// Code generated by github.com/go-enry/go-enry/v2/internal/code-generator DO NOT EDIT. // Extracted from github/linguist commit: 3a1bd3c3d3e741a8aaec4704f782e06f5cd2a00d package data var LanguagesLogProbabilities = map[string]float64{ "1C Enterprise": -5.898527, "ABAP": -7.690286, "ABNF": -7.690286, "AGS Script": -6.303992, "AMPL": -6.997139, "API Blueprint": -6.591674, "APL": -6.591674, "ASN.1": -7.690286, "ATS": -5.493061, "ActionScript": -6.997139, "Adobe Font Metrics": -6.591674, "Agda": -7.690286, "Alloy": -6.591674, "Alpine Abuild": -7.690286, "Altium Designer": -6.303992, "AngelScript": -6.997139, "Ant Build System": -7.690286, "ApacheConf": -6.303992, "Apex": -5.898527, "Apollo Guidance Computer": -7.690286, "AppleScript": -5.744376, "AsciiDoc": -6.591674, "AspectJ": -6.997139, "Assembly": -5.898527, "Asymptote": -6.997139, "AutoHotkey": -7.690286, "Awk": -7.690286, "Ballerina": -6.080848, "BitBake": -6.997139, "Blade": -6.997139, "BlitzBasic": -6.591674, "BlitzMax": -7.690286, "Bluespec": -6.997139, "Brainfuck": -6.080848, "Brightscript": -7.690286, "C": -3.647235, "C#": -6.080848, "C++": -3.778263, "CLIPS": -6.997139, "CMake": -5.744376, "COBOL": -6.303992, "CSON": -6.303992, "CSS": -6.997139, "CSV": -7.690286, "CWeb": -7.690286, "Cabal Config": -6.303992, "CartoCSS": -7.690286, "Ceylon": -7.690286, "Chapel": -6.080848, "Charity": -7.690286, "Cirru": -5.493061, "Clarion": -6.303992, "Clean": -5.493061, "Click": -6.997139, "Clojure": -5.493061, "Closure Templates": -7.690286, "Cloud Firestore Security Rules": -7.690286, "CoNLL-U": -6.591674, "CoffeeScript": -5.387701, "ColdFusion": -7.690286, "ColdFusion CFC": -6.997139, "Common Lisp": -5.493061, "Common Workflow Language": -7.690286, "Component Pascal": -6.997139, "Cool": -6.997139, "Coq": -5.125337, "Creole": -7.690286, "Crystal": -6.591674, "Csound": -6.591674, "Csound Document": -6.591674, "Csound Score": -6.591674, "Cuda": -6.997139, "Cycript": -7.690286, "D": -5.493061, "DIGITAL Command Language": -6.303992, "DM": -7.690286, "DNS Zone": -6.997139, "DTrace": -6.591674, "Dart": -7.690286, "DataWeave": -6.080848, "Dhall": -6.997139, "Diff": -7.690286, "Dockerfile": -7.690286, "Dogescript": -7.690286, "E": -5.744376, "EBNF": -6.303992, "ECL": -7.690286, "ECLiPSe": -7.690286, "EJS": -6.997139, "EML": -7.690286, "EQ": -6.591674, "Eagle": -6.997139, "Easybuild": -7.690286, "EditorConfig": -7.690286, "Edje Data Collection": -7.690286, "Eiffel": -6.591674, "Elixir": -7.690286, "Elm": -6.591674, "Emacs Lisp": -5.292391, "EmberScript": -7.690286, "Erlang": -5.051229, "F#": -5.610844, "FIGlet Font": -7.690286, "FLUX": -6.303992, "Fantom": -6.997139, "Filebench WML": -7.690286, "Filterscript": -6.997139, "Formatted": -6.591674, "Forth": -4.917697, "Fortran": -6.080848, "FreeMarker": -6.997139, "Frege": -6.303992, "Fstar": -6.997139, "G-code": -6.591674, "GAMS": -7.690286, "GAP": -5.493061, "GCC