Miguel Molina 8ff885a3a8
implement IsGenerated helper to filter out generated files
Closes #17

Implements the IsGenerated helper function to filter out generated
files using the rules and matchers in:
- https://github.com/github/linguist/blob/master/lib/linguist/generated.rb

Since the vast majority of matchers have very different logic, it cannot
be autogenerated directly from linguist like other logics in enry, so it's
translated by hand.

There are three different types of matchers in this implementation:
- By extension, which mark as generated based only in the extension. These
  are the fastest matchers, so they're done first.
- By file name, which matches patterns against the filename. These
  are performed in second place. Unlike linguist, we try to use string
  functions instead of regexps as much as possible.
- Finally, the rest of the matchers, which go into the content and try
  to identify if they're generated or not based on the content. Unlike
  linguist, we try to only read the content we need and not split it
  all unless it's necessary and use byte functions instead of regexps
  as much as possible.

Signed-off-by: Miguel Molina <miguel@erizocosmi.co>
2020-05-28 08:55:13 +02:00

481 lines
14 KiB

package enry
import (
// OtherLanguage is used as a zero value when a function can not return a specific language.
const OtherLanguage = ""
// Strategy type fix the signature for the functions that can be used as a strategy.
type Strategy func(filename string, content []byte, candidates []string) (languages []string)
// DefaultStrategies is a sequence of strategies used by GetLanguage to detect languages.
var DefaultStrategies = []Strategy{
// defaultClassifier is a Naive Bayes classifier trained on Linguist samples.
var defaultClassifier classifier = &naiveBayes{
languagesLogProbabilities: data.LanguagesLogProbabilities,
tokensLogProbabilities: data.TokensLogProbabilities,
tokensTotal: data.TokensTotal,
// GetLanguage applies a sequence of strategies based on the given filename and content
// to find out the most probably language to return.
func GetLanguage(filename string, content []byte) (language string) {
languages := GetLanguages(filename, content)
return firstLanguage(languages)
func firstLanguage(languages []string) string {
for _, l := range languages {
if l != "" {
return l
return OtherLanguage
// GetLanguageByModeline returns detected language. If there are more than one possibles languages
// it returns the first language by alphabetically order and safe to false.
func GetLanguageByModeline(content []byte) (language string, safe bool) {
return getLanguageByStrategy(GetLanguagesByModeline, "", content, nil)
// GetLanguageByEmacsModeline returns detected language. If there are more than one possibles languages
// it returns the first language by alphabetically order and safe to false.
func GetLanguageByEmacsModeline(content []byte) (language string, safe bool) {
return getLanguageByStrategy(GetLanguagesByEmacsModeline, "", content, nil)
// GetLanguageByVimModeline returns detected language. If there are more than one possibles languages
// it returns the first language by alphabetically order and safe to false.
func GetLanguageByVimModeline(content []byte) (language string, safe bool) {
return getLanguageByStrategy(GetLanguagesByVimModeline, "", content, nil)
// GetLanguageByFilename returns detected language. If there are more than one possibles languages
// it returns the first language by alphabetically order and safe to false.
func GetLanguageByFilename(filename string) (language string, safe bool) {
return getLanguageByStrategy(GetLanguagesByFilename, filename, nil, nil)
// GetLanguageByShebang returns detected language. If there are more than one possibles languages
// it returns the first language by alphabetically order and safe to false.
func GetLanguageByShebang(content []byte) (language string, safe bool) {
return getLanguageByStrategy(GetLanguagesByShebang, "", content, nil)
// GetLanguageByExtension returns detected language. If there are more than one possibles languages
// it returns the first language by alphabetically order and safe to false.
func GetLanguageByExtension(filename string) (language string, safe bool) {
return getLanguageByStrategy(GetLanguagesByExtension, filename, nil, nil)
// GetLanguageByContent returns detected language. If there are more than one possibles languages
// it returns the first language by alphabetically order and safe to false.
func GetLanguageByContent(filename string, content []byte) (language string, safe bool) {
return getLanguageByStrategy(GetLanguagesByContent, filename, content, nil)
// GetLanguageByClassifier returns the most probably language detected for the given content. It uses
// defaultClassifier, if no candidates are provided it returns OtherLanguage.
func GetLanguageByClassifier(content []byte, candidates []string) (language string, safe bool) {
return getLanguageByStrategy(GetLanguagesByClassifier, "", content, candidates)
