---input--- // Test text that should **not** be tokenized as float literals. .୪ . 1.. 1n 1ee 1e 1e- 1e--1 1e++1 1e1.0 ---tokens--- '' Text '// Test text that should **not** be tokenized as float literals.' Comment.Single '\n' Text.Whitespace '.' Punctuation '୪' Error '\n' Text.Whitespace '.' Punctuation '\n' Text.Whitespace '1.' Literal.Number.Float '.' Punctuation '\n' Text.Whitespace '1n' Literal.Number.Integer '\n' Text.Whitespace '1' Literal.Number.Float 'ee' Name.Other '\n' Text.Whitespace '1' Literal.Number.Float 'e' Name.Other '\n' Text.Whitespace '1' Literal.Number.Float 'e' Name.Other '-' Operator '\n' Text.Whitespace '1' Literal.Number.Float 'e' Name.Other '--' Operator '1' Literal.Number.Float '\n' Text.Whitespace '1' Literal.Number.Float 'e' Name.Other '++' Operator '1' Literal.Number.Float '\n' Text.Whitespace '1e1' Literal.Number.Float '.0' Literal.Number.Float '\n' Text.Whitespace