---input--- // This should not be recognized as a function declaration followed by // garbage. string xyz(");"); // This should not be recognized as a function definition. string xyz("){ }"); ---tokens--- '// This should not be recognized as a function declaration followed by\n' Comment.Single '// garbage.\n' Comment.Single 'string' Name ' ' Text.Whitespace 'xyz' Name '(' Punctuation '"' Literal.String ');' Literal.String '"' Literal.String ')' Punctuation ';' Punctuation '\n' Text.Whitespace '\n' Text.Whitespace '// This should not be recognized as a function definition.\n' Comment.Single '\n' Text.Whitespace 'string' Name ' ' Text.Whitespace 'xyz' Name '(' Punctuation '"' Literal.String '){ }' Literal.String '"' Literal.String ')' Punctuation ';' Punctuation '\n' Text.Whitespace