Miguel Molina 8ff885a3a8
implement IsGenerated helper to filter out generated files
Closes #17

Implements the IsGenerated helper function to filter out generated
files using the rules and matchers in:
- https://github.com/github/linguist/blob/master/lib/linguist/generated.rb

Since the vast majority of matchers have very different logic, it cannot
be autogenerated directly from linguist like other logics in enry, so it's
translated by hand.

There are three different types of matchers in this implementation:
- By extension, which mark as generated based only in the extension. These
  are the fastest matchers, so they're done first.
- By file name, which matches patterns against the filename. These
  are performed in second place. Unlike linguist, we try to use string
  functions instead of regexps as much as possible.
- Finally, the rest of the matchers, which go into the content and try
  to identify if they're generated or not based on the content. Unlike
  linguist, we try to only read the content we need and not split it
  all unless it's necessary and use byte functions instead of regexps
  as much as possible.

Signed-off-by: Miguel Molina <miguel@erizocosmi.co>
2020-05-28 08:55:13 +02:00

807 lines
18 KiB

package data
import (
// GeneratedCodeExtensions contains all extensions that belong to generated
// files for sure.
var GeneratedCodeExtensions = map[string]struct{}{
// XCode files
".nib": {},
".xcworkspacedata": {},
".xcuserstate": {},
// GeneratedCodeNameMatcher is a function that tells whether the file with the
// given name is generated.
type GeneratedCodeNameMatcher func(string) bool
func nameMatches(pattern string) GeneratedCodeNameMatcher {
r := regex.MustCompile(pattern)
return func(name string) bool {
return r.MatchString(name)
func nameContains(pattern string) GeneratedCodeNameMatcher {
return func(name string) bool {
return strings.Contains(name, pattern)
func nameEndsWith(pattern string) GeneratedCodeNameMatcher {
return func(name string) bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(name, pattern)
// GeneratedCodeNameMatchers are all the matchers that check whether the code
// is generated based only on the file name.
var GeneratedCodeNameMatchers = []GeneratedCodeNameMatcher{
// Cocoa pods
// Carthage build
// NET designer file
// Generated NET specflow feature file
// Node modules
// Go vendor
// Go lock
// Esy lock
// NPM shrinkwrap
// NPM package lock
// Yarn plugnplay
// Godeps
// Composer lock
// Generated by zephir
// Cargo lock
// Pipenv lock
// GraphQL relay
// GeneratedCodeMatcher checks whether the file with the given data is
// generated code.
type GeneratedCodeMatcher func(path, ext string, content []byte) bool
// GeneratedCodeMatchers is the list of all generated code matchers that
// rely on checking the content of the file to make the guess.
var GeneratedCodeMatchers = []GeneratedCodeMatcher{
func canBeMinified(ext string) bool {
return ext == ".js" || ext == ".css"
// isMinifiedFile returns whether the file may be minified.
// We consider a minified file any css or js file whose average number of chars
// per line is more than 110.
func isMinifiedFile(path, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if !canBeMinified(ext) {
return false
var chars, lines uint64
forEachLine(content, func(line []byte) {
chars += uint64(len(line))
if lines == 0 {
return false
return chars/lines > 110
var sourceMapRegex = regex.MustCompile(`^\/[*\/][\#@] source(?:Mapping)?URL|sourceURL=`)
// hasSourceMapReference returns whether the file contains a reference to a
// source-map file.
func hasSourceMapReference(_ string, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if !canBeMinified(ext) {
return false
for _, line := range getLines(content, -2) {
if sourceMapRegex.Match(line) {
return true
return false
var sourceMapRegexps = []regex.EnryRegexp{
regex.MustCompile(`^\/\*\* Begin line maps\. \*\*\/{`),
// isSourceMap returns whether the file itself is a source map.
