Make image smaller, use the correct platform

This commit is contained in:
Roberto Alsina 2023-06-01 19:32:12 -03:00
parent 94ea99983c
commit ad164ac7f2
1 changed files with 13 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -1,30 +1,28 @@
FROM crystallang/crystal:1.8.0 as builder
FROM --platform=${TARGETPLATFORM:-linux/amd64} as watchdog
FROM --platform=${TARGETPLATFORM:-linux/amd64} alpine as build
RUN apt update \
&& apt install -y curl \
&& echo "Pulling watchdog binary from Github." \
&& curl -sSL > /usr/bin/fwatchdog \
&& chmod +x /usr/bin/fwatchdog
RUN apk add crystal shards
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY . .
COPY function/shard.yml shard.yml
RUN shards install
RUN crystal build -o handler --release
FROM crystallang/crystal:1.8.0
RUN apt install ca-certificates
RUN crystal build -o handler --release --static
RUN strip handler
FROM --platform=${TARGETPLATFORM:-linux/amd64} alpine as ship
# Add non root user
RUN adduser app
RUN mkdir -p /home/app
# Add non root user
RUN addgroup -S app && adduser app -S -G app
RUN chown app /home/app
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY --from=builder /usr/bin/fwatchdog .
COPY --from=builder /home/app/function/ .
COPY --from=builder /home/app/handler .
COPY --from=build /home/app/function/ .
COPY --from=build /home/app/handler .
COPY --from=watchdog /fwatchdog /home/app/fwatchdog
RUN chmod +x /home/app/fwatchdog
RUN chown -R app /home/app