---input--- [[a| b''b'' ]] [[维基百科:关于|关于]] [[Edge case#]] [[Edge case#|another]] [[ pagename | https://www.example.com ]] [[| this is legal! ]] [[ | this is illegal! ]] [[public transport#sth]] [[:public transport#sth]] [[:public transport]] [[a:public transport]] [[a:public transport#sth]] [[a:public transport#sth|a b ''c'' '''d''' ~~~~ [[a]]]] London has [[public transport]]. Link to this page: "[[Help:Wikitext]]" will appear only as bold text. New York also has [[public transport|public transportation]]. [[kingdom (biology)|]] [[Seattle, Washington|]] [[Wikipedia:Manual of Style#Links|]] [[:Category:Character sets|]] [[commons:category:Wikimedia]] [[Wiktionary:fr:bonjour]] [[Wiktionary:fr:bonjour|]] [[Wiktionary:fr:bonjour|bonjour]] [[ wp:pagename | page name[[ wp:pagename | page name ]] [[ wp:pagename | page name ]] [[ wp:pagename[[ wp:pagename | page name ]] | page name ]] [[ wp:pagename | page nam[[ wp:pagename | page name ]]e ]]]] [[ wp:pagename | page name ]] [[ wp:pagename | page name ]] [[ wp:pagename | page name ]] [[ wp:pagename | page name ]] [[ wp:pagename | page name ]] [[a|]]]] [[foo|[https://example.com]]] [[a|[[]]]] [[Hindenburg disaster|''Hindenburg'' disaster]] [[Special:Diff/330349143/330350877|Diff between revisions 330349143 and 330350877]] [[Special:Diff/330350877|Diff between revisions 330349143 and 330350877]] [[Special:Permalink/330350877|Revision 330350877]] [[Special:Contributions/2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329]] [[Special:Contributions/UserName]] [[File:wiki.png|thumb|left|alt={{User sandbox notice}}|Wikipedia ''logo'']] [[A|[//example.com a b c]]] '''[[Special:BlockList/{{BASEPAGENAMEE}}|check]]''' ---tokens--- '[[' Punctuation 'a' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation '\n' Text 'b' Text "''" Generic.Emph 'b' Generic.Emph "''" Generic.Emph '\n' Text ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation '维基百科' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation '关于' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation '关于' Text ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Edge case' Name.Tag '#' Punctuation ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Edge case' Name.Tag '#' Punctuation '|' Punctuation 'another' Text ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation ' pagename ' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation ' ' Text 'https' Text ':' Text '/' Text '/' Text 'www' Text '.' Text 'example' Text '.' Text 'com' Text ' ' Text ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation '|' Punctuation ' ' Text 'this' Text ' ' Text 'is' Text ' ' Text 'legal' Text '!' Text ' ' Text ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation ' ' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation ' ' Text 'this' Text ' ' Text 'is' Text ' ' Text 'illegal' Text '!' Text ' ' Text ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'public transport' Name.Tag '#' Punctuation 'sth' Name.Label ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation ':' Punctuation 'public transport' Name.Tag '#' Punctuation 'sth' Name.Label ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation ':' Punctuation 'public transport' Name.Tag ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'a' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'public transport' Name.Tag ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'a' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'public transport' Name.Tag '#' Punctuation 'sth' Name.Label ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'a' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'public transport' Name.Tag '#' Punctuation 'sth' Name.Label '|' Punctuation '<' Punctuation 'code' Name.Tag '>' Punctuation 'a' Text '' Punctuation ' ' Text 'b' Text ' ' Text "''" Generic.Emph 'c' Generic.Emph "''" Generic.Emph ' ' Text "'''" Generic.Strong 'd' Generic.Strong "'''" Generic.Strong ' ' Text '~~~~' Keyword ' ' Text '<' Punctuation 'nowiki' Name.Tag '>' Punctuation '[' Text '[' Text 'a' Text ']' Text ']' Text '' Punctuation ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text 'London' Text ' ' Text 'has' Text ' ' Text '[[' Punctuation 'public transport' Name.Tag ']]' Punctuation '.' Text '\n' Text '\n' Text 'Link' Text ' ' Text 'to' Text ' ' Text 'this' Text ' ' Text 'page' Text ':' Text ' ' Text '"' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Help' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'Wikitext' Name.Tag ']]' Punctuation '"' Text ' ' Text 'will' Text ' ' Text 'appear' Text ' ' Text 'only' Text ' ' Text 'as' Text ' ' Text 'bold' Text ' ' Text 'text' Text '.' Text '\n' Text '\n' Text 'New' Text ' ' Text 'York' Text ' ' Text 'also' Text ' ' Text 'has' Text ' ' Text '[[' Punctuation 'public transport' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation 'public' Text ' ' Text 'transportation' Text ']]' Punctuation '.' Text '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'kingdom (biology)' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Seattle, Washington' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Wikipedia' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'Manual of Style' Name.Tag '#' Punctuation 'Links' Name.Label '|' Punctuation ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation ':Category' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'Character sets' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'commons:category' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'Wikimedia' Name.Tag ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Wiktionary:fr' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'bonjour' Name.Tag ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Wiktionary:fr' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'bonjour' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Wiktionary:fr' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'bonjour' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation 'bonjour' Text ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation ' wp' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'pagename ' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation ' ' Text 'page' Text ' ' Text 'name' Text '' Punctuation '[[' Punctuation ' wp' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'pagename ' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation ' ' Text 'page' Text ' ' Text 'name' Text ' ' Text ']]' Punctuation ' ' Text '[[' Punctuation ' wp' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'pagename ' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation ' ' Text 'page' Text ' ' Text 'name' Text ' ' Text ']]' Punctuation ' ' Text '[' Text '[' Text ' ' Text 'wp' Text ':' Text 'pagename' Text '[[' Punctuation ' wp' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'pagename ' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation ' ' Text 'page' Text ' ' Text 'name' Text ' ' Text ']]' Punctuation ' ' Text '|' Text ' ' Text 'page' Text ' ' Text 'name' Text ' ' Text ']' Text ']' Text ' ' Text '[[' Punctuation ' wp' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'pagename ' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation ' ' Text 'page' Text ' ' Text 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Text '[[' Punctuation 'Special' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'Diff/330349143/330350877' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation 'Diff' Text ' ' Text 'between' Text ' ' Text 'revisions' Text ' ' Text '330349143' Text ' ' Text 'and' Text ' ' Text '330350877' Text ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Special' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'Diff/330350877' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation 'Diff' Text ' ' Text 'between' Text ' ' Text 'revisions' Text ' ' Text '330349143' Text ' ' Text 'and' Text ' ' Text '330350877' Text ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Special' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'Permalink/330350877' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation 'Revision' Text ' ' Text '330350877' Text ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Special' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'Contributions/2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329' Name.Tag ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '\n' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Special' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'Contributions/UserName' Name.Tag ']]' 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