func isSourceMap(path, _ string, content []byte) bool {
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".js.map") || strings.HasSuffix(path, ".css.map") {
return true
firstLine := getLines(content, 1)[0]
for _, r := range sourceMapRegexps {
if r.Match(firstLine) {
return true
return false
func isCompiledCoffeeScript(path, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".js" {
return false
firstLine := getLines(content, 1)[0]
lastLines := getLines(content, -2)
if string(firstLine) == "(function() {" &&
string(lastLines[1]) == "}).call(this);" &&
string(lastLines[0]) == "" {
score := 0
forEachLine(content, func(line []byte) {
if bytes.Contains(line, []byte("var ")) {
// Underscored temp vars are likely to be Coffee
score += 1 * countAppearancesInLine(line, "_fn", "_i", "_len", "_ref", "_results")
// bind and extend functions are very Coffee specific
score += 3 * countAppearancesInLine(line, "__bind", "__extends", "__hasProp", "__indexOf", "__slice")
// Require a score of 3. This is fairly abritrary. Consider tweaking later.
// See: https://github.com/github/linguist/blob/master/lib/linguist/generated.rb#L176-L213
return score >= 3
return false
func isGeneratedNetDocfile(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".xml" {
return false
lines := bytes.Split(content, []byte{'\n'})
if len(lines) <= 3 {
return false
return bytes.Contains(lines[1], []byte("<doc>")) &&
bytes.Contains(lines[2], []byte("<assembly>")) &&
bytes.Contains(lines[len(lines)-2], []byte("</doc>"))
var pegJavaScriptGeneratedRegex = regex.MustCompile(`^(?:[^\/]|\/[^\*])*\/\*(?:[^\*]|\*[^\/])*Generated by PEG.js`)
func isGeneratedJavaScriptPEGParser(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".js" {
return false
// PEG.js-generated parsers include a comment near the top of the file
// that marks them as such.
return pegJavaScriptGeneratedRegex.Match(bytes.Join(getLines(content, 5), []byte("")))
var postScriptType1And42Regex = regex.MustCompile(`(\n|\r\n|\r)\s*(?:currentfile eexec\s+|\/sfnts\s+\[)`)
var postScriptRegexes = []regex.EnryRegexp{
regex.MustCompile(`PCBNEW|pnmtops|\(Unknown\)|Serif Affinity|Filterimage -tops`),
func isGeneratedPostScript(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".ps" && ext != ".eps" && ext != ".pfa" {
return false
// Type 1 and Type 42 fonts converted to PostScript are stored as hex-encoded byte streams; these
// streams are always preceded the `eexec` operator (if Type 1), or the `/sfnts` key (if Type 42).
if postScriptType1And42Regex.Match(content) {
return true
// We analyze the "%%Creator:" comment, which contains the author/generator
// of the file. If there is one, it should be in one of the first few lines.
var creator []byte
for _, line := range getLines(content, 10) {
if bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte("%%Creator: ")) {
creator = line
if len(creator) == 0 {
return false
// EAGLE doesn't include a version number when it generates PostScript.
// However, it does prepend its name to the document's "%%Title" field.
if bytes.Contains(creator, []byte("EAGLE")) {
for _, line := range getLines(content, 5) {
if bytes.HasPrefix(line, []byte("%%Title: EAGLE Drawing ")) {
return true
// Most generators write their version number, while human authors' or companies'
// names don't contain numbers. So look if the line contains digits. Also
// look for some special cases without version numbers.
for _, r := range postScriptRegexes {
if r.Match(creator) {
return true
return false
func isGeneratedGo(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".go" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 40)
if len(lines) <= 1 {
return false
for _, line := range lines {
if bytes.Contains(line, []byte("Code generated by")) {
return true
return false
var protoExtensions = map[string]struct{}{
".py": {},
".java": {},
".h": {},
".cc": {},
".cpp": {},
".m": {},
".rb": {},
".php": {},
func isGeneratedProtobuf(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if _, ok := protoExtensions[ext]; !ok {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 3)
if len(lines) <= 1 {
return false
for _, line := range lines {
if bytes.Contains(line, []byte("Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!")) {
return true
return false
func isGeneratedJavaScriptProtocolBuffer(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".js" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 6)
if len(lines) < 6 {
return false
return bytes.Contains(lines[5], []byte("GENERATED CODE -- DO NOT EDIT!"))
