
59 lines
1016 B

# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
## [0.7.0] - 2024-09-10
### 🚀 Features
- Higher level API (`to_html` and `to_ansi`)
- Use the native crystal highlighter
### 🐛 Bug Fixes
- Ameba
- Variable bame in Hacefile
- Make it easier to import the Ansi formatter
- Renamed BaseLexer to Lexer and Lexer to RegexLexer to make API nicer
- Make install work
### 📚 Documentation
- Mention AUR package
### 🧪 Testing
- Add CI workflows
### ⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- Pre-commit hooks
- Git-cliff config
- Started changelog
- Force conventional commit messages
- Force conventional commit messages
- Updated pre-commit
- *(ignore)* Fix tests
- Added badges
- Added badges
- *(ignore)* Removed random file
### Build
- Switch from Makefile to Hacefile
- Added do_release script
- Fix markdown check
### Bump
- Release v0.6.4
- Release v0.6.4
## [0.6.1] - 2024-08-25
### 📚 Documentation
- Improve readme and help message
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