Luke Francl b248b21349 Expose LanguageInfo with all Linguist data
As discussed in https://github.com/go-enry/go-enry/issues/54, this provides an
API for accessing a LanguageInfo struct which is populated with all the data
from the Linguist YAML source file. Functions are provided to access the
LanguageInfo by name or ID.

The other top-level functions like GetLanguageExtensions, GetLanguageGroup, etc.
could in principle be implemented using this structure, which would simplify the
code generation. But that would be a big change so I didn't do any of that.
Perhaps in the next major version something like that would make sense.
2021-10-11 13:32:29 -07:00

100 lines
2.5 KiB

package data
// LanguageInfo exposes the data for a language's Linguist YAML entry as a Go struct.
// See https://github.com/github/linguist/blob/master/lib/linguist/languages.yml
type LanguageInfo struct {
Name string
FSName string
Type Type
Color string
Group string
Aliases []string
Extensions []string
Interpreters []string
Filenames []string
MimeType string
TMScope string
AceMode string
CodemirrorMode string
Wrap bool
LanguageID int
// LanguageInfoByName allows accessing LanguageInfo by a language's primary name.
var LanguageInfoByName = map[string]LanguageInfo{
{{range $language, $info := . -}}
"{{$language}}": LanguageInfo{
Name: "{{$language}}",
FSName: "{{$info.FSName}}",
Type: TypeForString("{{$info.Type}}"),
Color: "{{$info.Color}}",
Group: "{{$info.Group}}",
Aliases: []string{
{{range $alias := $info.Aliases -}}
{{end -}}
Extensions: []string{
{{range $extension := $info.Extensions -}}
{{end -}}
Interpreters: []string{
{{range $interpreter := $info.Interpreters -}}
{{end -}}
Filenames: []string{
{{range $filename := $info.Filenames -}}
{{end -}}
MimeType: "{{$info.MimeType}}",
TMScope: "{{$info.TMScope}}",
AceMode: "{{$info.AceMode}}",
CodemirrorMode: "{{$info.CodemirrorMode}}",
Wrap: {{$info.Wrap}},
LanguageID: {{$info.LanguageID}},
{{end -}}
// LanguageInfoByID allows accessing LanguageInfo by a language's ID.
var LanguageInfoByID = map[int]LanguageInfo{
{{range $language, $info := . -}}
{{$info.LanguageID}}: LanguageInfo{
Name: "{{$language}}",
FSName: "{{$info.FSName}}",
Type: TypeForString("{{$info.Type}}"),
Color: "{{$info.Color}}",
Group: "{{$info.Group}}",
Aliases: []string{
{{range $alias := $info.Aliases -}}
{{end -}}
Extensions: []string{
{{range $extension := $info.Extensions -}}
{{end -}}
Interpreters: []string{
{{range $interpreter := $info.Interpreters -}}
{{end -}}
Filenames: []string{
{{range $filename := $info.Filenames -}}
{{end -}}
MimeType: "{{$info.MimeType}}",
TMScope: "{{$info.TMScope}}",
AceMode: "{{$info.AceMode}}",
CodemirrorMode: "{{$info.CodemirrorMode}}",
Wrap: {{$info.Wrap}},
LanguageID: {{$info.LanguageID}},
{{end -}}