2017-06-06 11:30:23 +02:00

154 lines
4.4 KiB

package slinguist
import (
const (
searchScope = 5
// GetLanguagesByModeline returns a slice of possible languages for the given content, filename will be ignored.
// It accomplish the signature to be a Strategy type.
func GetLanguagesByModeline(filename string, content []byte) []string {
headFoot := getHeaderAndFooter(content)
var languages []string
for _, getLang := range modelinesFunc {
languages = getLang("", headFoot)
if len(languages) > 0 {
return languages
func getHeaderAndFooter(content []byte) []byte {
if bytes.Count(content, []byte("\n")) < 2*searchScope {
return content
header := headScope(content, searchScope)
footer := footScope(content, searchScope)
headerAndFooter := make([]byte, 0, len(content[:header])+len(content[footer:]))
headerAndFooter = append(headerAndFooter, content[:header]...)
headerAndFooter = append(headerAndFooter, content[footer:]...)
return headerAndFooter
func headScope(content []byte, scope int) (index int) {
for i := 0; i < scope; i++ {
eol := bytes.IndexAny(content, "\n")
content = content[eol+1:]
index += eol
return index + scope - 1
func footScope(content []byte, scope int) (index int) {
for i := 0; i < scope; i++ {
index = bytes.LastIndexAny(content, "\n")
content = content[:index]
return index + 1
var modelinesFunc = []func(filename string, content []byte) []string{
var (
reEmacsModeline = regexp.MustCompile(`.*-\*-\s*(.+?)\s*-\*-.*(?m:$)`)
reEmacsLang = regexp.MustCompile(`.*(?i:mode)\s*:\s*([^\s;]+)\s*;*.*`)
reVimModeline = regexp.MustCompile(`(?:(?m:\s|^)vi(?:m[<=>]?\d+|m)?|[\t\x20]*ex)\s*[:]\s*(.*)(?m:$)`)
reVimLang = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i:filetype|ft|syntax)\s*=(\w+)(?:\s|:|$)`)
// GetLanguageByEmacsModeline detecs if the content has a emacs modeline and try to get a
// language basing on alias. If couldn't retrieve a valid language, it returns OtherLanguage and false.
func GetLanguageByEmacsModeline(content []byte) (string, bool) {
languages := GetLanguagesByEmacsModeline("", content)
if len(languages) == 0 {
return OtherLanguage, false
return languages[0], true
// GetLanguagesByEmacsModeline returns a slice of possible languages for the given content, filename will be ignored.
// It accomplish the signature to be a Strategy type.
func GetLanguagesByEmacsModeline(filename string, content []byte) []string {
matched := reEmacsModeline.FindAllSubmatch(content, -1)
if matched == nil {
return nil
// only take the last matched line, discard previous lines
lastLineMatched := matched[len(matched)-1][1]
matchedAlias := reEmacsLang.FindSubmatch(lastLineMatched)
var alias string
if matchedAlias != nil {
alias = string(matchedAlias[1])
} else {
alias = string(lastLineMatched)
language, ok := GetLanguageByAlias(alias)
if !ok {
return nil
return []string{language}
// GetLanguageByVimModeline detecs if the content has a vim modeline and try to get a
// language basing on alias. If couldn't retrieve a valid language, it returns OtherLanguage and false.
func GetLanguageByVimModeline(content []byte) (string, bool) {
languages := GetLanguagesByVimModeline("", content)
if len(languages) == 0 {
return OtherLanguage, false
return languages[0], true
// GetLanguagesByVimModeline returns a slice of possible languages for the given content, filename will be ignored.
// It accomplish the signature to be a Strategy type.
func GetLanguagesByVimModeline(filename string, content []byte) []string {
matched := reVimModeline.FindAllSubmatch(content, -1)
if matched == nil {
return nil
// only take the last matched line, discard previous lines
lastLineMatched := matched[len(matched)-1][1]
matchedAlias := reVimLang.FindAllSubmatch(lastLineMatched, -1)
if matchedAlias == nil {
return nil
alias := string(matchedAlias[0][1])
if len(matchedAlias) > 1 {
// cases:
// matchedAlias = [["syntax=ruby " "ruby"] ["ft=python " "python"] ["filetype=perl " "perl"]] returns OtherLanguage;
// matchedAlias = [["syntax=python " "python"] ["ft=python " "python"] ["filetype=python " "python"]] returns "Python";
for _, match := range matchedAlias {
otherAlias := string(match[1])
if otherAlias != alias {
return nil
language, ok := GetLanguageByAlias(alias)
if !ok {
return nil
return []string{language}