var apacheThriftExtensions = map[string]struct{}{
".rb": {},
".py": {},
".go": {},
".js": {},
".m": {},
".java": {},
".h": {},
".cc": {},
".cpp": {},
".php": {},
func isGeneratedApacheThrift(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if _, ok := apacheThriftExtensions[ext]; !ok {
return false
for _, line := range getLines(content, 6) {
if bytes.Contains(line, []byte("Autogenerated by Thrift Compiler")) {
return true
return false
func isGeneratedJNIHeader(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".h" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 2)
if len(lines) < 2 {
return false
return bytes.Contains(lines[0], []byte("/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */")) &&
bytes.Contains(lines[1], []byte("#include <jni.h>"))
func isVCRCassette(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".yml" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, -2)
if len(lines) < 2 {
return false
return bytes.Contains(lines[1], []byte("recorded_with: VCR"))
func isCompiledCythonFile(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".c" && ext != ".cpp" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 1)
if len(lines) < 1 {
return false
return bytes.Contains(lines[0], []byte("Generated by Cython"))
func isGeneratedModule(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".mod" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 1)
if len(lines) < 1 {
return false
return bytes.Contains(lines[0], []byte("PCBNEW-LibModule-V")) ||
bytes.Contains(lines[0], []byte("GFORTRAN module version '"))
func isGeneratedUnity3DMeta(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".meta" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 1)
if len(lines) < 1 {
return false
return bytes.Contains(lines[0], []byte("fileFormatVersion: "))
func isGeneratedRacc(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".rb" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 3)
if len(lines) < 3 {
return false
return bytes.HasPrefix(lines[2], []byte("# This file is automatically generated by Racc"))
func isGeneratedJFlex(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".java" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 1)
if len(lines) < 1 {
return false
return bytes.HasPrefix(lines[0], []byte("/* The following code was generated by JFlex "))
func isGeneratedGrammarKit(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".java" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 1)
if len(lines) < 1 {
return false
return bytes.Contains(lines[0], []byte("// This is a generated file. Not intended for manual editing."))
func isGeneratedRoxygen2(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".rd" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 1)
if len(lines) < 1 {
return false
return bytes.Contains(lines[0], []byte("% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand"))
func isGeneratedJison(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".js" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 1)
if len(lines) < 1 {
return false
return bytes.Contains(lines[0], []byte("/* parser generated by jison ")) ||
bytes.Contains(lines[0], []byte("/* generated by jison-lex "))
func isGeneratedGRPCCpp(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
switch ext {
case ".cpp", ".hpp", ".h", ".cc":
lines := getLines(content, 1)
if len(lines) < 1 {
return false
return bytes.Contains(lines[0], []byte("// Generated by the gRPC"))
return false
var dartRegex = regex.MustCompile(`generated code\W{2,3}do not modify`)
func isGeneratedDart(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".dart" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 1)
if len(lines) < 1 {
return false
return dartRegex.Match(bytes.ToLower(lines[0]))
func isGeneratedPerlPPPortHeader(name, _ string, content []byte) bool {
if !strings.HasSuffix(name, "ppport.h") {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 10)
if len(lines) < 10 {
return false
return bytes.Contains(lines[8], []byte("Automatically created by Devel::PPPort"))
var (
gameMakerStudioFirstLineRegex = regex.MustCompile(`^\d\.\d\.\d.+\|\{`)
gameMakerStudioThirdLineRegex = regex.MustCompile(`\"modelName\"\:\s*\"GM`)
func isGeneratedGameMakerStudio(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".yy" && ext != ".yyp" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 3)
