILE SHOULD NOT BE EDITED BY HAND +// Extracted from github/linguist commit: b6460f8ed6b249281ada099ca28bd8f1230b8892 -func GetLanguageByExtension(filename string) (lang string, safe bool) { - ext := strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(filename)) - lang = OtherLanguage - langs, ok := languagesByExtension[ext] - if !ok { - return - } - - lang = langs[0] - safe = len(langs) == 1 - return +var languagesByExtension = map[string][]string{ + ".1": {"Roff"}, + ".1in": {"Roff"}, + ".1m": {"Roff"}, + ".1x": {"Roff"}, + ".2": {"Roff"}, + ".3": {"Roff"}, + ".3in": {"Roff"}, + ".3m": {"Roff"}, + ".3qt": {"Roff"}, + ".3x": {"Roff"}, + ".4": {"Roff"}, + ".4th": {"Forth"}, + ".5": {"Roff"}, + ".6": {"Roff"}, + ".6pl": {"Perl6"}, + ".6pm": {"Perl6"}, + ".7": {"Roff"}, + ".8": {"Roff"}, + ".8xk": {"TI Program"}, + ".8xk.txt": {"TI Program"}, + ".8xp": {"TI Program"}, + ".8xp.txt": {"TI Program"}, + ".9": {"Roff"}, + ".E": {"E"}, + ".JSON-tmLanguage": {"JSON"}, + ".ML": {"Standard ML"}, + "._coffee": {"CoffeeScript"}, + "._js": {"JavaScript"}, + "._ls": {"LiveScript"}, + ".a51": {"Assembly"}, + ".abap": {"ABAP"}, + ".abnf": {"ABNF"}, + ".ada": {"Ada"}, + ".adb": {"Ada"}, + ".adml": {"XML"}, + ".admx": {"XML"}, + ".ado": {"Stata"}, + ".adoc": {"AsciiDoc"}, + ".adp": {"Tcl"}, + ".ads": {"Ada"}, + ".agc": {"Apollo Guidance Computer"}, + ".agda": {"Agda"}, + ".ahk": {"AutoHotkey"}, + ".ahkl": {"AutoHotkey"}, + ".aj": {"AspectJ"}, + ".al": {"Perl"}, + ".als": {"Alloy"}, + ".ampl": {"AMPL"}, + ".anim": {"Unity3D Asset"}, + ".ant": {"XML"}, + ".apacheconf": {"ApacheConf"}, + ".apib": {"API Blueprint"}, + ".apl": {"APL"}, + ".app.src": {"Erlang"}, + ".applescript": {"AppleScript"}, + ".arc": {"Arc"}, + ".arpa": {"DNS Zone"}, + ".as": {"ActionScript"}, + ".asax": {"ASP"}, + ".asc": {"AGS Script", "AsciiDoc", "Public Key"}, + ".asciidoc": {"AsciiDoc"}, + ".ascx": {"ASP"}, + ".asd": {"Common Lisp"}, + ".ash": {"AGS 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-1,22 +0,0 @@ -package slinguist - -import . "gopkg.in/check.v1" - -func (s *TSuite) TestGetLanguageByExtension(c *C) { - lang, safe := GetLanguageByExtension("foo.foo") - c.Assert(lang, Equals, "Other") - c.Assert(safe, Equals, false) - - lang, safe = GetLanguageByExtension("foo.go") - c.Assert(lang, Equals, "Go") - c.Assert(safe, Equals, true) - - lang, safe = GetLanguageByExtension("foo.go.php") - c.Assert(lang, Equals, "Hack") - c.Assert(safe, Equals, false) -} - -func (s *TSuite) TestGetLanguageExtensions(c *C) { - c.Assert(GetLanguageExtensions("foo"), HasLen, 0) - c.Assert(GetLanguageExtensions("C"), Not(HasLen), 0) -} diff --git a/extensions_map.go b/extensions_map.go deleted file mode 100644 index 000e788..0000000 --- a/extensions_map.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1004 +0,0 @@ -package slinguist - -// CODE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY WITH gopkg.in/src-d/simple-linguist.v1/internal/code-generator -// THIS FILE SHOULD NOT BE EDITED BY HAND -// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 60f864a138650dd17fafc94814be9ee2d3aaef8c - -var languagesByExtension = map[string][]string{ - 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".yap": {"Prolog"}, - ".yml": {"YAML"}, - ".yml.mysql": {"YAML"}, - ".yrl": {"Erlang"}, - ".yy": {"Yacc"}, - ".zcml": {"XML"}, - ".zep": {"Zephir"}, - ".zimpl": {"Zimpl"}, - ".zmpl": {"Zimpl"}, - ".zone": {"DNS Zone"}, - ".zpl": {"Zimpl"}, - ".zsh": {"Shell"}, -} diff --git a/filename.go b/filename.go index 49a88f4..ca833bf 100644 --- a/filename.go +++ b/filename.go @@ -1,10 +1,143 @@ package slinguist -func GetLanguageByFilename(filename string) (lang string, safe bool) { - lang, safe = languagesByFilename[filename] - if lang == "" { - lang = OtherLanguage - } +// CODE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY WITH gopkg.in/src-d/simple-linguist.v1/internal/code-generator +// THIS FILE SHOULD NOT BE EDITED BY HAND +// Extracted from github/linguist commit: b6460f8ed6b249281ada099ca28bd8f1230b8892 - return +var languagesByFilename = map[string][]string{ + ".Rprofile": {"R"}, + ".XCompose": {"XCompose"}, + ".abbrev_defs": {"Emacs Lisp"}, + ".arcconfig": {"JSON"}, + ".babelrc": {"JSON5"}, + ".bash_history": {"Shell"}, + ".bash_logout": {"Shell"}, + ".bash_profile": {"Shell"}, + ".bashrc": {"Shell"}, + ".clang-format": {"YAML"}, + ".classpath": {"XML"}, + ".emacs": {"Emacs Lisp"}, + ".emacs.desktop": {"Emacs Lisp"}, + ".factor-boot-rc": {"Factor"}, + ".factor-rc": {"Factor"}, + ".gclient": {"Python"}, + ".gnus": {"Emacs Lisp"}, + ".irbrc": {"Ruby"}, + ".jshintrc": {"JSON"}, + ".nvimrc": {"Vim