package slinguist import ( "path/filepath" "strings" "" ) func GetLanguageByContent(filename string, content []byte) (lang string, safe bool) { ext := strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(filename)) if fnMatcher, ok := matchers[ext]; ok { lang, safe = fnMatcher(content) return } return GetLanguageByExtension(filename) } type languageMatcher func([]byte) (string, bool) var matchers = map[string]languageMatcher{ ".bf": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`(fprintf|function|return)`).Match(i) { return "HyPhy", true } return "Brainfuck", false }, ".b": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`(include|modules)`).Match(i) { return "Limbo", true } return "Brainfuck", false }, ".bb": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if blitzBasicMatcher.Match(i) { return "BlitzBasic", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`^\s*(# |include|require)\b`).Match(i) { return "BitBake", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".cl": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if commonLispMatcher.Match(i) { return "Common Lisp", true } else if coolMatcher.Match(i) { return "Cool", true } else if openCLMatcher.Match(i) { return "OpenCL", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".cls": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if apexMatcher.Match(i) { return "Apex", true } else if openEdgeABLMatcher.Match(i) { return "OpenEdge ABL", true } else if texMatcher.Match(i) { return "TeX", true } else if visualBasicMatcher.Match(i) { return "Visual Basic", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".cs": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`![\w\s]+methodsFor: `).Match(i) { return "Smalltalk", true } return "C#", true }, ".ch": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`(?i)^\s*#\s*(if|ifdef|ifndef|define|command|xcommand|translate|xtranslate|include|pragma|undef)\b`).Match(i) { return "xBase", true } return "Charity", true }, ".d": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`^module `).Match(i) { return "D", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`((dtrace:::)?BEGIN|provider |#pragma (D (option|attributes)|ident)\s)`).Match(i) { return "DTrace", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`(\/.*:( .* \\)$| : \\$|^ : |: \\$)`).Match(i) { return "Makefile", true } return OtherLanguage, true }, ".ecl": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`^[^#]+:-`).Match(i) { return "ECLiPSe", true } else if substring.BytesHas(`:=`).Match(i) { return "ECL", true } return OtherLanguage, true }, ".es": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`\s*(?:%%|main\s*\(.*?\)\s*->)`).Match(i) { return "Erlang", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`(?:\/\/|("|')use strict\\1|export\s+default\s|\/\*.*?\*\/)`).Match(i) { return "JavaScript", true } return OtherLanguage, true }, ".f": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`\n: `).Match(i) { return "Forth", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`(?i)^([c*][^abd-z]| (subroutine|program|end)\s|\s*!)`).Match(i) { return "FORTRAN", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".fr": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`^(: |also |new-device|previous )`).Match(i) { return "Forth", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`\s*(import|module|package|data|type)`).Match(i) { return "Frege", true } return "Text", false }, ".j": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if objectiveCMatcher.Match(i) { return "Objective-J", true } return "Jasmin", false }, ".inc": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`^<\?(?:php)?`).Match(i) { return "PHP", true } return OtherLanguage, true }, ".m": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if objectiveCMatcher.Match(i) { return "Objective-C", true } else if substring.BytesHas(`:- module`).Match(i) { return "Mercury", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`\n: `).Match(i) { return "MUF", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`\n\s*;`).Match(i) { return "M", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`\n\s*\(\*`).Match(i) { return "Mathematica", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`\n\s*%`).Match(i) { return "Matlab", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`\w+\s*:\s*module\s*{`).Match(i) { return "Limbo", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".ms": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`[.'][a-z][a-z](\s|$)`).Match(i) { return "Groff", true } return "MAXScript", true }, ".md": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`\n[-a-z0-9=#!\*\[|]`).Match(i) { return "Markdown", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`\n(;;|\(define_)`).Match(i) { return "GCC Machine Description", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".moo": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesHas(`:- module`).Match(i) { return "Mercury", true } return "Moocode", false }, ".e": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`feature\s--`).Match(i) { return "Eiffel", true } return "E", false }, ".fs": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`\n(: |new-device)`).Match(i) { return "Forth", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`\s*(#light|import|let|module|namespace|open|type)`).Match(i) { return "F#", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`(#version|precision|uniform|varying|vec[234])`).Match(i) { return "GLSL", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`#include|#pragma\s+(rs|version)|__attribute__`).Match(i) { return "Filterscript", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".gs": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`uses java\.`).Match(i) { return "Gosu", true } return "JavaScript", false }, ".h": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if objectiveCMatcher.Match(i) { return "Objective-C", true } else if cPlusPlusMatcher.Match(i) { return "C++", true } return "C", true }, ".hh": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`^<\?(?:hh)?