---input--- To ''italicize text'', put two consecutive apostrophes on each side of it. Three apostrophes each side will '''bold the text'''. Five consecutive apostrophes on each side (two for italics plus three for bold) produces '''''bold italics'''''. '''''Italic and bold formatting''''' works correctly only within a single line. ''''''foo'''''' L''''''Étranger''''' '' a ''' a ''' a '' '' a ''' a '' a ''' ''''' a '' a ''' ''''' a ''' a '' ''''' a a ''a[[b|c]]d a[[b|''c]]d ''a{{b|c}}d a{{b|''c}}d ---tokens--- 'To' Text ' ' Text "''" Generic.Emph 'italicize' Generic.Emph ' ' Generic.Emph 'text' Generic.Emph "''" Generic.Emph ',' Text ' ' Text 'put' Text ' ' Text 'two' Text ' ' Text 'consecutive' Text ' ' Text 'apostrophes' Text ' ' Text 'on' Text ' ' Text 'each' Text ' ' Text 'side' Text ' ' Text 'of' Text ' ' Text 'it' Text '.' Text '\n' Text '\n' Text 'Three' Text ' ' Text 'apostrophes' Text ' ' Text 'each' Text ' ' Text 'side' Text ' ' Text 'will' Text ' ' Text "'''" Generic.Strong 'bold' Generic.Strong ' ' Generic.Strong 'the' Generic.Strong ' ' Generic.Strong 'text' Generic.Strong "'''" Generic.Strong '.' Text '\n' Text '\n' Text 'Five' Text ' ' Text 'consecutive' Text ' ' Text 'apostrophes' Text ' ' Text 'on' Text ' ' Text 'each' Text ' ' Text 'side' Text ' ' Text '(' Text 'two' Text ' ' Text 'for' Text ' ' Text 'italics' Text ' ' Text 'plus' Text ' ' Text 'three' Text ' ' Text 'for' Text ' ' Text 'bold' Text ')' Text ' ' Text 'produces' Text ' ' Text "''" Generic.Emph "'''" Generic.EmphStrong 'bold' Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.EmphStrong 'italics' Generic.EmphStrong "'''" Generic.EmphStrong "''" Generic.Emph '.' Text '\n' Text '\n' Text "''" Generic.Emph "'''" Generic.EmphStrong 'Italic' Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.EmphStrong 'and' Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.EmphStrong 'bold' Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.EmphStrong 'formatting' Generic.EmphStrong "'''" Generic.EmphStrong "''" Generic.Emph ' ' Text 'works' Text ' ' Text 'correctly' Text ' ' Text 'only' Text ' ' Text 'within' Text ' ' Text 'a' Text ' ' Text 'single' Text ' ' Text 'line' Text '.' Text '\n' Text '\n' Text "'" Text "''" Generic.Emph "'''" Generic.EmphStrong 'foo' Generic.EmphStrong "'" Generic.EmphStrong "'''" Generic.EmphStrong "''" Generic.Emph '\n' Text '\n' Text 'L' Text "'" Text "''" Generic.Emph "'''" Generic.EmphStrong 'Étranger' Generic.EmphStrong "'''" Generic.EmphStrong "''" Generic.Emph '\n' Text '\n' Text "''" Generic.Emph ' ' Generic.Emph 'a' Generic.Emph ' ' Generic.Emph "'''" Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.EmphStrong 'a' Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.EmphStrong "'''" Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.Emph 'a' Generic.Emph ' ' Generic.Emph "''" Generic.Emph '\n' Text '\n' Text "''" Generic.Emph ' ' Generic.Emph 'a' Generic.Emph ' ' Generic.Emph "'''" Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.EmphStrong 'a' Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.EmphStrong "''" Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.Strong 'a' Generic.Strong ' ' Generic.Strong "'''" Generic.Strong '\n' Text '\n' Text "''" Generic.Emph "'''" Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.EmphStrong 'a' Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.EmphStrong "''" Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.Strong 'a' Generic.Strong ' ' Generic.Strong "'''" Generic.Strong '\n' Text "''" Generic.Emph "'''" Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.EmphStrong 'a' Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.EmphStrong "'''" Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.Emph 'a' Generic.Emph ' ' Generic.Emph "''" Generic.Emph '\n' Text '\n' Text "''" Generic.Emph "'''" Generic.EmphStrong ' ' Generic.EmphStrong 'a' Generic.EmphStrong '\n' Text 'a' Text '\n' Text '\n' Text "''" Generic.Emph 'a' Generic.Emph '[[' Punctuation 'b' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation 'c' Text ']]' Punctuation 'd' Generic.Emph '\n' Text 'a' Text '[[' Punctuation 'b' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation "''" Generic.Emph 'c' Generic.Emph '' Punctuation ']]' Punctuation 'd' Text '\n' Text "''" Generic.Emph 'a' Generic.Emph '' Punctuation '{{' Punctuation 'b' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation 'c' Text '}}' Punctuation 'd' Text '\n' Text 'a' Text '{{' Punctuation 'b' Name.Tag '|' Punctuation "''" Generic.Emph 'c' Generic.Emph '' Punctuation '}}' Punctuation 'd' Text '\n' Text