script"}, + ".php_cs": {"PHP"}, + ".php_cs.dist": {"PHP"}, + ".project": {"XML"}, + ".pryrc": {"Ruby"}, + ".spacemacs": {"Emacs Lisp"}, + ".vimrc": {"Vim script"}, + ".viper": {"Emacs Lisp"}, + "APKBUILD": {"Alpine Abuild"}, + "App.config": {"XML"}, + "Appraisals": {"Ruby"}, + "BSDmakefile": {"Makefile"}, + "BUCK": {"Python"}, + "BUILD": {"Python"}, + "Berksfile": {"Ruby"}, + "Brewfile": {"Ruby"}, + "Buildfile": {"Ruby"}, + "CMakeLists.txt": {"CMake"}, + "COPYING": {"Text"}, + "COPYRIGHT.regex": {"Text"}, + "Cakefile": {"CoffeeScript"}, + "Cask": {"Emacs Lisp"}, + "Dangerfile": {"Ruby"}, + "Deliverfile": {"Ruby"}, + "Dockerfile": {"Dockerfile"}, + "Emakefile": {"Erlang"}, + "FONTLOG": {"Text"}, + "Fakefile": {"Fancy"}, + "Fastfile": {"Ruby"}, + "GNUmakefile": {"Makefile"}, + "Gemfile": {"Ruby"}, + "Gemfile.lock": {"Ruby"}, + "Guardfile": {"Ruby"}, + "INSTALL": {"Text"}, + "INSTALL.mysql": {"Text"}, + "Jakefile": {"JavaScript"}, + "Jarfile": {"Ruby"}, + "Jenkinsfile": {"Groovy"}, + "Kbuild": {"Makefile"}, + "LICENSE": {"Text"}, + "LICENSE.mysql": {"Text"}, + "Makefile": {"Makefile"}, + "Makefile.am": {"Makefile"}, + "Makefile.boot": {"Makefile"}, + "Makefile.frag": {"Makefile"}, + "Makefile.in": {"Makefile"}, + "Makefile.inc": {"Makefile"}, + "Makefile.wat": {"Makefile"}, + "Mavenfile": {"Ruby"}, + "Modulefile": {"Puppet"}, + "NEWS": {"Text"}, + "Notebook": {"Jupyter Notebook"}, + "NuGet.config": {"XML"}, + "Nukefile": {"Nu"}, + "PKGBUILD": {"Shell"}, + "Phakefile": {"PHP"}, + "Podfile": {"Ruby"}, + "Project.ede": {"Emacs Lisp"}, + "Puppetfile": {"Ruby"}, + "README.1ST": {"Text"}, + "README.me": {"Text"}, + "README.mysql": {"Text"}, + "ROOT": {"Isabelle ROOT"}, + "Rakefile": {"Ruby"}, + "Rexfile": {"Perl6"}, + "SConscript": {"Python"}, + "SConstruct": {"Python"}, + "Settings.StyleCop": {"XML"}, + "Slakefile": {"LiveScript"}, + "Snakefile": {"Python"}, + "Snapfile": {"Ruby"}, + "Thorfile": {"Ruby"}, + "Vagrantfile": {"Ruby"}, + "WORKSPACE": {"Python"}, + "Web.Debug.config": {"XML"}, + "Web.Release.config": {"XML"}, + "Web.config": {"XML"}, + "XCompose": {"XCompose"}, + "_emacs": {"Emacs Lisp"}, + "_vimrc": {"Vim script"}, + "abbrev_defs": {"Emacs Lisp"}, + "ant.xml": {"Ant Build System"}, + "build.xml": {"Ant Build System"}, + "buildfile": {"Ruby"}, + "click.me": {"Text"}, + "composer.lock": {"JSON"}, + "configure.ac": {"M4Sugar"}, + "delete.me": {"Text"}, + "descrip.mmk": {"Module Management System"}, + "descrip.mms": {"Module Management System"}, + "gradlew": {"Shell"}, + "gvimrc": {"Vim script"}, + "keep.me": {"Text"}, + "ld.script": {"Linker Script"}, + "makefile": {"Makefile"}, + "makefile.sco": {"Makefile"}, + "mcmod.info": {"JSON"}, + "meson.build": {"Meson"}, + "meson_options.txt": {"Meson"}, + "mix.lock": {"Elixir"}, + "mkfile": {"Makefile"}, + "mmn": {"Roff"}, + "mmt": {"Roff"}, + "nginx.conf": {"Nginx"}, + "nvimrc": {"Vim script"}, + "packages.config": {"XML"}, + "pom.xml": {"Maven POM"}, + "read.me": {"Text"}, + "rebar.config": {"Erlang"}, + "rebar.config.lock": {"Erlang"}, + "rebar.lock": {"Erlang"}, + "riemann.config": {"Clojure"}, + "test.me": {"Text"}, + "vimrc": {"Vim script"}, + "wscript": {"Python"}, + "xcompose": {"XCompose"}, } diff --git a/filename_test.go b/filename_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index 239e4e3..0000000 --- a/filename_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -package slinguist - -import . "gopkg.in/check.v1" - -func (s *TSuite) TestGetLanguageByFilename(c *C) { - lang, safe := GetLanguageByFilename(`unknown.interpreter`) - c.Assert(lang, Equals, OtherLanguage) - c.Assert(safe, Equals, false) - - lang, safe = GetLanguageByFilename(`.bashrc`) - c.Assert(lang, Equals, "Shell") - c.Assert(safe, Equals, true) - - lang, safe = GetLanguageByFilename(`Dockerfile`) - c.Assert(lang, Equals, "Dockerfile") - c.Assert(safe, Equals, true) - - lang, safe = GetLanguageByFilename(`Makefile.frag`) - c.Assert(lang, Equals, "Makefile") - c.Assert(safe, Equals, true) - - lang, safe = GetLanguageByFilename(`makefile`) - c.Assert(lang, Equals, "Makefile") - c.Assert(safe, Equals, true) - - lang, safe = GetLanguageByFilename(`Vagrantfile`) - c.Assert(lang, Equals, "Ruby") - c.Assert(safe, Equals, true) - - lang, safe = GetLanguageByFilename(`_vimrc`) - c.Assert(lang, Equals, "Vim script") - c.Assert(safe, Equals, true) - - lang, safe = GetLanguageByFilename(`pom.xml`) - c.Assert(lang, Equals, "Maven POM") - c.Assert(safe, Equals, true) -} diff --git a/filenames_map.go b/filenames_map.go deleted file mode 100644 index a238bee..0000000 --- a/filenames_map.