`).Match(i) { return "Hack", true } else if cPlusPlusMatcher.Match(i) { return "C++", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".l": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`\(def(un|macro)\s`).Match(i) { return "Common Lisp", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`(%[%{}]xs|<.*>)`).Match(i) { return "Lex", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`\.[a-z][a-z](\s|$)`).Match(i) { return "Groff", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`(de|class|rel|code|data|must)`).Match(i) { return "PicoLisp", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".ls": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`\s*package\s*[\w\.\/\*\s]*\s*{`).Match(i) { return "LoomScript", true } return "LiveScript", false }, ".n": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`^[.']`).Match(i) { return "Groff", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`(module|namespace|using)`).Match(i) { return "Nemerle", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".ncl": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesHas("THE_TITLE").Match(i) { return "Text", true } return "NCL", true }, ".mod": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesHas("").Match(i) { return "XML", true } return "TypeScript", true }, ".tsx": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesHas("").Match(i) { return "XML", true } return "TypeScript", true }, ".tst": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesHas("gap> ").Match(i) { return "GAP", true } return "Scilab", true }, ".r": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`(?i)\bRebol\b`).Match(i) { return "Rebol", true } else if substring.BytesHas("<-").Match(i) { return "R", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".rs": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`\n(use |fn |mod |pub |macro_rules|impl|#!?\[)`).Match(i) { return "Rust", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`#include|#pragma\s+(rs|version)|__attribute__`).Match(i) { return "RenderScript", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".rpy": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`(import|from|class|def)\s`).Match(i) { return "Python", true } return "Ren'Py", false }, ".v": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`\nendmodule`).Match(i) { return "Verilog", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp(`(Require|Import)`).Match(i) { return "Coq", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".pl": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if prologMatcher.Match(i) { return "Prolog", true } else if perl6Matcher.Match(i) { return "Perl6", true } return "Perl", false }, ".pro": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if prologMatcher.Match(i) { return "Prolog", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".pod": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp(`=\w+\n`).Match(i) { return "Pod", true } return "Perl", false }, ".toc": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp("## |@no-lib-strip@").Match(i) { return "World of Warcraft Addon Data", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp("(contentsline|defcounter|beamer|boolfalse)").Match(i) { return "TeX", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".sls": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if substring.BytesRegexp("## |@no-lib-strip@").Match(i) { return "World of Warcraft Addon Data", true } else if substring.BytesRegexp("(contentsline|defcounter|beamer|boolfalse)").Match(i) { return "TeX", true } return OtherLanguage, false }, ".sql": func(i []byte) (string, bool) { if pgSQLMatcher.Match(i) { return "PLpgSQL", true } else if db2SQLMatcher.Match(i) { return "SQLPL", true } else if oracleSQLMatcher.Match(i) { return "PLSQL", true } return "SQL", false }, } func init() { matchers[".for"] = matchers[".f"] matchers[".lsp"] = matchers[".lisp"] } var ( blitzBasicMatcher = substring.BytesOr( substring.BytesHas(`End Function`), substring.BytesRegexp(`\\s*;`), ) cPlusPlusMatcher = substring.BytesOr( substring.BytesRegexp(`\s*template\s*<`), substring.BytesRegexp(`\s*#\s*include <(cstdint|string|vector|map|list|array|bitset|queue|stack|forward_list|unordered_map|unordered_set|(i|o|io)stream)>`), substring.BytesRegexp(`\n[ \t]*try`), substring.BytesRegexp(`\n[ \t]*(class|(using[ \t]+)?namespace)\s+\w+`), substring.BytesRegexp(`\n[ \t]*(private|public|protected):\n`), substring.BytesRegexp(`std::\w+`), substring.BytesRegexp(`[ \t]*catch\s*`), ) commonLispMatcher = substring.BytesRegexp("(?i)(defpackage|defun|in-package)") coolMatcher = substring.BytesRegexp("(?i)class") openCLMatcher = substring.BytesOr( substring.BytesHas("\n}"), substring.BytesHas("}\n"), substring.BytesHas(`/*`), substring.BytesHas(`//`), ) apexMatcher = substring.BytesOr( substring.BytesHas("{\n"), substring.BytesHas("}\n"), ) texMatcher = substring.BytesOr( substring.BytesHas(`%`), substring.BytesHas(`\`), ) openEdgeABLMatcher = substring.BytesRegexp(`(?i)(class|define|interface|method|using)\b`) visualBasicMatcher = substring.BytesOr( substring.BytesHas("'*"), substring.BytesRegexp(`(?i)(attribute|option|sub|private|protected|public|friend)\b`), ) mathematicaMatcher = substring.BytesHas(`^\s*\(\*`) matlabMatcher = substring.BytesRegexp(`\b(function\s*[\[a-zA-Z]+|pcolor|classdef|figure|end|elseif)\b`) objectiveCMatcher = substring.BytesRegexp( `@(interface|class|protocol|property|end|synchronised|selector|implementation)\b|#import\s+.+\.h[">]`) prologMatcher = substring.BytesRegexp(`^[^#]+:-`) perlMatcher = substring.BytesRegexp(`use strict|use\s+v?5\.`) perl6Matcher = substring.BytesRegexp(`(use v6|(my )?class|module)`) pgSQLMatcher = substring.BytesOr( substring.BytesRegexp(`(?i)\\i\b|AS \$\$|LANGUAGE '?plpgsql'?`), substring.BytesRegexp(`(?i)SECURITY (DEFINER|INVOKER)`), substring.BytesRegexp(`BEGIN( WORK| TRANSACTION)?;`), ) db2SQLMatcher = substring.BytesOr( substring.BytesRegexp(`(?i)(alter module)|(language sql)|(begin( NOT)+ atomic)`), substring.BytesRegexp(`(?i)signal SQLSTATE '[0-9]+'`), ) oracleSQLMatcher = substring.BytesOr( substring.BytesRegexp(`(?i)\$\$PLSQL_|XMLTYPE|sysdate|systimestamp|\.nextval|connect by|AUTHID (DEFINER|CURRENT_USER)`), substring.BytesRegexp(`(?i)constructor\W+function`), ) )