if len(lines) < 3 {
return false
return gameMakerStudioThirdLineRegex.Match(lines[2]) ||
var gimpRegexes = []regex.EnryRegexp{
regex.MustCompile(`\/\* GIMP [a-zA-Z0-9\- ]+ C\-Source image dump \(.+?\.c\) \*\/`),
regex.MustCompile(`\/\* GIMP header image file format \([a-zA-Z0-9\- ]+\)\: .+?\.h \*\/`),
func isGeneratedGimp(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".c" && ext != ".h" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 1)
if len(lines) < 1 {
return false
for _, r := range gimpRegexes {
if r.Match(lines[0]) {
return true
return false
func isGeneratedVisualStudio6(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".dsp" {
return false
for _, l := range getLines(content, 3) {
if bytes.Contains(l, []byte("# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File")) {
return true
return false
var haxeExtensions = map[string]struct{}{
".js": {},
".py": {},
".lua": {},
".cpp": {},
".h": {},
".java": {},
".cs": {},
".php": {},
func isGeneratedHaxe(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if _, ok := haxeExtensions[ext]; !ok {
return false
for _, l := range getLines(content, 3) {
if bytes.Contains(l, []byte("Generated by Haxe")) {
return true
return false
var (
doxygenRegex = regex.MustCompile(`<!--\s+Generated by Doxygen\s+[.0-9]+\s*-->`)
htmlMetaRegex = regex.MustCompile(`<meta(\s+[^>]+)>`)
htmlMetaContentRegex = regex.MustCompile(`\s+(name|content|value)\s*=\s*("[^"]+"|'[^']+'|[^\s"']+)`)
orgModeMetaRegex = regex.MustCompile(`org\s+mode`)
func isGeneratedHTML(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".html" && ext != ".htm" && ext != ".xhtml" {
return false
lines := getLines(content, 30)
// Pkgdown
for _, l := range lines[:2] {
if bytes.Contains(l, []byte("<!-- Generated by pkgdown: do not edit by hand -->")) {
return true
// Mandoc
if len(lines) > 2 &&
bytes.HasPrefix(lines[2], []byte("<!-- This is an automatically generated file.")) {
return true
// Doxygen
for _, l := range lines {
if doxygenRegex.Match(l) {
return true
// HTML tag: <meta name="generator" content="" />
part := bytes.ToLower(bytes.Join(lines, []byte{' '}))
part = bytes.ReplaceAll(part, []byte{'\n'}, []byte{})
part = bytes.ReplaceAll(part, []byte{'\r'}, []byte{})
matches := htmlMetaRegex.FindAll(part, -1)
if len(matches) == 0 {
return false
for _, m := range matches {
var name, value, content string
ms := htmlMetaContentRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(string(m), -1)
for _, m := range ms {
switch m[1] {
case "name":
name = m[2]
case "value":
value = m[2]
case "content":
content = m[2]
var val = value
if val == "" {
val = content
name = strings.Trim(name, `"'`)
val = strings.Trim(val, `"'`)
if name != "generator" || val == "" {
if strings.Contains(val, "jlatex2html") ||
strings.Contains(val, "latex2html") ||
strings.Contains(val, "groff") ||
strings.Contains(val, "makeinfo") ||
strings.Contains(val, "texi2html") ||
strings.Contains(val, "ronn") ||
orgModeMetaRegex.MatchString(val) {
return true
return false
func isGeneratedJooq(_, ext string, content []byte) bool {
if ext != ".java" {
return false
for _, l := range getLines(content, 2) {
if bytes.Contains(l, []byte("This file is generated by jOOQ.")) {
return true
return false
// getLines returns up to the first n lines. A negative index will return up to
// the last n lines in reverse order.
func getLines(content []byte, n int) [][]byte {
var result [][]byte
if n < 0 {
for pos := len(content); pos > 0 && len(result) < -n; {
nlpos := bytes.LastIndexByte(content[:pos], '\n')
if nlpos+1 < len(content)-1 {
result = append(result, content[nlpos+1:pos])
pos = nlpos
} else {
for pos := 0; pos < len(content) && len(result) < n; {
nlpos := bytes.IndexByte(content[pos:], '\n')
if nlpos < 0 && pos < len(content) {
nlpos = len(content)
} else if nlpos >= 0 {
nlpos += pos
result = append(result, content[pos:nlpos])
pos = nlpos + 1
return result
func forEachLine(content []byte, cb func([]byte)) {
var pos int
for pos < len(content) {
nlpos := bytes.IndexByte(content[pos:], '\n')
if nlpos < 0 && pos < len(content) {
nlpos = len(content)
} else if nlpos >= 0 {
nlpos += pos
pos = nlpos + 1
func countAppearancesInLine(line []byte, targets ...string) int {
var count int
for _, t := range targets {
count += bytes.Count(line, []byte(t))
return count