---input--- {{payoff matrix | UL = 5 | UR = 7 | DL = 2 | DR = 9 | Name = Example usage }} {{payoff matrix | UL = 5 | UR = 7 | DL = 2 | DR = 9 | Name = Example usage }} {{Wikipedia:foo|1=1}} {{Wikipe{{void}}dia:foo|1=1}} {{:foo|1=1}} {{short description|Wikipedia help page}} {{pp-move-indef|small=yes}} {{pp-vandalism|small=yes}} {{for|the '''encyclopedic''' section on wikitext|Wiki#Editing}} {{redirect|H:WT|the welcoming templates|Wikipedia:Welcoming committee/Welcome templates}} {{Locutions pages header}} {{Wikipedia how to|H:WT|H:MARKUP|H:WIKICODE}} {{Wikitext navbox}} {{Template|1={{{1}}}}} {{vo{{void|void}}id|param1=1|par{{void}}am2=2}} {{math|2''x'' × 4''y'' ÷ 6''z'' + 8 − {{sfrac|''y''|''z''2}} {{=}} 0}} {{math|sin 2π''x'' + ln ''e''}} It follows that {{math|''x''2 ≥ 0}} for real {{mvar|x}}. {{Help:Transclusion demo}} {{Tooltip|Hover your mouse over this text |This is the hover text}} Go to this page to see the Tooltip template itself: {{tl|Tooltip}} This is how to {{Font 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