---input--- #> This command looks for a player with 10 hp and prints a message # @param - @s = player execute as @a[name="rx", nbt={Health: 10.0f}] run tellraw @a {"text": "this is my cool command"} # epic ---tokens--- '#>' Comment.Multiline ' ' Text.Whitespace 'This' Literal.String.Doc ' ' Text.Whitespace 'command' Literal.String.Doc ' ' Text.Whitespace 'looks' Literal.String.Doc ' ' Text.Whitespace 'for' Literal.String.Doc ' ' Text.Whitespace 'a' Literal.String.Doc ' ' Text.Whitespace 'player' Literal.String.Doc ' ' Text.Whitespace 'with' Literal.String.Doc ' ' Text.Whitespace '10' Literal.String.Doc ' ' Text.Whitespace 'hp' Literal.String.Doc ' ' Text.Whitespace 'and' Literal.String.Doc ' ' Text.Whitespace 'prints' Literal.String.Doc ' ' Text.Whitespace 'a' Literal.String.Doc ' ' Text.Whitespace 'message' Literal.String.Doc '\n' Text '#' Comment.Multiline ' ' Text.Whitespace '@param' Name.Decorator ' ' Text.Whitespace '-' Comment.Multiline ' ' Text.Whitespace '@s' Name.Decorator ' ' Text.Whitespace '=' Comment.Multiline ' ' Text.Whitespace 'player' Comment.Multiline '\n' Text '\n' Text.Whitespace 'execute' Name.Builtin ' ' Text.Whitespace 'as' Keyword.Constant ' ' Text.Whitespace '@a' Name.Variable '[' Punctuation 'name' Name.Attribute '=' Punctuation '"' Literal.String.Double 'rx' Literal.String.Double '"' Literal.String.Double ',' Punctuation ' ' Text.Whitespace 'nbt' Name.Attribute '=' Punctuation '{' Punctuation 'Health' Name.Attribute ':' Punctuation ' ' Text.Whitespace '10.0f' Literal.Number.Float '}' Punctuation ']' Punctuation ' ' Text.Whitespace 'run' Keyword.Constant ' tellraw' Name.Builtin ' ' Text.Whitespace '@a' Name.Variable ' ' Text.Whitespace '{' Punctuation '"' Name.Attribute 'text' Name.Attribute '"' Name.Attribute ':' Punctuation ' ' Text.Whitespace '"' Literal.String.Double 'this is my cool command' Literal.String.Double '"' Literal.String.Double '}' Punctuation ' ' Text.Whitespace '# epic' Comment.Single '\n' Text.Whitespace