Josh Soref 53b48a4669 spelling: through
Signed-off-by: Josh Soref <2119212+jsoref@users.noreply.github.com>
2022-10-06 13:25:49 -04:00

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# enry-java
## Usage
`enry-java` package is available through [maven central](http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Ca%3A%22enry-java%22),
so it be used easily added as a dependency in various package management systems.
Examples of how to handle it for most commons systems are included below,
for other systems just look at maven central's dependency information.
### Apache Maven
### Scala SBT
libraryDependencies += "tech.sourced" % "enry-java" % enryVersion
## Build
### Requirements
* `sbt`
* `Java` (tested with Java 1.8)
* `wget`
* `Go` (only for building the shared objects for your operating system)
### Generate jar with Java bindings and shared libraries
You need to do this before exporting the jar and/or testing.
This will download JNAerator jar to generate the code from the `libenry.h` header file, it will be placed under `lib`.
The shared libraries for your operating system will be built if needed and copied inside the `shared` directory.
For IntelliJ and other IDEs remember to mark `shared` folder as sources and add `lib/enry.jar` as library. If you use `sbt` from the command line directly that's already taken care of.
### Run tests
make test
### Export jar
make package
Will build fatJar under `./target/enry-java-assembly-X.X.X.jar`.
One can use `./sbt publish-local` to install enry-java dependency on local machine.