Machine Description": -7.690286, "GDB": -6.997139, "GDScript": -6.303992, "GLSL": -5.051229, "GN": -5.292391, "Game Maker Language": -5.292391, "Genie": -6.997139, "Gerber Image": -4.857073, "Git Attributes": -7.690286, "Git Config": -6.591674, "Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format": -7.690286, "Gnuplot": -5.898527, "Go": -6.591674, "Golo": -4.394449, "Gosu": -6.080848, "Grace": -6.997139, "Gradle": -6.997139, "Grammatical Framework": -3.976714, "Graph Modeling Language": -6.591674, "GraphQL": -6.303992, "Graphviz (DOT)": -6.997139, "Groovy": -5.898527, "Groovy Server Pages": -6.303992, "HAProxy": -6.303992, "HCL": -6.080848, "HLSL": -6.080848, "HTML": -5.744376, "HTML+Django": -6.997139, "HTML+ECR": -7.690286, "HTML+EEX": -7.690286, "HTML+ERB": -6.997139, "HTML+Razor": -6.997139, "HXML": -6.997139, "Hack": -4.358082, "Haml": -6.997139, "Handlebars": -6.997139, "Haskell": -6.080848, "HiveQL": -7.690286, "HolyC": -6.080848, "Hy": -6.591674, "HyPhy": -5.610844, "IDL": -6.303992, "IGOR Pro": -6.997139, "INI": -5.744376, "Idris": -7.690286, "Ignore List": -4.917697, "Inform 7": -6.997139, "Inno Setup": -7.690286, "Ioke": -7.690286, "Isabelle": -7.690286, "Isabelle ROOT": -7.690286, "J": -6.997139, "JFlex": -6.997139, "JSON": -4.512232, "JSON with Comments": -4.694554, "JSON5": -6.997139, "JSONLD": -7.690286, "JSONiq": -6.997139, "JSX": -7.690286, "Jasmin": -5.610844, "Java": -5.493061, "Java Properties": -6.997139, "JavaScript": -4.026724, "JavaScript+ERB": -7.690286, "Jison": -6.591674, "Jison Lex": -6.997139, "Jolie": -6.080848, "Jsonnet": -7.690286, "Julia": -6.997139, "Jupyter Notebook": -7.690286, "KRL": -7.690286, "KiCad Layout": -4.917697, "KiCad Legacy Layout": -7.690286, "KiCad Schematic": -5.898527, "Kit": -7.690286, "Kotlin": -7.690286, "LFE": -6.303992, "LOLCODE": -7.690286, "LSL": -6.997139, "LTspice Symbol": -7.690286, "Lasso": -6.303992, "Latte": -6.997139, "Lean": -6.997139, "Less": -7.690286, "Lex": -7.690286, "Limbo": -6.591674, "Linker Script": -6.303992, "Linux Kernel Module": -6.591674, "Liquid": -6.997139, "Literate Agda": -7.690286, "Literate CoffeeScript": -7.690286, "LiveScript": -7.690286, "Logos": -6.080848, "Logtalk": -7.690286, "LookML": -6.591674, "LoomScript": -6.997139, "Lua": -6.080848, "M": -4.322990, "M4": -7.690286, "M4Sugar": -6.591674, "MATLAB": -4.026724, "MAXScript": -6.080848, "MQL4": -6.591674, "MQL5": -6.591674, "MTML": -7.690286, "MUF": -6.997139, "Makefile": -5.205379, "Markdown": -5.493061, "Marko": -6.591674, "Mask": -7.690286, "Mathematica": -5.205379, "Maven POM": -7.690286, "Max": -6.591674, "MediaWiki": -6.997139, "Mercury": -5.387701, "Meson": -6.997139, "Metal": -7.690286, "Modelica": -5.205379, "Modula-2": -7.690286, "Modula-3": -6.080848, "Module