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@ -package slinguist - -// CODE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY WITH gopkg.in/src-d/simple-linguist.v1/internal/code-generator -// THIS FILE SHOULD NOT BE EDITED BY HAND -// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 60f864a138650dd17fafc94814be9ee2d3aaef8c - -var languagesByFilename = map[string]string{ - ".Rprofile": "R", - ".XCompose": "XCompose", - ".abbrev_defs": "Emacs Lisp", - ".arcconfig": "JSON", - ".babelrc": "JSON5", - ".bash_history": "Shell", - ".bash_logout": "Shell", - ".bash_profile": "Shell", - ".bashrc": "Shell", - ".clang-format": "YAML", - ".classpath": "XML", - ".emacs": "Emacs Lisp", - ".emacs.desktop": "Emacs Lisp", - ".factor-boot-rc": "Factor", - ".factor-rc": "Factor", - ".gclient": "Python", - ".gnus": "Emacs Lisp", - ".irbrc": "Ruby", - ".jshintrc": "JSON", - ".nvimrc": "Vim script", - ".php_cs": "PHP", - ".php_cs.dist": "PHP", - ".project": "XML", - ".pryrc": "Ruby", - ".spacemacs": "Emacs Lisp", - ".vimrc": "Vim script", - ".viper": "Emacs Lisp", - "APKBUILD": "Alpine Abuild", - "App.config": "XML", - "Appraisals": "Ruby", - "BSDmakefile": "Makefile", - "BUCK": "Python", - "BUILD": "Python", - "Berksfile": "Ruby", - "Brewfile": "Ruby", - "Buildfile": "Ruby", - "CMakeLists.txt": "CMake", - "COPYING": "Text", - "COPYRIGHT.regex": "Text", - "Cakefile": "CoffeeScript", - "Cask": "Emacs Lisp", - "Dangerfile": "Ruby", - "Deliverfile": "Ruby", - "Dockerfile": "Dockerfile", - "Emakefile": "Erlang", - "FONTLOG": "Text", - "Fakefile": "Fancy", - "Fastfile": "Ruby", - "GNUmakefile": "Makefile", - "Gemfile": "Ruby", - "Gemfile.lock": "Ruby", - "Guardfile": "Ruby", - "INSTALL": "Text", - "INSTALL.mysql": "Text", - "Jakefile": "JavaScript", - "Jarfile": "Ruby", - "Jenkinsfile": "Groovy", - "Kbuild": "Makefile", - "LICENSE": "Text", - "LICENSE.mysql": "Text", - "Makefile": "Makefile", - "Makefile.am": "Makefile", - "Makefile.boot": "Makefile", - "Makefile.frag": "Makefile", - "Makefile.in": "Makefile", - "Makefile.inc": "Makefile", - "Mavenfile": "Ruby", - "Modulefile": "Puppet", - "NEWS": "Text", - "Notebook": "Jupyter Notebook", - "NuGet.config": "XML", - "Nukefile": "Nu", - "PKGBUILD": "Shell", - "Phakefile": "PHP", - "Podfile": "Ruby", - "Project.ede": "Emacs Lisp", - "Puppetfile": "Ruby", - "README.1ST": "Text", - "README.me": "Text", - "README.mysql": "Text", - "ROOT": "Isabelle ROOT", - "Rakefile": "Ruby", - "Rexfile": "Perl6", - "SConscript": "Python", - "SConstruct": "Python", - "Settings.StyleCop": "XML", - "Slakefile": "LiveScript", - "Snakefile": "Python", - "Snapfile": "Ruby", - "Thorfile": "Ruby", - "Vagrantfile": "Ruby", - "WORKSPACE": "Python", - "Web.Debug.config": "XML", - "Web.Release.config": "XML", - "Web.config": "XML", - "XCompose": "XCompose", - "_emacs": "Emacs Lisp", - "_vimrc": "Vim script", - "abbrev_defs": "Emacs Lisp", - "ant.xml": "Ant Build System", - "build.xml": "Ant Build System", - "buildfile": "Ruby", - "click.me": "Text", - "composer.lock": "JSON", - "configure.ac": "M4Sugar", - "delete.me": "Text", - "descrip.mmk": "Module Management System", - "descrip.mms": "Module Management System", - "gradlew": "Shell", - "gvimrc": "Vim script", - "keep.me": "Text", - "ld.script": "Linker Script", - "makefile": "Makefile", - "makefile.sco": "Makefile", - "mcmod.info": "JSON", - "meson.build": "Meson", - "meson_options.txt": "Meson", - "mix.lock": "Elixir", - "mkfile": "Makefile", - "mmn": "Roff", - "mmt": "Roff", - "nginx.conf": "Nginx", - "nvimrc": "Vim script", - "packages.config": "XML", - "pom.xml": "Maven POM", - "read.me": "Text", - "rebar.config": "Erlang", - "rebar.config.lock": "Erlang", - "rebar.lock": "Erlang", - "riemann.config": "Clojure", - "test.me": "Text", - "vimrc": "Vim script", - "wscript": "Python", - "xcompose": "XCompose", -} diff --git a/frequencies.go b/frequencies.go index d055b6b..21f8997 100644 --- a/frequencies.go +++ b/frequencies.go @@ -2,386 +2,387 @@ package slinguist // CODE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY WITH gopkg.in/src-d/simple-linguist.v1/internal/code-generator // THIS FILE SHOULD NOT BE EDITED BY HAND -// Extracted from github/linguist commit: 60f864a138650dd17fafc94814be9ee2d3aaef8c +// Extracted from github/linguist commit: b6460f8ed6b249281ada099ca28bd8f1230b8892 var DefaultClassifier Classifier = &classifier{ languagesLogProbabilities: map[string]float64{ - "1C Enterprise": -5.717028, - "ABAP": -7.508787, - "ABNF": -7.508787, - "AGS Script": -6.122493, - "AMPL": -6.815640, - "API Blueprint": -6.410175, - "APL": -6.410175, - "ASN.1": -7.508787, - "ATS": -5.311563, - "Agda": -7.508787, - "Alloy": -6.410175, - "Alpine Abuild": -7.508787, - "Ant Build System": -7.508787, - "ApacheConf": -6.122493, - "Apex": -5.717028, - "Apollo Guidance