func getLanguageByStrategy(strategy Strategy, filename string, content []byte, candidates []string) (string, bool) {
languages := strategy(filename, content, candidates)
return getFirstLanguageAndSafe(languages)
func getFirstLanguageAndSafe(languages []string) (language string, safe bool) {
language = firstLanguage(languages)
safe = len(languages) == 1
// getLanguageBySpecificClassifier returns the most probably language for the given content using
// classifier to detect language.
func getLanguageBySpecificClassifier(content []byte, candidates []string, classifier classifier) (language string, safe bool) {
languages := getLanguagesBySpecificClassifier(content, candidates, classifier)
return getFirstLanguageAndSafe(languages)
// GetLanguages applies a sequence of strategies based on the given filename and content
// to find out the most probably languages to return.
// At least one of arguments should be set. If content is missing, language detection will be based on the filename.
// The function won't read the file, given an empty content.
func GetLanguages(filename string, content []byte) []string {
if IsBinary(content) {
return nil
var languages []string
candidates := []string{}
for _, strategy := range DefaultStrategies {
languages = strategy(filename, content, candidates)
if len(languages) == 1 {
return languages
if len(languages) > 0 {
candidates = append(candidates, languages...)
return languages
// GetLanguagesByModeline returns a slice of possible languages for the given content.
// It complies with the signature to be a Strategy type.
func GetLanguagesByModeline(_ string, content []byte, candidates []string) []string {
headFoot := getHeaderAndFooter(content)
var languages []string
for _, getLang := range modelinesFunc {
languages = getLang("", headFoot, candidates)
if len(languages) > 0 {
return languages
var modelinesFunc = []Strategy{
func getHeaderAndFooter(content []byte) []byte {
const searchScope = 5
if len(content) == 0 {
return content
if bytes.Count(content, []byte("\n")) < 2*searchScope {
return content
header := headScope(content, searchScope)
footer := footScope(content, searchScope)
headerAndFooter := make([]byte, 0, len(content[:header])+len(content[footer:]))
headerAndFooter = append(headerAndFooter, content[:header]...)
headerAndFooter = append(headerAndFooter, content[footer:]...)
return headerAndFooter
func headScope(content []byte, scope int) (index int) {
for i := 0; i < scope; i++ {
eol := bytes.IndexAny(content, "\n")
content = content[eol+1:]
index += eol
return index + scope - 1
func footScope(content []byte, scope int) (index int) {
for i := 0; i < scope; i++ {
index = bytes.LastIndexAny(content, "\n")
content = content[:index]
return index + 1
var (
reEmacsModeline = regex.MustCompile(`.*-\*-\s*(.+?)\s*-\*-.*(?m:$)`)
reEmacsLang = regex.MustCompile(`.*(?i:mode)\s*:\s*([^\s;]+)\s*;*.*`)
reVimModeline = regex.MustCompile(`(?:(?m:\s|^)vi(?:m[<=>]?\d+|m)?|[\t\x20]*ex)\s*[:]\s*(.*)(?m:$)`)
reVimLang = regex.MustCompile(`(?i:filetype|ft|syntax)\s*=(\w+)(?:\s|:|$)`)
// GetLanguagesByEmacsModeline returns a slice of possible languages for the given content.
// It complies with the signature to be a Strategy type.
func GetLanguagesByEmacsModeline(_ string, content []byte, _ []string) []string {
matched := reEmacsModeline.FindAllSubmatch(content, -1)
if matched == nil {
return nil
// only take the last matched line, discard previous lines
lastLineMatched := matched[len(matched)-1][1]
matchedAlias := reEmacsLang.FindSubmatch(lastLineMatched)
var alias string
if matchedAlias != nil {
alias = string(matchedAlias[1])
} else {
alias = string(lastLineMatched)
language, ok := GetLanguageByAlias(alias)
if !ok {
return nil
return []string{language}
// GetLanguagesByVimModeline returns a slice of possible languages for the given content.
// It complies with the signature to be a Strategy type.
func GetLanguagesByVimModeline(_ string, content []byte, _ []string) []string {
matched := reVimModeline.FindAllSubmatch(content, -1)
if matched == nil {
return nil
// only take the last matched line, discard previous lines
lastLineMatched := matched[len(matched)-1][1]
matchedAlias := reVimLang.FindAllSubmatch(lastLineMatched, -1)
if matchedAlias == nil {
return nil
alias := string(matchedAlias[0][1])
if len(matchedAlias) > 1 {
// cases:
// matchedAlias = [["syntax=ruby " "ruby"] ["ft=python " "python"] ["filetype=perl " "perl"]] returns OtherLanguage;
// matchedAlias = [["syntax=python " "python"] ["ft=python " "python"] ["filetype=python " "python"]] returns "Python";
for _, match := range matchedAlias {
otherAlias := string(match[1])
if otherAlias != alias {
return nil
language, ok := GetLanguageByAlias(alias)
if !ok {
return nil
return []string{language}
// GetLanguagesByFilename returns a slice of possible languages for the given filename.
// It complies with the signature to be a Strategy type.
func GetLanguagesByFilename(filename string, _ []byte, _ []string) []string {
if filename == "" {
return nil
return data.LanguagesByFilename[filepath.Base(filename)]
