M. J. Fromberger 7d277b11de Copy the tokenizer input to avoid modifying the caller's copy.
Addresses #196. Several of the tokenizer's processing steps wind up editing the
source, and we don't want those changes to be observed by the caller, which may
use the source for other purposes afterward.

Signed-off-by: M. J. Fromberger <michael.j.fromberger@gmail.com>
2019-01-29 10:12:33 -08:00

210 lines
6.6 KiB

package tokenizer
import (
const byteLimit = 100000
func Tokenize(content []byte) []string {
if len(content) > byteLimit {
content = content[:byteLimit]
// Copy the input so that changes wrought by the tokenization steps do not
// modify the caller's copy of the input. See #196.
content = append([]byte(nil), content...)
tokens := make([][]byte, 0, 50)
for _, extract := range extractTokens {
var extractedTokens [][]byte
content, extractedTokens = extract(content)
tokens = append(tokens, extractedTokens...)
return toString(tokens)
func toString(tokens [][]byte) []string {
stokens := make([]string, 0, len(tokens))
for _, token := range tokens {
stokens = append(stokens, string(token))
return stokens
var (
extractTokens = []func(content []byte) (replacedContent []byte, tokens [][]byte){
// The order to must be this
// Differences between golang regexp and oniguruma:
// 1. no (?s) in oniguruma - makes dot match \n
// 2. no (?U) in oniguruma - ungreedy *
// 3. (?m) implies dot matches \n in oniguruma
// 4. oniguruma handles \w differently - impossible, but true
// Workarounds:
// 1. (.|\n)
// 2. replace * with *?
// 3. replace . with [^\n]
// 4. replace \w with [0-9A-Za-z_]
// Original golang regexps:
// reLiteralStringQuotes = regexp.MustCompile(`(?sU)(".*"|'.*')`)
// reSingleLineComment = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)(//|--|#|%|")\s(.*$)`)
// reMultilineComment = regexp.MustCompile(`(?sU)(/\*.*\*/|<!--.*-->|\{-.*-\}|\(\*.*\*\)|""".*"""|'''.*''')`)
// reLiteralNumber = regexp.MustCompile(`(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]([0-9A-Fa-f]|\.)*|\d(\d|\.)*)([uU][lL]{0,2}|([eE][-+]\d*)?[fFlL]*)`)
// reShebang = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^#!(?:/\w+)*/(?:(\w+)|\w+(?:\s*\w+=\w+\s*)*\s*(\w+))(?:\s*-\w+\s*)*$`)
// rePunctuation = regexp.MustCompile(`;|\{|\}|\(|\)|\[|\]`)
// reSGML = regexp.MustCompile(`(?sU)(<\/?[^\s<>=\d"']+)(?:\s.*\/?>|>)`)
// reSGMLComment = regexp.MustCompile(`(?sU)(<!--.*-->)`)
// reSGMLAttributes = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+(\w+=)|\s+([^\s>]+)`)
// reSGMLLoneAttribute = regexp.MustCompile(`(\w+)`)
// reRegularToken = regexp.MustCompile(`[\w\.@#\/\*]+`)
// reOperators = regexp.MustCompile(`<<?|\+|\-|\*|\/|%|&&?|\|\|?`)
// These regexps were converted to work in the same way for both engines:
reLiteralStringQuotes = regex.MustCompile(`("(.|\n)*?"|'(.|\n)*?')`)
reSingleLineComment = regex.MustCompile(`(?m)(//|--|#|%|")\s([^\n]*$)`)
reMultilineComment = regex.MustCompile(`(/\*(.|\n)*?\*/|<!--(.|\n)*?-->|\{-(.|\n)*?-\}|\(\*(.|\n)*?\*\)|"""(.|\n)*?"""|'''(.|\n)*?''')`)
reLiteralNumber = regex.MustCompile(`(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]([0-9A-Fa-f]|\.)*|\d(\d|\.)*)([uU][lL]{0,2}|([eE][-+]\d*)?[fFlL]*)`)