Computer": -7.508787, - "AppleScript": -5.562877, - "Arduino": -6.815640, - "AsciiDoc": -6.410175, - "AspectJ": -6.815640, - "Assembly": -5.717028, - "AutoHotkey": -7.508787, - "Awk": -7.508787, - "BitBake": -6.815640, - "Blade": -6.815640, - "BlitzBasic": -6.410175, - "BlitzMax": -7.508787, - "Bluespec": -6.815640, - "Brainfuck": -5.899349, - "Brightscript": -7.508787, - "C": -3.501454, - "C#": -5.717028, - "C++": -3.702125, - "CLIPS": -6.815640, - "CMake": -5.562877, - "COBOL": -6.122493, - "CSON": -6.122493, - "CSS": -6.815640, - "CSV": -7.508787, - "CWeb": -7.508787, - "CartoCSS": -7.508787, - "Ceylon": -7.508787, - "Chapel": -5.899349, - "Charity": -7.508787, - "Cirru": -5.311563, - "Clarion": -6.122493, - "Clean": -5.311563, - "Click": -6.815640, - "Clojure": -5.311563, - "Closure Templates": -7.508787, - "CoffeeScript": -5.206202, - "ColdFusion": -7.508787, - "ColdFusion CFC": -6.815640, - "Common Lisp": -5.311563, - "Component Pascal": -6.815640, - "Cool": -6.815640, - "Coq": -4.943838, - "Creole": -7.508787, - "Crystal": -6.410175, - "Csound": -6.410175, - "Csound Document": -6.410175, - "Csound Score": -6.410175, - "Cuda": -6.815640, - "Cycript": -7.508787, - "D": -5.311563, - "DIGITAL Command Language": -6.122493, - "DM": -7.508787, - "DNS Zone": -6.815640, - "DTrace": -6.410175, - "Dart": -7.508787, - "Diff": -7.508787, - "Dockerfile": -7.508787, - "Dogescript": -7.508787, - "E": -5.562877, - "EBNF": -6.122493, - "ECL": -7.508787, - "ECLiPSe": -7.508787, - "EJS": -6.815640, - "EQ": -6.410175, - "Eagle": -6.815640, - "Eiffel": -6.410175, - "Elixir": -7.508787, - "Elm": -6.410175, - "Emacs Lisp": -5.110892, - "EmberScript": -7.508787, - "Erlang": -4.869730, - "F#": -5.429346, - "FLUX": -6.122493, - "Filebench WML": -7.508787, - "Filterscript": -6.815640, - "Formatted": -6.410175, - "Forth": -4.736198, - "Fortran": -5.899349, - "FreeMarker": -6.815640, - "Frege": -6.122493, - "G-code": -6.815640, - "GAMS": -7.508787, - "GAP": -5.311563, - "GCC Machine Description": -7.508787, - "GDB": -6.815640, - "GDScript": -6.122493, - "GLSL": -4.869730, - "GN": -5.110892, - "Game Maker Language": -5.110892, - "Genie": -6.815640, - "Gnuplot": -5.717028, - "Go": -6.410175, - "Golo": -4.212950, - "Gosu": -5.899349, - "Grace": -6.815640, - "Gradle": -6.815640, - "Grammatical Framework": -3.795215, - "Graph Modeling Language": -7.508787, - "GraphQL": -6.815640, - "Graphviz (DOT)": -6.815640, - "Groovy": -5.717028, - "Groovy Server Pages": -6.122493, - "HCL": -6.410175, - "HLSL": -5.899349, - "HTML": -5.717028, - "HTML+Django": -7.508787, - "HTML+ECR": -7.508787, - "HTML+EEX": -7.508787, - "HTML+ERB": -6.815640, - "Hack": -4.176583, - "Haml": -6.815640, - "Handlebars": -6.815640, - "Haskell": -5.899349, - "Hy": -6.815640, - "HyPhy": -5.429346, - "IDL": -6.122493, - "IGOR Pro": -6.815640, - "INI": -6.410175, - "Idris": -7.508787, - "Inform 7": -6.815640, - "Inno Setup": -7.508787, - "Ioke": -7.508787, - "Isabelle": -7.508787, - "Isabelle ROOT": -7.508787, - "J": -6.815640, - "JFlex": -6.815640, - "JSON": -5.311563, - "JSON5": -6.410175, - "JSONLD": -7.508787, - "JSONiq": -6.815640, - "JSX": -7.508787, - "Jasmin": -5.429346, - "Java": -5.311563, - "JavaScript": -3.982427, - "Jison": -6.410175, - "Jison Lex": -6.815640, - "Jolie": -5.899349, - "Julia": -6.815640, - "Jupyter Notebook": -7.508787, - "KRL": -7.508787, - "KiCad": -6.122493, - "Kit": -7.508787, - "Kotlin": -7.508787, - "LFE": -6.122493, - "LOLCODE": -7.508787, - "LSL": -6.815640, - "Lasso": -6.122493, - "Latte": -6.815640, - "Lean": -6.815640, - "Less": -7.508787, - "Lex": -7.508787, - "Limbo": -6.410175, - "Linker Script": -6.410175, - "Linux Kernel Module": -6.410175, - "Liquid": -6.815640, - "Literate Agda": -7.508787, - "Literate CoffeeScript": -7.508787, - "LiveScript": -7.508787, - "Logos": -7.508787, - "Logtalk": -7.508787, - "LookML": -6.410175, - "LoomScript": -6.815640, - "Lua": -6.122493, - "M": -4.141491, - "M4": -7.508787, - "M4Sugar": -6.410175, - "MAXScript": -6.122493, - "MQL4": -6.410175, - "MQL5": -6.410175, - "MTML": -7.508787, - "MUF": -6.815640, - "Makefile": -5.110892, - "Markdown": -6.122493, - "Marko": -6.410175, - "Mask": -7.508787, - "Mathematica": -5.023881, - "Matlab": -3.845226, - "Maven POM": -7.508787, - "Max": -6.410175, - "MediaWiki": -6.815640, - "Mercury": -5.206202, - "Meson": -6.815640, - "Metal": -7.508787, - "Modelica": -5.023881, - "Modula-2": -7.508787, - "Module Management