// GetLanguagesByShebang returns a slice of possible languages for the given content.
// It complies with the signature to be a Strategy type.
func GetLanguagesByShebang(_ string, content []byte, _ []string) (languages []string) {
interpreter := getInterpreter(content)
return data.LanguagesByInterpreter[interpreter]
var (
shebangExecHack = regex.MustCompile(`exec (\w+).+\$0.+\$@`)
pythonVersion = regex.MustCompile(`python\d\.\d+`)
func getInterpreter(data []byte) (interpreter string) {
line := getFirstLine(data)
if !hasShebang(line) {
return ""
// skip shebang
line = bytes.TrimSpace(line[2:])
splitted := bytes.Fields(line)
if len(splitted) == 0 {
return ""
if bytes.Contains(splitted[0], []byte("env")) {
if len(splitted) > 1 {
interpreter = string(splitted[1])
} else {
splittedPath := bytes.Split(splitted[0], []byte{'/'})
interpreter = string(splittedPath[len(splittedPath)-1])
if interpreter == "sh" {
interpreter = lookForMultilineExec(data)
if pythonVersion.MatchString(interpreter) {
interpreter = interpreter[:strings.Index(interpreter, `.`)]
// If osascript is called with argument -l it could be different language so do not relay on it
// To match linguist behaviour, see ref https://github.com/github/linguist/blob/d95bae794576ab0ef2fcb41a39eb61ea5302c5b5/lib/linguist/shebang.rb#L63
if interpreter == "osascript" && bytes.Contains(line, []byte("-l")) {
interpreter = ""
func getFirstLine(content []byte) []byte {
nlpos := bytes.IndexByte(content, '\n')
if nlpos < 0 {
return content
return content[:nlpos]
func hasShebang(line []byte) bool {
const shebang = `#!`
prefix := []byte(shebang)
return bytes.HasPrefix(line, prefix)
func lookForMultilineExec(data []byte) string {
const magicNumOfLines = 5
interpreter := "sh"
buf := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(data))
for i := 0; i < magicNumOfLines && buf.Scan(); i++ {
line := buf.Bytes()
if shebangExecHack.Match(line) {
interpreter = shebangExecHack.FindStringSubmatch(string(line))[1]
if err := buf.Err(); err != nil {
return interpreter
return interpreter
// GetLanguagesByExtension returns a slice of possible languages for the given filename.
// It complies with the signature to be a Strategy type.
func GetLanguagesByExtension(filename string, _ []byte, _ []string) []string {
if !strings.Contains(filename, ".") {
return nil
filename = strings.ToLower(filename)
dots := getDotIndexes(filename)
for _, dot := range dots {
ext := filename[dot:]
languages, ok := data.LanguagesByExtension[ext]
if ok {
return languages
return nil
func getDotIndexes(filename string) []int {
dots := make([]int, 0, 2)
for i, letter := range filename {
if letter == rune('.') {
dots = append(dots, i)
return dots
// GetLanguagesByContent returns a slice of languages for the given content.
// It is a Strategy that uses content-based regexp heuristics and a filename extension.
func GetLanguagesByContent(filename string, content []byte, _ []string) []string {
if filename == "" {
return nil
ext := strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(filename))
heuristic, ok := data.ContentHeuristics[ext]
if !ok {
return nil
return heuristic.Match(content)
// GetLanguagesByClassifier returns a sorted slice of possible languages ordered by
// decreasing language's probability. If there are not candidates it returns nil.
// It is a Strategy that uses a pre-trained defaultClassifier.
func GetLanguagesByClassifier(filename string, content []byte, candidates []string) (languages []string) {
if len(candidates) == 0 {
return nil
return getLanguagesBySpecificClassifier(content, candidates, defaultClassifier)
// getLanguagesBySpecificClassifier returns a slice of possible languages. It takes in a Classifier to be used.
func getLanguagesBySpecificClassifier(content []byte, candidates []string, classifier classifier) (languages []string) {
mapCandidates := make(map[string]float64)
for _, candidate := range candidates {
return classifier.classify(content, mapCandidates)
// GetLanguageExtensions returns all extensions associated with the given language.
func GetLanguageExtensions(language string) []string {
return data.ExtensionsByLanguage[language]
// Type represent language's type. Either data, programming, markup, prose, or unknown.
type Type int
// Type's values.
const (
Unknown Type = iota
// GetLanguageType returns the type of the given language.
func GetLanguageType(language string) (langType Type) {
intType, ok := data.LanguagesType[language]
langType = Type(intType)
if !ok {
langType = Unknown
return langType
// GetLanguageByAlias returns either the language related to the given alias and ok set to true
// or Otherlanguage and ok set to false if the alias is not recognized.
func GetLanguageByAlias(alias string) (lang string, ok bool) {
lang, ok = data.LanguageByAlias(alias)
if !ok {
lang = OtherLanguage
// GetLanguageGroup returns language group or empty string if language does not have group.
func GetLanguageGroup(language string) string {
if group, ok := data.LanguagesGroup[language]; ok {
return group
return ""