Management System": -6.080848, "Monkey": -6.080848, "Moocode": -6.591674, "MoonScript": -7.690286, "Motorola 68K Assembly": -7.690286, "NCL": -4.917697, "NL": -6.997139, "NSIS": -6.997139, "Nearley": -7.690286, "Nemerle": -7.690286, "NetLinx": -6.997139, "NetLinx+ERB": -6.997139, "NetLogo": -7.690286, "NewLisp": -6.591674, "Nextflow": -6.303992, "Nginx": -6.997139, "Nim": -6.080848, "Nit": -4.512232, "Nix": -7.690286, "Nu": -6.997139, "OCaml": -5.387701, "ObjectScript": -7.690286, "Objective-C": -4.599244, "Objective-C++": -6.997139, "Objective-J": -6.591674, "Omgrofl": -7.690286, "Opa": -6.997139, "Opal": -7.690286, "OpenCL": -6.997139, "OpenEdge ABL": -5.898527, "OpenRC runscript": -7.690286, "OpenSCAD": -6.997139, "Org": -7.690286, "Ox": -6.591674, "Oxygene": -7.690286, "Oz": -7.690286, "P4": -6.997139, "PHP": -4.799914, "PLSQL": -5.610844, "PLpgSQL": -5.744376, "POV-Ray SDL": -5.205379, "Pan": -4.799914, "Papyrus": -6.591674, "Parrot Assembly": -7.690286, "Parrot Internal Representation": -7.690286, "Pascal": -5.387701, "Pawn": -5.898527, "Pep8": -5.744376, "Perl": -4.512232, "Perl 6": -4.599244, "Pic": -6.591674, "Pickle": -6.303992, "PicoLisp": -7.690286, "PigLatin": -7.690286, "Pike": -6.591674, "Pod": -6.303992, "Pod 6": -7.690286, "PogoScript": -7.690286, "Pony": -5.898527, "PostCSS": -7.690286, "PostScript": -6.997139, "PowerBuilder": -5.898527, "PowerShell": -6.303992, "Processing": -7.690286, "Prolog": -5.493061, "Propeller Spin": -5.387701, "Protocol Buffer": -7.690286, "Public Key": -5.744376, "Pug": -6.997139, "Puppet": -6.080848, "PureBasic": -6.997139, "PureScript": -6.303992, "Python": -4.512232, "QML": -7.690286, "QMake": -6.303992, "Quake": -6.997139, "R": -5.610844, "RAML": -7.690286, "RDoc": -7.690286, "REXX": -6.303992, "RMarkdown": -7.690286, "RPC": -6.591674, "RPM Spec": -6.591674, "RUNOFF": -6.303992, "Racket": -6.997139, "Ragel": -6.591674, "Rascal": -6.303992, "Reason": -6.080848, "Rebol": -5.898527, "Red": -6.997139, "Regular Expression": -6.303992, "Ren'Py": -7.690286, "RenderScript": -6.997139, "Rich Text Format": -6.997139, "Ring": -6.303992, "RobotFramework": -6.591674, "Roff": -4.394449, "Roff Manpage": -4.645764, "Ruby": -4.224550, "Rust": -6.591674, "SAS": -6.591674, "SCSS": -7.690286, "SMT": -6.303992, "SPARQL": -6.997139, "SQF": -6.997139, "SQL": -5.205379, "SQLPL": -5.898527, "SRecode Template": -7.690286, "SSH Config": -5.898527, "STON": -5.744376, "Sage": -7.690286, "SaltStack": -5.898527, "Sass": -7.690286, "Scala": -5.744376, "Scaml": -7.690286, "Scheme": -6.303992, "Scilab": -6.591674, "ShaderLab": -6.591674, "Shell": -3.883624, "ShellSession": -6.591674, "Shen": -6.591674, "Slash": -7.690286, "Slice": -6.591674, "Slim": -7.690286, "Smali": -5.744376, "Smalltalk": -5.387701, "SourcePawn": -6.997139, "Squirrel": -7.690286, "Stan": -6.591674, "Standard