System": -5.899349, - "Monkey": -7.508787, - "Moocode": -6.410175, - "MoonScript": -7.508787, - "NCL": -4.736198, - "NL": -6.815640, - "NSIS": -6.815640, - "Nemerle": -7.508787, - "NetLinx": -6.815640, - "NetLinx+ERB": -6.815640, - "NetLogo": -7.508787, - "NewLisp": -6.410175, - "Nginx": -6.815640, - "Nim": -7.508787, - "Nit": -4.330733, - "Nix": -7.508787, - "Nu": -6.815640, - "OCaml": -5.206202, - "Objective-C": -4.417745, - "Objective-C++": -6.815640, - "Objective-J": -6.410175, - "Omgrofl": -7.508787, - "Opa": -6.815640, - "Opal": -7.508787, - "OpenCL": -6.815640, - "OpenEdge ABL": -5.899349, - "OpenRC runscript": -7.508787, - "OpenSCAD": -6.815640, - "Org": -7.508787, - "Ox": -6.410175, - "Oxygene": -7.508787, - "Oz": -7.508787, - "P4": -6.815640, - "PAWN": -6.815640, - "PHP": -4.618415, - "PLSQL": -5.429346, - "PLpgSQL": -5.717028, - "POV-Ray SDL": -5.023881, - "Pan": -7.508787, - "Papyrus": -6.410175, - "Parrot Assembly": -7.508787, - "Parrot Internal Representation": -7.508787, - "Pascal": -5.206202, - "Pep8": -5.562877, - "Perl": -4.513055, - "Perl6": -4.417745, - "Pic": -6.410175, - "Pickle": -6.122493, - "PicoLisp": -7.508787, - "PigLatin": -7.508787, - "Pike": -6.410175, - "Pod": -6.815640, - "PogoScript": -7.508787, - "Pony": -5.717028, - "PostScript": -7.508787, - "PowerBuilder": -5.717028, - "PowerShell": -6.410175, - "Processing": -7.508787, - "Prolog": -5.311563, - "Propeller Spin": -5.206202, - "Protocol Buffer": -7.508787, - "Public Key": -5.562877, - "Pug": -6.815640, - "Puppet": -5.899349, - "PureBasic": -6.815640, - "PureScript": -6.122493, - "Python": -4.330733, - "QML": -7.508787, - "QMake": -6.122493, - "R": -5.429346, - "RAML": -7.508787, - "RDoc": -7.508787, - "REXX": -6.122493, - "RMarkdown": -7.508787, - "RPM Spec": -6.410175, - "RUNOFF": -6.122493, - "Racket": -6.815640, - "Ragel": -6.410175, - "Rascal": -6.122493, - "Reason": -5.899349, - "Rebol": -5.717028, - "Red": -6.815640, - "Regular Expression": -6.122493, - "Ren'Py": -7.508787, - "RenderScript": -6.815640, - "RobotFramework": -6.410175, - "Roff": -5.562877, - "Ruby": -4.043051, - "Rust": -6.410175, - "SAS": -6.410175, - "SCSS": -7.508787, - "SMT": -6.122493, - "SPARQL": -6.815640, - "SQF": -6.815640, - "SQL": -5.023881, - "SQLPL": -5.717028, - "SRecode Template": -7.508787, - "STON": -5.562877, - "Sage": -7.508787, - "SaltStack": -5.717028, - "Sass": -7.508787, - "Scala": -6.122493, - "Scaml": -7.508787, - "Scheme": -6.410175, - "Scilab": -6.410175, - "ShaderLab": -6.410175, - "Shell": -3.747587, - "ShellSession": -6.410175, - "Shen": -6.410175, - "Slash": -7.508787, - "Slim": -7.508787, - "Smali": -5.562877, - "Smalltalk": -5.206202, - "SourcePawn": -5.717028, - "Squirrel": -7.508787, - "Stan": -6.410175, - "Standard ML": -5.899349, - "Stata": -5.562877, - "Stylus": -7.508787, - "SubRip Text": -7.508787, - "Sublime Text Config": -5.023881, - "SuperCollider": -5.899349, - "Swift": -3.747587, - "SystemVerilog": -6.122493, - "TI Program": -6.122493, - "TLA": -6.815640, - "TXL": -7.508787, - "Tcl": -6.122493, - "TeX": -5.562877, - "Tea": -7.508787, - "Terra": -6.410175, - "Text": -4.250691, - "Thrift": -7.508787, - "Turing": -6.815640, - "Turtle": -6.815640, - "Type Language": -6.815640, - "TypeScript": -5.717028, - "Unity3D Asset": -5.899349, - "Unix Assembly": -6.815640, - "Uno": -6.410175, - "UnrealScript": -6.815640, - "UrWeb": -6.815640, - "VCL": -6.815640, - "VHDL": -7.508787, - "Verilog": -4.943838, - "Vim script": -5.899349, - "Visual Basic": -6.410175, - "Volt": -7.508787, - "Vue": -6.815640, - "Wavefront Material": -6.122493, - "Wavefront Object": -5.899349, - "Web Ontology Language": -7.508787, - "WebIDL": -6.815640, - "World of Warcraft Addon Data": -6.410175, - "X10": -4.618415, - "XC": -7.508787, - "XCompose": -7.508787, - "XML": -3.637586, - "XPages": -6.815640, - "XProc": -7.508787, - "XQuery": -7.508787, - "XS": -7.508787, - "XSLT": -7.508787, - "Xojo": -5.717028, - "Xtend": -6.815640, - "YAML": -5.562877, - "YANG": -7.508787, - "Zephir": -6.815640, - "Zimpl": -7.508787, - "desktop": -7.508787, - "eC": -7.508787, - "edn": -7.508787, - "fish": -6.410175, - "reStructuredText": -7.508787, - "wisp": -7.508787, - "xBase": -6.410175, + "1C Enterprise": -5.720858, + "ABAP": -7.512618, + "ABNF": -7.512618, + "AGS Script": -6.126323, + "AMPL": -6.819470, + "API Blueprint": -6.414005, + "APL": -6.414005, + "ASN.1": -7.512618, + "ATS": -5.315393, + "Agda": -7.512618, + "Alloy": -6.414005, + "Alpine Abuild": -7.512618, + "Ant Build System": -7.512618, + "ApacheConf": -6.126323, + "Apex": -5.720858, + "Apollo Guidance