import subprocess import sys from PySide2.QtCore import QFile, QObject from PySide2.QtUiTools import QUiLoader from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QGraphicsScene from monitor_item import MonitorItem def parse_monitor(line): parts = line.split() name = parts[0] primary = "primary" in parts w_in_mm, h_in_mm = [p.split("mm")[0] for p in parts if p.endswith("mm")] res_x, res_y = [p for p in parts if "x" in p][0].split("+")[0].split("x") pos_x, pos_y = [p for p in parts if "x" in p][0].split("+")[1:] print(name, pos_x, pos_y) return ( name, primary, int(res_x), int(res_y), int(w_in_mm), int(h_in_mm), int(pos_x), int(pos_y), ) class Window(QObject): def __init__(self, ui): super().__init__() self.ui = ui self.ui.screenCombo.currentTextChanged.connect(self.monitor_selected) self.xrandr_info = {} self.get_xrandr_info() self.fill_ui() def fill_ui(self): """Load data from xrandr and setup the whole thing.""" self.scene = QGraphicsScene(self) self.ui.sceneView.setScene(self.scene) self.ui.screenCombo.clear() for name, monitor in self.xrandr_info.items(): self.ui.screenCombo.addItem(name) mon_item = MonitorItem(0, 0, monitor["res_x"], monitor["res_y"], name=name) mon_item.setPos(monitor["pos_x"], monitor["pos_y"]) self.scene.addItem(mon_item) monitor["item"] = mon_item self.adjust_view() def adjust_view(self): self.ui.sceneView.ensureVisible(self.scene.sceneRect(), 100, 100) scale_factor = 0.7 * min( self.ui.sceneView.width() / self.scene.sceneRect().width(), self.ui.sceneView.height() / self.scene.sceneRect().height(), ) self.ui.sceneView.scale(scale_factor, scale_factor) def get_xrandr_info(self): data = subprocess.check_output(["xrandr"]).decode("utf-8").splitlines() outputs = [x for x in data if x and x[0] not in "S \t"] for o in outputs: name, primary, res_x, res_y, w_in_mm, h_in_mm, pos_x, pos_y = parse_monitor( o ) self.xrandr_info[name] = dict( primary=primary, res_x=res_x, res_y=res_y, w_in_mm=w_in_mm, h_in_mm=h_in_mm, pos_x=pos_x, pos_y=pos_y, ) def monitor_selected(self, name): print(name) if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) ui_file = QFile("main.ui") loader = QUiLoader() window = Window(loader.load(ui_file)) sys.exit(app.exec_())