package data // LanguageInfo exposes the data for a language's Linguist YAML entry as a Go struct. // See type LanguageInfo struct { // Name is the language name. May contain symbols not safe for use in some filesystems (e.g., `F*`). Name string // FSName is the filesystem safe name. Will only be set if Name is not safe for use in all filesystems. FSName string // Type is the language Type. See data.Type for values. Type Type // Color is the CSS hex color to represent the language. Only used if type is "programming" or "markup". Color string // Group is the name of the parent language. Languages in a group are counted in the statistics as the parent language. Group string // Aliases is a slice of additional aliases (implicitly includes name.downcase) Aliases []string // Extensions is a slice of associated extensions (the first one is considered the primary extension). Extensions []string // A slice of associated interpreters Interpreters []string // Filenames is a slice of filenames commonly associated with the language. Filenames []string // MimeType (maps to codemirror_mime_type in linguist.yaml) is the string name of the file mime type used for highlighting whenever a file is edited. MimeType string // TMScope is the TextMate scope that represents this programming language. TMScope string // AceMode is the name of the Ace Mode used for highlighting whenever a file is edited. AceMode string // CodeMirrorMode is the name of the CodeMirror Mode used for highlighting whenever a file is edited. CodeMirrorMode string // Wrap is a boolean flag to enable line wrapping in an editor. Wrap bool // LanguageID is the Linguist-assigned numeric ID for the language. LanguageID int } // LanguageInfoByID allows accessing LanguageInfo by a language's ID. var LanguageInfoByID = map[int]LanguageInfo{ {{range $language, $info := . -}} {{$info.LanguageID}}: LanguageInfo{ Name: "{{$language}}", FSName: "{{$info.FSName}}", Type: TypeForString("{{$info.Type}}"), Color: "{{$info.Color}}", Group: "{{$info.Group}}", Aliases: []string{ {{range $alias := $info.Aliases -}} "{{$alias}}", {{end -}} }, Extensions: []string{ {{range $extension := $info.Extensions -}} "{{$extension}}", {{end -}} }, Interpreters: []string{ {{range $interpreter := $info.Interpreters -}} "{{$interpreter}}", {{end -}} }, Filenames: []string{ {{range $filename := $info.Filenames -}} "{{$filename}}", {{end -}} }, MimeType: "{{$info.MimeType}}", TMScope: "{{$info.TMScope}}", AceMode: "{{$info.AceMode}}", CodeMirrorMode: "{{$info.CodeMirrorMode}}", Wrap: {{$info.Wrap}}, LanguageID: {{$info.LanguageID}}, }, {{end -}} }