Computer": -7.512618, + "AppleScript": -5.566707, + "Arduino": -6.819470, + "AsciiDoc": -6.414005, + "AspectJ": -6.819470, + "Assembly": -5.720858, + "AutoHotkey": -7.512618, + "Awk": -7.512618, + "BitBake": -6.819470, + "Blade": -6.819470, + "BlitzBasic": -6.414005, + "BlitzMax": -7.512618, + "Bluespec": -6.819470, + "Brainfuck": -5.903180, + "Brightscript": -7.512618, + "C": -3.505284, + "C#": -5.720858, + "C++": -3.705955, + "CLIPS": -6.819470, + "CMake": -5.566707, + "COBOL": -6.126323, + "CSON": -6.126323, + "CSS": -6.819470, + "CSV": -7.512618, + "CWeb": -7.512618, + "CartoCSS": -7.512618, + "Ceylon": -7.512618, + "Chapel": -5.903180, + "Charity": -7.512618, + "Cirru": -5.315393, + "Clarion": -6.126323, + "Clean": -5.315393, + "Click": -6.819470, + "Clojure": -5.315393, + "Closure Templates": -7.512618, + "CoffeeScript": -5.210032, + "ColdFusion": -7.512618, + "ColdFusion CFC": -6.819470, + "Common Lisp": -5.315393, + "Component Pascal": -6.819470, + "Cool": -6.819470, + "Coq": -4.947668, + "Creole": -7.512618, + "Crystal": -6.414005, + "Csound": -6.414005, + "Csound Document": -6.414005, + "Csound Score": -6.414005, + "Cuda": -6.819470, + "Cycript": -7.512618, + "D": -5.315393, + "DIGITAL Command Language": -6.126323, + "DM": -7.512618, + "DNS Zone": -6.819470, + "DTrace": -6.414005, + "Dart": -7.512618, + "Diff": -7.512618, + "Dockerfile": -7.512618, + "Dogescript": -7.512618, + "E": -5.566707, + "EBNF": -6.126323, + "ECL": -7.512618, + "ECLiPSe": -7.512618, + "EJS": -6.819470, + "EQ": -6.414005, + "Eagle": -6.819470, + "Eiffel": -6.414005, + "Elixir": -7.512618, + "Elm": -6.414005, + "Emacs Lisp": -5.114722, + "EmberScript": -7.512618, + "Erlang": -4.873560, + "F#": -5.433176, + "FLUX": -6.126323, + "Filebench WML": -7.512618, + "Filterscript": -6.819470, + "Formatted": -6.414005, + "Forth": -4.740029, + "Fortran": -5.903180, + "FreeMarker": -6.819470, + "Frege": -6.126323, + "G-code": -6.819470, + "GAMS": -7.512618, + "GAP": -5.315393, + "GCC Machine Description": -7.512618, + "GDB": -6.819470, + "GDScript": -6.126323, + "GLSL": -4.873560, + "GN": -5.114722, + "Game Maker Language": -5.114722, + "Genie": -6.819470, + "Gnuplot": -5.720858, + "Go": -6.414005, + "Golo": -4.216781, + "Gosu": -5.903180, + "Grace": -6.819470, + "Gradle": -6.819470, + "Grammatical Framework": -3.799045, + "Graph Modeling Language": -7.512618, + "GraphQL": -6.819470, + "Graphviz (DOT)": -6.819470, + "Groovy": -5.720858, + "Groovy Server Pages": -6.126323, + "HCL": -6.414005, + "HLSL": -5.903180, + "HTML": -5.720858, + "HTML+Django": -7.512618, + "HTML+ECR": -7.512618, + "HTML+EEX": -7.512618, + "HTML+ERB": -6.819470, + "Hack": -4.180413, + "Haml": -6.819470, + "Handlebars": -6.819470, + "Haskell": -5.903180, + "Hy": -6.819470, + "HyPhy": -5.433176, + "IDL": -6.126323, + "IGOR Pro": -6.819470, + "INI": -6.414005, + "Idris": -7.512618, + "Inform 7": -6.819470, + "Inno Setup": -7.512618, + "Ioke": -7.512618, + "Isabelle": -7.512618, + "Isabelle ROOT": -7.512618, + "J": -6.819470, + "JFlex": -6.819470, + "JSON": -5.315393, + "JSON5": -6.414005, + "JSONLD": -7.512618, + "JSONiq": -6.819470, + "JSX": -7.512618, + "Jasmin": -5.433176, + "Java": -5.315393, + "JavaScript": -3.986257, + "Jison": -6.414005, + "Jison Lex": -6.819470, + "Jolie": -5.903180, + "Julia": -6.819470, + "Jupyter Notebook": -7.512618, + "KRL": -7.512618, + "KiCad": -6.126323, + "Kit": -7.512618, + "Kotlin": -7.512618, + "LFE": -6.126323, + "LOLCODE": -7.512618, + "LSL": -6.819470, + "Lasso": -6.126323, + "Latte": -6.819470, + "Lean": -6.819470, + "Less": -7.512618, + "Lex": -7.512618, + "Limbo": -6.414005, + "Linker Script": -6.414005, + "Linux Kernel Module": -6.414005, + "Liquid": -6.819470, + "Literate Agda": -7.512618, + "Literate CoffeeScript": -7.512618, + "LiveScript": -7.512618, + "Logos": -7.512618, + "Logtalk": -7.512618, + "LookML": -6.414005, + "LoomScript": -6.819470, + "Lua": -6.126323, + "M": -4.145322, + "M4": -7.512618, + "M4Sugar": -6.414005, + "MAXScript": -6.126323, + "MQL4": -6.414005, + "MQL5": -6.414005, + "MTML": -7.512618, + "MUF": -6.819470, + "Makefile": -5.027711, + "Markdown": -6.126323, + "Marko": -6.414005, + "Mask": -7.512618, + "Mathematica": -5.027711, + "Matlab": -3.849056, + "Maven POM": -7.512618, + "Max": -6.414005, + "MediaWiki": -6.819470, + "Mercury": -5.210032, + "Meson": -6.819470, + "Metal": -7.512618, + "Modelica": -5.027711, + "Modula-2": -7.512618, + "Module Management System": -5.903180, + "Monkey": -7.512618, + "Moocode": -6.414005, + "MoonScript": -7.512618, + "NCL": -4.740029, + "NL": -6.819470, + "NSIS": -6.819470, + "Nemerle": -7.512618, + "NetLinx": -6.819470, + "NetLinx+ERB": -6.819470, + "NetLogo": -7.512618, + "NewLisp": -6.414005, + "Nginx": -6.819470, + "Nim": -7.512618, + "Nit": -4.334564, + "Nix": -7.512618, + "Nu": -6.819470, + "OCaml": -5.210032, + "Objective-C": -4.421575, + "Objective-C++": -6.819470, + "Objective-J": -6.414005, + "Omgrofl": -7.512618, + "Opa": -6.819470, + "Opal": -7.512618, + "OpenCL": -6.819470, + "OpenEdge