ML": -6.080848, "Stata": -5.744376, "Stylus": -7.690286, "SubRip Text": -7.690286, "SugarSS": -7.690286, "SuperCollider": -6.080848, "Svelte": -7.690286, "Swift": -3.929086, "SystemVerilog": -6.303992, "TI Program": -6.303992, "TLA": -6.997139, "TOML": -6.997139, "TSQL": -6.303992, "TSX": -6.303992, "TXL": -7.690286, "Tcl": -6.303992, "TeX": -5.744376, "Tea": -7.690286, "Terra": -6.591674, "Text": -4.645764, "Thrift": -7.690286, "Turing": -6.997139, "Turtle": -6.997139, "Type Language": -6.997139, "TypeScript": -6.591674, "Unity3D Asset": -6.080848, "Unix Assembly": -6.997139, "Uno": -6.591674, "UnrealScript": -6.997139, "UrWeb": -6.997139, "VCL": -6.997139, "VHDL": -7.690286, "Verilog": -5.125337, "Vim script": -5.744376, "Visual Basic": -6.080848, "Volt": -7.690286, "Vue": -6.997139, "Wavefront Material": -6.303992, "Wavefront Object": -6.080848, "Web Ontology Language": -7.690286, "WebAssembly": -5.898527, "WebIDL": -6.997139, "WebVTT": -6.997139, "Windows Registry Entries": -7.690286, "Wollok": -6.997139, "World of Warcraft Addon Data": -6.591674, "X BitMap": -7.690286, "X Font Directory Index": -6.303992, "X PixMap": -6.997139, "X10": -4.799914, "XC": -7.690286, "XCompose": -7.690286, "XML": -3.531403, "XPages": -6.997139, "XProc": -7.690286, "XQuery": -7.690286, "XS": -7.690286, "XSLT": -7.690286, "Xojo": -5.898527, "Xtend": -6.997139, "YAML": -5.387701, "YANG": -7.690286, "YARA": -6.591674, "YASnippet": -6.997139, "Yacc": -7.690286, "ZAP": -7.690286, "ZIL": -7.690286, "Zeek": -6.591674, "ZenScript": -7.690286, "Zephir": -6.997139, "Zig": -6.591674, "Zimpl": -7.690286, "desktop": -7.690286, "eC": -7.690286, "edn": -7.690286, "fish": -6.591674, "mcfunction": -7.690286, "nanorc": -6.591674, "q": -6.997139, "reStructuredText": -7.690286, "sed": -7.690286, "wdl": -6.591674, "wisp": -7.690286, "xBase": -6.591674, } var TokensLogProbabilities = map[string]map[string]float64{ "1C Enterprise": map[string]float64{ "#": -8.978471, "&": -6.675886, "(": -4.065816, ")": -4.065816, "*": -9.671619, "+": -6.205883, ",": -5.086651, "-": -8.978471, ".": -3.957886, "/": -9.671619, "//": -8.573006, "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////": -8.978471, ";": -3.878605, "<": -6.781247, "=": -4.478662, ">": -6.727180, "?": -8.978471, "DOM": -8.978471, "DOM.": -9.671619, "HTML": -8.978471, "HTML.": -8.978471, "Null": -9.671619, "XML": -7.273723, "XML.": -7.725708, "_": -7.474394, "А": -8.285324, "Б": -8.062181, "В": -4.701805, "Г": -8.285324, "Д": -4.722859, "Е": -5.107270, "Ж": -9.671619, "З": -4.584022, "И": -5.289592, "К": -4.310326, "Л": -6.237631, "М": -6.270421, "Н": -4.590214, "О": -4.641181, "П": -4.001738, "Р": -5.842977, "С": -4.435177, "Т": -4