package generator import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "sort" "strings" "text/template" "" ) // Vendor generates regex matchers in Go for vendoring files/dirs. // It is of generator.File type. func Vendor(fileToParse, samplesDir, outPath, tmplPath, tmplName, commit string) error { data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fileToParse) if err != nil { return err } var regexps []string if err := yaml.Unmarshal(data, ®exps); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse YAML %s, %q", fileToParse, err) } buf := &bytes.Buffer{} if err := executeVendorTemplate(buf, regexps, tmplPath, tmplName, commit); err != nil { return err } return formatedWrite(outPath, buf.Bytes()) } func executeVendorTemplate(out io.Writer, regexps []string, tmplPath, tmplName, commit string) error { funcs := template.FuncMap{"optimize": collateAllMatchers} return executeTemplate(out, tmplName, tmplPath, commit, funcs, regexps) } func collateAllMatchers(regexps []string) string { // We now collate all regexps from VendorMatchers to a single large regexp // which is at least twice as fast to test than simply iterating & matching. // // --- // // We could test each matcher from VendorMatchers in turn i.e. // // func IsVendor(filename string) bool { // for _, matcher := range data.VendorMatchers { // if matcher.MatchString(filename) { // return true // } // } // return false // } // // Or naïvely concatentate all these regexps using groups i.e. // // `(regexp1)|(regexp2)|(regexp3)|...` // // However, both of these are relatively slow and don't take advantage // of the inherent structure within our regexps. // // Imperical observation: by looking at the regexps, we only have 3 types. // 1. Those that start with `^` // 2. Those that start with `(^|/)` // 3. All the rest // // If we collate our regexps into these 3 groups - that will significantly // reduce the likelihood of backtracking within the regexp trie matcher. // // A further improvement is to use non-capturing groups (?:) as otherwise // the regexp parser, whilst matching, will have to allocate slices for // matching positions. (A future improvement left out could be to // enforce non-capturing groups within the sub-regexps.) const ( caret = "^" caretOrSlash = "(^|/)" ) sort.Strings(regexps) var caretPrefixed, caretOrSlashPrefixed, theRest []string // Check prefix, add to the respective group slices for _, re := range regexps { if strings.HasPrefix(re, caret) { caretPrefixed = append(caretPrefixed, re[len(caret):]) } else if strings.HasPrefix(re, caretOrSlash) { caretOrSlashPrefixed = append(caretOrSlashPrefixed, re[len(caretOrSlash):]) } else { theRest = append(theRest, re) } } var sb strings.Builder appendGroupWithCommonPrefix(&sb, "^", caretPrefixed) sb.WriteString("|") appendGroupWithCommonPrefix(&sb, "(?:^|/)", caretOrSlashPrefixed) sb.WriteString("|") appendGroupWithCommonPrefix(&sb, "", theRest) return sb.String() } func appendGroupWithCommonPrefix(sb *strings.Builder, commonPrefix string, res []string) { sb.WriteString("(?:") if commonPrefix != "" { sb.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s(?:(?:", commonPrefix)) } sb.WriteString(strings.Join(res, ")|(?:")) if commonPrefix != "" { sb.WriteString("))") } sb.WriteString(")") }