ABL": -5.903180, + "OpenRC runscript": -7.512618, + "OpenSCAD": -6.819470, + "Org": -7.512618, + "Ox": -6.414005, + "Oxygene": -7.512618, + "Oz": -7.512618, + "P4": -6.819470, + "PAWN": -6.819470, + "PHP": -4.622246, + "PLSQL": -5.433176, + "PLpgSQL": -5.720858, + "POV-Ray SDL": -5.027711, + "Pan": -7.512618, + "Papyrus": -6.414005, + "Parrot Assembly": -7.512618, + "Parrot Internal Representation": -7.512618, + "Pascal": -5.210032, + "Pep8": -5.566707, + "Perl": -4.516885, + "Perl6": -4.421575, + "Pic": -6.414005, + "Pickle": -6.126323, + "PicoLisp": -7.512618, + "PigLatin": -7.512618, + "Pike": -6.414005, + "Pod": -6.819470, + "PogoScript": -7.512618, + "Pony": -5.720858, + "PostScript": -7.512618, + "PowerBuilder": -5.720858, + "PowerShell": -6.414005, + "Processing": -7.512618, + "Prolog": -5.315393, + "Propeller Spin": -5.210032, + "Protocol Buffer": -7.512618, + "Public Key": -5.566707, + "Pug": -6.819470, + "Puppet": -5.903180, + "PureBasic": -6.819470, + "PureScript": -6.126323, + "Python": -4.334564, + "QML": -7.512618, + "QMake": -6.126323, + "R": -5.433176, + "RAML": -7.512618, + "RDoc": -7.512618, + "REXX": -6.126323, + "RMarkdown": -7.512618, + "RPM Spec": -6.414005, + "RUNOFF": -6.126323, + "Racket": -6.819470, + "Ragel": -6.414005, + "Rascal": -6.126323, + "Reason": -5.903180, + "Rebol": -5.720858, + "Red": -6.819470, + "Regular Expression": -6.126323, + "Ren'Py": -7.512618, + "RenderScript": -6.819470, + "RobotFramework": -6.414005, + "Roff": -5.566707, + "Ruby": -4.046882, + "Rust": -6.414005, + "SAS": -6.414005, + "SCSS": -7.512618, + "SMT": -6.126323, + "SPARQL": -6.819470, + "SQF": -6.819470, + "SQL": -5.027711, + "SQLPL": -5.720858, + "SRecode Template": -7.512618, + "STON": -5.566707, + "Sage": -7.512618, + "SaltStack": -5.720858, + "Sass": -7.512618, + "Scala": -6.126323, + "Scaml": -7.512618, + "Scheme": -6.414005, + "Scilab": -6.414005, + "ShaderLab": -6.414005, + "Shell": -3.751417, + "ShellSession": -6.414005, + "Shen": -6.414005, + "Slash": -7.512618, + "Slim": -7.512618, + "Smali": -5.566707, + "Smalltalk": -5.210032, + "SourcePawn": -5.720858, + "Squirrel": -7.512618, + "Stan": -6.414005, + "Standard ML": -5.903180, + "Stata": -5.566707, + "Stylus": -7.512618, + "SubRip Text": -7.512618, + "Sublime Text Config": -5.027711, + "SuperCollider": -5.903180, + "Swift": -3.751417, + "SystemVerilog": -6.126323, + "TI Program": -6.126323, + "TLA": -6.819470, + "TXL": -7.512618, + "Tcl": -6.126323, + "TeX": -5.566707, + "Tea": -7.512618, + "Terra": -6.414005, + "Text": -4.254521, + "Thrift": -7.512618, + "Turing": -6.819470, + "Turtle": -6.819470, + "Type Language": -6.819470, + "TypeScript": -5.720858, + "Unity3D Asset": -5.903180, + "Unix Assembly": -6.819470, + "Uno": -6.414005, + "UnrealScript": -6.819470, + "UrWeb": -6.819470, + "VCL": -6.819470, + "VHDL": -7.512618, + "Verilog": -4.947668, + "Vim script": -5.903180, + "Visual Basic": -6.414005, + "Volt": -7.512618, + "Vue": -6.819470, + "Wavefront Material": -6.126323, + "Wavefront Object": -5.903180, + "Web Ontology Language": -7.512618, + "WebAssembly": -5.720858, + "WebIDL": -6.819470, + "World of Warcraft Addon Data": -6.414005, + "X10": -4.622246, + "XC": -7.512618, + "XCompose": -7.512618, + "XML": -3.641417, + "XPages": -6.819470, + "XProc": -7.512618, + "XQuery": -7.512618, + "XS": -7.512618, + "XSLT": -7.512618, + "Xojo": -5.720858, + "Xtend": -6.819470, + "YAML": -5.566707, + "YANG": -7.512618, + "Zephir": -6.819470, + "Zimpl": -7.512618, + "desktop": -7.512618, + "eC": -7.512618, + "edn": -7.512618, + "fish": -6.414005, + "reStructuredText": -7.512618, + "wisp": -7.512618, + "xBase": -6.414005, }, tokensLogProbabilities: map[string]map[string]float64{ "1C Enterprise": map[string]float64{ @@ -5632,4370 +5633,3931 @@ var DefaultClassifier Classifier = &classifier{ "}": -6.165418, }, "C": map[string]float64{ - "!": -5.158508, - "&": -5.185047, - "&&": -6.188127, - "(": -2.502587, - ")": -2.501250, - "*": 