
450 lines
9.5 KiB

<div class="center" style="width: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">Centered text</div>
The '''blockquote''' tag will indent both margins when needed instead of the left margin only as the colon does.
Use <small >small text</small> only when necessary.
To match, for example, the font-size used in an image caption, the "small" tag can also be used to
<small style="font-size:87%;">reduce a text's font-size to 87%</small>.
Better not use <big>big text</big>, unless <small>it's <big>within</big> small</small> text.
x<sub>1</sub> x<sub>2</sub> x<sub>3</sub>
function <code>int m2()</code> is nice.
You can <del>indicate deleted material</del> and <ins>inserted material</ins>.
<div ></div >
<span <!-- this is a comment --> ></span>
<span class="citation {{{Citation class|{{{Citation type|}}}}}}"></span>
'<' Punctuation
'div' Name.Tag
' ' Text.Whitespace
'class' Name.Attribute
'=' Operator
'"' Literal.String.Double
'center' Literal.String.Double
'"' Literal.String.Double
' ' Text.Whitespace
'style' Name.Attribute
'=' Operator
'"' Literal.String.Double
'width' Literal.String.Double
':' Literal.String.Double
' ' Literal.String.Double
'auto' Literal.String.Double
';' Literal.String.Double
' ' Literal.String.Double
'margin' Literal.String.Double
'-' Literal.String.Double
'left' Literal.String.Double
':' Literal.String.Double
' ' Literal.String.Double
'auto' Literal.String.Double
';' Literal.String.Double
' ' Literal.String.Double
'margin' Literal.String.Double
'-' Literal.String.Double
'right' Literal.String.Double
':' Literal.String.Double
' ' Literal.String.Double
'auto' Literal.String.Double
';' Literal.String.Double
'"' Literal.String.Double
'>' Punctuation
'Centered' Text
' ' Text
'text' Text
'</' Punctuation
'div' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'\n' Text
'\n' Text
'<' Punctuation
'blockquote' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'\n' Text
'The' Text
' ' Text
"'''" Generic.Strong
'blockquote' Generic.Strong
"'''" Generic.Strong
' ' Text
'tag' Text
' ' Text
'will' Text
' ' Text
'indent' Text
' ' Text
'both' Text
' ' Text
'margins' Text
' ' Text
'when' Text
' ' Text
'needed' Text
' ' Text
'instead' Text
' ' Text
'of' Text
' ' Text
'the' Text
' ' Text
'left' Text
' ' Text
'margin' Text
' ' Text
'only' Text
' ' Text
'as' Text
' ' Text
'the' Text
' ' Text
'colon' Text
' ' Text
'does' Text
'.' Text
'\n' Text
'</' Punctuation
'blockquote' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'\n' Text
'\n' Text
'<' Punctuation
'div' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'\n' Text
'#' Keyword
'123' Text
'\n' Text
':' Keyword
'456' Text
'\n' Text
'----' Keyword
'\n' Text
'</' Punctuation
'div' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'\n' Text
'\n' Text
'Use' Text
' ' Text
'<' Punctuation
'small' Name.Tag
' >' Punctuation
'small' Text
' ' Text
'text' Text
'</' Punctuation
'small' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
' ' Text
'only' Text
' ' Text
'when' Text
' ' Text
'necessary' Text
'.' Text
'\n' Text
'\n' Text
'To' Text
' ' Text
'match' Text
',' Text
' ' Text
'for' Text
' ' Text
'example' Text
',' Text
' ' Text
'the' Text
' ' Text
'font' Text
'-' Text
'size' Text
' ' Text
'used' Text
' ' Text
'in' Text
' ' Text
'an' Text
' ' Text
'image' Text
' ' Text
'caption' Text
',' Text
' ' Text
'the' Text
' ' Text
'"' Text
'small' Text
'"' Text
' ' Text
'tag' Text
' ' Text
'can' Text
' ' Text
'also' Text
' ' Text
'be' Text
' ' Text
'used' Text
' ' Text
'to' Text
'\n' Text
'<' Punctuation
'small' Name.Tag
' ' Text.Whitespace
'style' Name.Attribute
'=' Operator
'"' Literal.String.Double
'font' Literal.String.Double
'-' Literal.String.Double
'size' Literal.String.Double
':' Literal.String.Double
'87' Literal.String.Double
'%' Literal.String.Double
';' Literal.String.Double
'"' Literal.String.Double
'>' Punctuation
'reduce' Text
' ' Text
'a' Text
' ' Text
'text' Text
"'" Text
's' Text
' ' Text
'font' Text
'-' Text
'size' Text
' ' Text
'to' Text
' ' Text
'87' Text
'%' Text
'</' Punctuation
'small' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'.' Text
'\n' Text
'\n' Text
'Better' Text
' ' Text
'not' Text
' ' Text
'use' Text
' ' Text
'<' Punctuation
'big' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'big' Text
' ' Text
'text' Text
'</' Punctuation
'big' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
',' Text
' ' Text
'unless' Text
' ' Text
'<' Punctuation
'small' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'it' Text
"'" Text
's' Text
' ' Text
'<' Punctuation
'big' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'within' Text
'</' Punctuation
'big' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
' ' Text
'small' Text
'</' Punctuation
'small' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
' ' Text
'text' Text
'.' Text
'\n' Text
'\n' Text
'x' Text
'<' Punctuation
'sub' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'1' Text
'</' Punctuation
'sub' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
' ' Text
'x' Text
'<' Punctuation
'sub' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'2' Text
'</' Punctuation
'sub' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
' ' Text
'x' Text
'<' Punctuation
'sub' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'3' Text
'</' Punctuation
'sub' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'\n' Text
'\n' Text
'function' Text
' ' Text
'<' Punctuation
'code' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'int' Text
' ' Text
'm2' Text
'(' Text
')' Text
'</' Punctuation
'code' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
' ' Text
'is' Text
' ' Text
'nice' Text
'.' Text
'\n' Text
'\n' Text
'You' Text
' ' Text
'can' Text
' ' Text
'<' Punctuation
'del' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'indicate' Text
' ' Text
'deleted' Text
' ' Text
'material' Text
'</' Punctuation
'del' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
' ' Text
'and' Text
' ' Text
'<' Punctuation
'ins' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'inserted' Text
' ' Text
'material' Text
'</' Punctuation
'ins' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'.' Text
'\n' Text
'\n' Text
'<' Punctuation
'div' Name.Tag
' >' Punctuation
'</' Punctuation
'div' Name.Tag
' ' Text.Whitespace
'>' Punctuation
'\n' Text
'\n' Text
'<' Punctuation
'span' Name.Tag
' ' Text.Whitespace
'<!-- this is a comment -->' Comment.Multiline
' >' Punctuation
'</' Punctuation
'span' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'\n' Text
'\n' Text
'<' Punctuation
'span' Name.Tag
' ' Text.Whitespace
'class' Name.Attribute
'=' Operator
'"' Literal.String.Double
'citation' Literal.String.Double
' ' Literal.String.Double
'{{{' Punctuation
'Citation class' Name.Variable
'|' Punctuation
'{{{' Punctuation
'Citation type' Name.Variable
'|' Punctuation
'}}}' Punctuation
'}}}' Punctuation
'"' Literal.String.Double
'>' Punctuation
'</' Punctuation
'span' Name.Tag
'>' Punctuation
'\n' Text
'\n' Text
'<' Text
'a' Text
'>' Text
'<' Text
'/' Text
'a' Text
'>' Text
'\n' Text