.403760, "У": -6.060701, "Ф": -5.982739, "Х": -8.978471, "Ц": -5.611176, "Ч": -6.580576, "Ш": -6.627096, "Э": -5.821471, "а": -2.506125, "б": -4.291721, "в": -3.860478, "г": -4.804084, "д": -4.036829, "е": -2.541520, "ж": -5.139019, "з": -4.827431, "и": -2.859273, "й": -4.688012, "к": -3.479256, "л": -3.214849, "м": -4.073197, "н": -2.957448, "о": -2.573243, "п": -4.273456, "р": -3.199272, "с": -3.569060, "т": -2.863684, "у": -4.029711, "ф": -5.821471, "х": -6.237631, "ц": -4.319760, "ч": -4.654339, "ш": -7.369033, "щ": -5.528484, "ъ": -5.982739, "ы": -3.805150, "ь": -4.029711, "ю": -6.116270, "я": -4.565673, "\ufeff": -8.978471, }, "ABAP": map[string]float64{ "!": -4.637712, "\"": -7.202661, "(": -5.816367, ")": -5.816367, "*": -3.619142, "+": -5.005437, "-": -0.322277, ".": -5.005437, "<-()]>": -6.509514, "": -6.509514, "": -5.816367, "": -6.104049, "=": -4.900076, ">": -5.123220, "ABAP_BOOL": -7.202661, "C": -7.202661, "CLASS": -6.509514, "CL_CSV_PARSER": -5.410902, "CONSTRUCTOR": -7.202661, "CSV": -7.202661, "CSVSTRING": -7.202661, "CX": -7.202661, "CX_CSV_PARSE_ERROR": -7.202661, "DEFINITION": -6.509514, "DELEGATE": -7.202661, "Get": -7.202661, "IF_CSV_PARSER_DELEGATE": -7.202661, "IMPLEMENTATION": -6.509514, "Instance": -6.509514, "Method": -6.509514, "Parse": -7.202661, "Private": -7.202661, "Public": -7.202661, "REF": -7.202661, "RETURNING": -7.202661, "SEPARATOR": -7.202661, "SIGNATURE": -6.509514, "SKIP_FIRST_LINE": -7.202661, "STRING": -7.202661, "STRINGTAB": -6.104049, "Space": -6.509514, "TO": -7.202661, "TYPE": -5.256751, "This": -7.202661, "[": -5.593223, "]": -5.816367, "_LINES": -7.202661, "_csvstring": -6.509514, "_delegate": -7.202661, "_lines": -7.202661, "_lines.": -7.202661, "_parse_line": -6.509514, "_separator": -7.202661, "_skip_first_line": -7.202661, "_textindicator": -7.202661, "`": -5.816367, "abap": -7.202661, "abap_bool": -6.509514, "abap_true.": -6.509514, "an": -7.202661, "append": -6.509514, "assigning": -7.202661, "at": -6.509514, "c": -6.509514, "char": -6.509514, "cl_abap_char_utilities": -7.202661, "cl_csv_parser": -6.509514, "cl_object": -7.202661, "class": -6.509514, "clear": -7.202661, "concatenate": -5.816367, "constants": -7.202661, "constructor": -6.509514, "constructor.": -7.202661, "cr_lf": -7.202661, "create": -7.202661, "csv": -7.202661, "csvstring": -7.202661, "csvstring.": -7.202661, "csvvalue": -5.410902, "csvvalue.": -5.593223, "csvvalues.": -6.509514, "cx_csv_parse_error": -6.509514, "data": -6.104049, "definition": -7.202661, "delegate": -7.202661, "delegate.": -7.202661, "do": -6.104049, "e": -7.202661, "else.": -5.816367, "endclass.": -7.202661, "endif.": -5.410902, "endmethod.": -6.509514, "endwhile.": -6.509514, "error": -7.202661, "exception": 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