reShebang = regex.MustCompile(`(?m)^#!(?:/[0-9A-Za-z_]+)*/(?:([0-9A-Za-z_]+)|[0-9A-Za-z_]+(?:\s*[0-9A-Za-z_]+=[0-9A-Za-z_]+\s*)*\s*([0-9A-Za-z_]+))(?:\s*-[0-9A-Za-z_]+\s*)*$`)
rePunctuation = regex.MustCompile(`;|\{|\}|\(|\)|\[|\]`)
reSGML = regex.MustCompile(`(<\/?[^\s<>=\d"']+)(?:\s(.|\n)*?\/?>|>)`)
reSGMLComment = regex.MustCompile(`(<!--(.|\n)*?-->)`)
reSGMLAttributes = regex.MustCompile(`\s+([0-9A-Za-z_]+=)|\s+([^\s>]+)`)
reSGMLLoneAttribute = regex.MustCompile(`([0-9A-Za-z_]+)`)
reRegularToken = regex.MustCompile(`[0-9A-Za-z_\.@#\/\*]+`)
reOperators = regex.MustCompile(`<<?|\+|\-|\*|\/|%|&&?|\|\|?`)
regexToSkip = []regex.EnryRegexp{
// The order must be this
func extractAndReplaceShebang(content []byte) ([]byte, [][]byte) {
var shebangTokens [][]byte
matches := reShebang.FindAllSubmatch(content, -1)
if matches != nil {
shebangTokens = make([][]byte, 0, 2)
for _, match := range matches {
shebangToken := getShebangToken(match)
shebangTokens = append(shebangTokens, shebangToken)
reShebang.ReplaceAll(content, []byte(` `))
return content, shebangTokens
func getShebangToken(matchedShebang [][]byte) []byte {
const prefix = `SHEBANG#!`
var token []byte
for i := 1; i < len(matchedShebang); i++ {
if len(matchedShebang[i]) > 0 {
token = matchedShebang[i]
tokenShebang := append([]byte(prefix), token...)
return tokenShebang
func commonExtractAndReplace(content []byte, re regex.EnryRegexp) ([]byte, [][]byte) {
tokens := re.FindAll(content, -1)
content = re.ReplaceAll(content, []byte(` `))
return content, tokens
func extractAndReplacePunctuation(content []byte) ([]byte, [][]byte) {
return commonExtractAndReplace(content, rePunctuation)
func extractAndReplaceRegular(content []byte) ([]byte, [][]byte) {
return commonExtractAndReplace(content, reRegularToken)
func extractAndReplaceOperator(content []byte) ([]byte, [][]byte) {
return commonExtractAndReplace(content, reOperators)
func extractAndReplaceSGML(content []byte) ([]byte, [][]byte) {
var SGMLTokens [][]byte
matches := reSGML.FindAllSubmatch(content, -1)
if matches != nil {
SGMLTokens = make([][]byte, 0, 2)
for _, match := range matches {
if reSGMLComment.Match(match[0]) {
token := append(match[1], '>')
SGMLTokens = append(SGMLTokens, token)
attributes := getSGMLAttributes(match[0])
SGMLTokens = append(SGMLTokens, attributes...)
content = reSGML.ReplaceAll(content, []byte(` `))
return content, SGMLTokens
func getSGMLAttributes(SGMLTag []byte) [][]byte {
var attributes [][]byte
matches := reSGMLAttributes.FindAllSubmatch(SGMLTag, -1)
if matches != nil {
attributes = make([][]byte, 0, 5)
for _, match := range matches {
if len(match[1]) != 0 {
attributes = append(attributes, match[1])
if len(match[2]) != 0 {
loneAttributes := reSGMLLoneAttribute.FindAll(match[2], -1)
attributes = append(attributes, loneAttributes...)
return attributes
func skipCommentsAndLiterals(content []byte) ([]byte, [][]byte) {
for _, skip := range regexToSkip {
content = skip.ReplaceAll(content, []byte(` `))
return content, nil
func extractRemainders(content []byte) ([]byte, [][]byte) {
splitted := bytes.Fields(content)
remainderTokens := make([][]byte, 0, len(splitted)*3)
for _, remainder := range splitted {
remainders := bytes.Split(remainder, nil)
remainderTokens = append(remainderTokens, remainders...)
return content, remainderTokens