package main import ( "bufio" "bytes" "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "os" "path/filepath" "sort" "strings" "" "" ) var ( version = "undefined" build = "undefined" commit = "undefined" ) func main() { flag.Usage = usage breakdownFlag := flag.Bool("breakdown", false, "") jsonFlag := flag.Bool("json", false, "") showVersion := flag.Bool("version", false, "Show the enry version information") onlyProg := flag.Bool("prog", false, "Only show programming file types in output") countMode := flag.String("mode", "file", "the method used to count file size. Available options are: file, line and byte") limitKB := flag.Int64("limit", 16*1024, "Analyse first N KB of the file (-1 means no limit)") flag.Parse() limit := (*limitKB) * 1024 if *showVersion { fmt.Println(version) return } root, err := filepath.Abs(flag.Arg(0)) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fileInfo, err := os.Stat(root) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if fileInfo.Mode().IsRegular() { err = printFileAnalysis(root, limit, *jsonFlag) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } return } out := make(map[string][]string, 0) err = filepath.Walk(root, func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error { if err != nil { log.Println(err) return filepath.SkipDir } if !f.Mode().IsDir() && !f.Mode().IsRegular() { return nil } relativePath, err := filepath.Rel(root, path) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return nil } if relativePath == "." { return nil } if f.IsDir() { relativePath = relativePath + "/" } if enry.IsVendor(relativePath) || enry.IsDotFile(relativePath) || enry.IsDocumentation(relativePath) || enry.IsConfiguration(relativePath) { if f.IsDir() { return filepath.SkipDir } return nil } if f.IsDir() { return nil } language, ok := enry.GetLanguageByExtension(path) if !ok { if language, ok = enry.GetLanguageByFilename(path); !ok { content, err := readFile(path, limit) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return nil } language = enry.GetLanguage(filepath.Base(path), content) if language == enry.OtherLanguage { return nil } } } // If we are displaying only prog. and language is not prog. skip it. if *onlyProg && enry.GetLanguageType(language) != enry.Programming { return nil } out[language] = append(out[language], relativePath) return nil }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } var buf bytes.Buffer switch { case *jsonFlag && !*breakdownFlag: printJson(out, &buf) case *jsonFlag && *breakdownFlag: printBreakDown(out, &buf) case *breakdownFlag: printPercents(out, &buf, *countMode) buf.WriteByte('\n') printBreakDown(out, &buf) default: printPercents(out, &buf, *countMode) } fmt.Print(buf.String()) } func usage() { fmt.Fprintf( os.Stderr, ` %[1]s %[2]s build: %[3]s commit: %[4]s, based on linguist commit: %[5]s %[1]s, A simple (and faster) implementation of github/linguist usage: %[1]s [-mode=(file|line|byte)] [-prog] %[1]s [-mode=(file|line|byte)] [-prog] [-json] [-breakdown] %[1]s [-mode=(file|line|byte)] [-prog] [-json] [-breakdown] %[1]s [-version] `, os.Args[0], version, build, commit, data.LinguistCommit[:7], ) } func printBreakDown(out map[string][]string, buff *bytes.Buffer) { for name, language := range out { fmt.Fprintln(buff, name) for _, file := range language { fmt.Fprintln(buff, file) } fmt.Fprintln(buff) } } func printJson(out map[string][]string, buf *bytes.Buffer) { json.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(out) } // filelistError represents a failed operation that took place across multiple files. type filelistError []string func (e filelistError) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("Could not process the following files:\n%s", strings.Join(e, "\n")) } func printPercents(fSummary map[string][]string, buff *bytes.Buffer, mode string) { // Select the way we quantify 'amount' of code. var reducer func([]string) (float64, filelistError) switch mode { case "file": reducer = fileCountValues case "line": reducer = lineCountValues case "byte": reducer = byteCountValues default: reducer = fileCountValues } // Reduce the list of files to a quantity of file type. var ( total float64 keys []string unreadableFiles filelistError fileValues = make(map[string]float64) ) for fType, files := range fSummary { val, err := reducer(files) if err != nil { unreadableFiles = append(unreadableFiles, err...) } fileValues[fType] = val keys = append(keys, fType) total += val } // Slice the keys by their quantity (file count, line count, byte size, etc.). sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool { return fileValues[keys[i]] > fileValues[keys[j]] }) // Calculate and write percentages of each file type. for _, fType := range keys { val := fileValues[fType] percent := val / total * 100.0 buff.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%%\t%s\n", percent, fType)) if unreadableFiles != nil { buff.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("\n%s", unreadableFiles.Error())) } } } func fileCountValues(files []string) (float64, filelistError) { return float64(len(files)), nil } func lineCountValues(files []string) (float64, filelistError) { var filesErr filelistError var t float64 for _, fName := range files { l, _ := getLines(fName, nil) t += float64(l) } return t, filesErr } func byteCountValues(files []string) (float64, filelistError) { var filesErr filelistError var t float64 for _, fName := range files { f, err := os.Open(fName) if err != nil { filesErr = append(filesErr, fName) continue } fi, err := f.Stat() f.Close() if err != nil { filesErr = append(filesErr, fName) continue } t += float64(fi.Size()) } return t, filesErr } func printFileAnalysis(file string, limit int64, isJSON bool) error { data, err := readFile(file, limit) if err != nil { return err } isSample := limit > 0 && len(data) == int(limit) full := data if isSample { // communicate to getLines that we don't have full contents full = nil } totalLines, nonBlank := getLines(file, full) // functions below can work on a sample fileType := getFileType(file, data) language := enry.GetLanguage(file, data) mimeType := enry.GetMimeType(file, language) if isJSON { return json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout).Encode(map[string]interface{}{ "filename": filepath.Base(file), "lines": nonBlank, "total_lines": totalLines, "type": fileType, "mime": mimeType, "language": language, }) } fmt.Printf( `%s: %d lines (%d sloc) type: %s mime_type: %s language: %s `, filepath.Base(file), totalLines, nonBlank, fileType, mimeType, language, ) return nil } func readFile(path string, limit int64) ([]byte, error) { if limit <= 0 { return ioutil.ReadFile(path) } f, err := os.Open(path) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer f.Close() st, err := f.Stat() if err != nil { return nil, err } size := st.Size() if limit > 0 && size > limit { size = limit } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) buf.Grow(int(size)) _, err = io.Copy(buf, io.LimitReader(f, limit)) return buf.Bytes(), err } func getLines(file string, content []byte) (total, blank int) { var r io.Reader if content != nil { r = bytes.NewReader(content) } else { // file not loaded to memory - stream it f, err := os.Open(file) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } defer f.Close() r = f } br := bufio.NewReader(r) lastBlank := true empty := true for { data, prefix, err := br.ReadLine() if err == io.EOF { break } else if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) break } if prefix { continue } empty = false total++ lastBlank = len(data) == 0 if lastBlank { blank++ } } if !empty && lastBlank { total++ blank++ } nonBlank := total - blank return total, nonBlank } func getFileType(file string, content []byte) string { switch { case enry.IsImage(file): return "Image" case enry.IsBinary(content): return "Binary" default: return "Text" } }