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- "CMIT_FMT_EMAIL": -11.198763, - "CMIT_FMT_FULL": -11.198763, - "CMIT_FMT_FULLER": -11.198763, - "CMIT_FMT_MEDIUM": -10.505615, - "CMIT_FMT_ONELINE": -11.198763, - "CMIT_FMT_RAW": -11.198763, - "CMIT_FMT_SHORT": -11.198763, - "CMIT_FMT_UNSPECIFIED": -11.198763, - "CMIT_FMT_USERFORMAT": -11.198763, - "COLORS": -8.713856, - "CONCURRENT": -11.198763, - "CONNECT": -10.505615, - "CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED": -9.589325, - "CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED": -11.198763, - "COPY": -10.505615, - "CR": -10.100150, - "CTLs": -11.198763, - "CYTHON_FORMAT_SSIZE_T": -10.505615, - "CYTHON_INLINE": -6.950267, - "CYTHON_UNUSED": -7.902926, - "Can": -11.198763, - "Check_Type": -10.505615, - "Classification_": -8.633813, - "Classification_dloss": -10.505615, - "Classification_loss": -9.812468, - "Code": -11.198763, - "Code*": -10.505615, - "CodeGenerationFromStringsAllowed": -11.198763, - "Compile": -11.198763, - "CompileBaseline": -11.198763, - "CompileGlobalEval": -11.198763, - "CompileOptimized": -10.505615, - "Compiler": -9.119321, - "Context": -11.198763, - "CrossProduct": -10.505615, - "D": -7.797565, - "DCHECK": -8.490712, - "DCHECK_EQ": -9.812468, - "DECLARE_HANDLE": -9.407003, - "DELETE": -10.505615, - "DFX_multisample": -11.198763, - "DICT_HT_INITIAL_SIZE": -10.505615, - "DICT_OK": -11.198763, - "DL": -11.198763, - "DLPROC": -10.505615, - "DL_stereo_control": -11.198763, - "DPMI_REGS": -11.198763, - "DPROC": -7.104418, - "DWORD": -9.589325, - "DWORD*": -11.198763, - "D_digital_video_control": -11.198763, - "D_exit": -10.505615, - "D_gamma": -11.198763, - "D_genlock": -11.198763, - "D_image_buffer": -11.198763, - "D_init": -10.505615, - "D_swap_frame_lock": -11.198763, - "D_swap_frame_usage": -11.198763, - "Default": -10.505615, - "Deoptimizer": -9.812468, - "Deoptimizer*": -10.505615, - "DeviceName": -11.198763, - "DeviceString": -11.198763, - "DotProduct": -10.100150, - "E": -9.119321, - "EINTR": -11.198763, - "END_HEAD": -10.505615, - "ENOENT": -10.505615, - "ENOMEM": -10.505615, 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-10.505615, - "GLEWAPI": -9.812468, - "GLKMatrix": -5.478451, - "GLKQuaternion": -10.505615, - "GLKQuaternionNormalize": -11.198763, - "GLKVector": -6.676974, - "GLbitfield": -11.198763, - "GLboolean": -7.228471, - "GLenum": -9.119321, - "GLfloat": -10.100150, - "GLint": -8.308391, - "GLsizei": -9.812468, - "GLuint": -9.001538, - "GLuint*": -10.100150, - "GLushort": -10.100150, - "GLushort*": -11.198763, - "GPU_DEVICE": -11.198763, - "GetColumn": -10.505615, - "GetFunctionFromEval": -11.198763, - "GetMatrix": -9.812468, - "GetRow": -10.505615, - "Give": -11.198763, - "Grab": -10.505615, - "HANDLE": -8.559705, - "HANDLE*": -10.100150, - "HDC": -7.024375, - "HEAD": -10.505615, - "HEADER_OVERFLOW": -11.198763, - "HELLO": -11.198763, - "HELLOWORLD": -11.198763, - "HGLRC": -8.559705, - "HGPUNV": -9.589325, - "HPBUFFERARB": -8.713856, - "HPBUFFEREXT": -9.407003, - "HPE_CB_": -11.198763, - "HPE_CB_headers_complete": -11.198763, - "HPE_INVALID_CHUNK_SIZE": -10.505615, - 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-8.203030, - "METH_NOARGS": -9.119321, - "METH_VARARGS": -8.203030, - "MIN": -10.505615, - "MKACTIVITY": -10.505615, - "MKCOL": -10.505615, - "MKDA_EMAIL": -11.198763, - "MKDA_NORMAL": -11.198763, - "MKDA_NOT_AUTOLINK": -10.505615, - "MKDEXT_NO_INTRA_EMPHASIS": -11.198763, - "MKD_AUTOLINK": -11.198763, - "MKD_NOHEADER": -11.198763, - "MKD_NOHTML": -11.198763, - "MKD_NOIMAGE": -11.198763, - "MKD_NOLINKS": -11.198763, - "MKD_NOPANTS": -11.198763, - "MKD_NOTABLES": -11.198763, - "MKD_NO_EXT": -11.198763, - "MKD_SAFELINK": -11.198763, - "MKD_STRICT": -11.198763, - "MKD_TABSTOP": -11.198763, - "MKD_TOC": -11.198763, - "MMIOT": -10.505615, - "MOVE": -10.505615, - "MSEARCH": -11.198763, - "Make": -9.001538, - "MakeAndTranspose": -10.505615, - "MakeFrustum": -10.505615, - "MakeLookAt": -10.505615, - "MakeOrtho": -10.505615, - "MakePerspective": -10.505615, - "MakeRotation": -9.589325, - "MakeScale": -10.505615, - "MakeTranslation": -10.505615, - "MakeWithArray": -10.505615, - 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-10.817756, + "ERROR_SUCCESS": -7.383769, + "EVP_BytesToKey": -10.817756, + "EVP_CIPHER_CTX": -10.124609, + "EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup": -10.124609, + "EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init": -10.124609, + "EVP_DecryptFinal_ex": -10.817756, + "EVP_DecryptInit_ex": -10.817756, + "EVP_DecryptUpdate": -10.817756, + "EVP_EncryptFinal_ex": -10.817756, + "EVP_EncryptInit_ex": -10.817756, + "EVP_EncryptUpdate": -10.817756, + "EVP_aes_": -9.719144, + "EVP_sha": -10.817756, + "EXTENDED_MODE": -10.124609, + "Elapsed": -10.817756, + "ElementsAccessor": -10.124609, + "Encoding": -9.719144, + "Encrypt": -10.817756, + "EncryptSecret": -10.817756, + "EnforceFlagImplications": -10.817756, + "EngineBuilder_O": -8.419861, + "EnterDefaultIsolate": -10.817756, + "Entity": -8.871846, + "Entity*": -10.817756, + "EntropySource": -9.719144, + "Env": -8.252807, + "EqualityKind": -10.817756, + "ErrorInfo": -10.124609, + "Errors": -10.817756, + "ExceptionHandler": -10.817756, + "ExecutionEngine_O": -8.419861, + "Exp": -10.817756, + 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