---input--- ; Term : Definition1 : Definition2 ; '''Term''' : Definition1 : Definition2 : Definition3 : Definition4 ; [[Wikipedia:Term#123|Blah]] : Definition1 ; [[Wikipedia:Term#123|Blah]]  : Definition1 # Item1 # ''Item2'' # Item3 # [[Item4]] ## Sub-item 1 ### Sub-sub-item #### Sub-sub-sub-item ## Sub-item 2 # Item5 * Item1 * '''Item2''' * Item3 * [[Item4]] ** Sub-item 4 a) *** Sub-item 4 a) 1. **** Sub-item 4 a) 1. i) **** Sub-item 4 a) 1. ii) ** Sub-item 4 b) * Item5 Indentation as used on talk pages: :[[Each]] ''colon'' at the '''start''' of a line ::causes the line to be indented by three more character positions. :::(The indentation persists so long as no carriage return or line break is used.) :::Repeat the indentation at any line break. ::::Use an extra colon for each response. :::::And so forth ... ::::::And so on ... {{Outdent|::::::}}The outdent template can give a visual indicator that we're deliberately cancelling the indent (6 levels here) :*# Mixed list ::##:*: Complex mixed list ---tokens--- ';' Keyword ' ' Text 'Term' Text ' ' Text ':' Keyword ' ' Text 'Definition1' Text '\n' Text ':' Keyword ' ' Text 'Definition2' Text '\n' Text '\n' Text ';' Keyword ' ' Text "'''" Generic.Strong 'Term' Generic.Strong "'''" Generic.Strong '\n' Text ':' Keyword ' ' Text 'Definition1' Text '\n' Text ':' Keyword ' ' Text 'Definition2' Text '\n' Text ':' Keyword ' ' Text 'Definition3' Text '\n' Text ':' Keyword ' ' Text 'Definition4' Text '\n' Text '\n' Text ';' Keyword ' ' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Wikipedia' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'Term' Name.Tag '#' Punctuation '123' Name.Label '|' Punctuation 'Blah' Text ']]' Punctuation '\xa0' Text ':' Keyword ' ' Text 'Definition1' Text '\n' Text '\n' Text ';' Keyword ' ' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Wikipedia' Name.Namespace ':' Punctuation 'Term' Name.Tag '#' Punctuation '123' Name.Label '|' Punctuation 'Blah' Text ']]' Punctuation '\xa0' Text '\n' Text ':' Keyword ' ' Text 'Definition1' Text '\n' Text '\n' Text '#' Keyword ' ' Text 'Item1' Text '\n' Text '#' Keyword ' ' Text "''" Generic.Emph 'Item2' Generic.Emph "''" Generic.Emph '\n' Text '#' Keyword ' ' Text 'Item3' Text '\n' Text '#' Keyword ' ' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Item4' Name.Tag ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '##' Keyword ' ' Text 'Sub' Text '-' Text 'item' Text ' ' Text '1' Text '\n' Text '###' Keyword ' ' Text 'Sub' Text '-' Text 'sub' Text '-' Text 'item' Text '\n' Text '####' Keyword ' ' Text 'Sub' Text '-' Text 'sub' Text '-' Text 'sub' Text '-' Text 'item' Text '\n' Text '##' Keyword ' ' Text 'Sub' Text '-' Text 'item' Text ' ' Text '2' Text '\n' Text '#' Keyword ' ' Text 'Item5' Text '\n' Text '\n' Text '*' Keyword ' ' Text 'Item1' Text '\n' Text '*' Keyword ' ' Text "'''" Generic.Strong 'Item2' Generic.Strong "'''" Generic.Strong '\n' Text '*' Keyword ' ' Text 'Item3' Text '\n' Text '*' Keyword ' ' Text '[[' Punctuation 'Item4' Name.Tag ']]' Punctuation '\n' Text '**' Keyword ' ' Text 'Sub' Text '-' Text 'item' Text ' ' Text '4' Text ' ' Text 'a' Text ')' Text '\n' Text '***' Keyword ' ' Text 'Sub' Text '-' Text 'item' Text ' ' Text '4' Text ' ' Text 'a' Text ')' Text ' ' Text '1' Text '.' 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